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Nice to see you, too!   :D


Don't blink or you will miss me because I am off to kids' camp tomorrow through Saturday.  May the force be with me.  Do not worry about me in my absence.  I promise I have not been swept away in a flood, a tornado, or an earthquake.

Are you going to text me?  Or are you beyond the pale of civilization?  

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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Jean and Slache- hope your backs are improving!


I am on my phone and it's 5:45 am and I'm nursing baby beside sleeping DH; otherwise I would have been lol-ing at the last page and a half of catchup. A whole bunch of likes for all the liking I can't figure out how to do on phone.


And a smiley, too. :-)

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Our house, 28 seconds ago:


dd3-  <sniff sniff followed by dramatic tears and wail>  "bwaaaAAAAAaaaaaa!!!! MOOOOOOOMMMMMMY!!!!! Tell.him.now!!!  I DON"T want to play with him!!!!!!"


ds7- <big eyes of dovelike innocence and calm rationality> "But Mom.  I'm not playing with her.  I'm running a test on her.  She's my minion."




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I need a vacation.

I do, too! All by myself. Like when I tagged along with DH on a business trip to Vegas several years ago and all I did was sit in the extremely comfortable chair in the hotel room with a carton of ice cream and the remote control. Oh yeah, and watched the maid come in and clean the bathroom and make the bed. Now, that's the kind of vacation I need right now!
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I do, too! All by myself. Like when I tagged along with DH on a business trip to Vegas several years ago and all I did was sit in the extremely comfortable chair in the hotel room with a carton of ice cream and the remote control. Oh yeah, and watched the maid come in and clean the bathroom and make the bed. Now, that's the kind of vacation I need right now!


OK, you win.  Your SAHM to 5 job is undoubtedly more taxing than my desk job.  LOL

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After the big lightning storm last night, internet service was out until about an hour ago. Horrors! It was as though the apocalypse was upon us!


Hope everyone's backs improve today! Break a leg, Ellie!


We leave for MN at 6am tomorrow, so I have a great deal of packing/cleaning/etc., etc., etc. to take care of today. Dh has taken off a half day of work and is on his way home!

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I've emptied the dishwasher, started some laundry and got the baby on the changing table. I'm definitely doing a lot better. Because of the slew of bills that are probably already on their way I canceled my RightStart games.  :crying: I'm going to go listen to the timeline song in sadness now.

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Ladies, first of all my deepest apologies for disappearing from this thread for two solid weeks.  Life got busy and interesting.  TS Bill was only one part of it.  My last straw was having to come online to deal with being hacked in FB today.  (I have now requested permanent deletion of my FB account.  I want no more of that kind of mess.)  The up-side of dealing with that mess is that I'm actually back on the computer, reminding me I have been gone from the thread for too long.


Sooooo,   LOTS of HUGE hugs to make up for all of the hugs I wasn't here to give.  I hope you have all been healthy and happy while I was out.


I will slowly work on getting caught back up (must read since my last post, which I think was on page 162).  I might work backwards, since I have such a big time gap to get through.


Anybody got any chocolate to spare?


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After the big lightning storm last night, internet service was out until about an hour ago. Horrors! It was as though the apocalypse was upon us!


Hope everyone's backs improve today! Break a leg, Ellie!


We leave for MN at 6am tomorrow, so I have a great deal of packing/cleaning/etc., etc., etc. to take care of today. Dh has taken off a half day of work and is on his way home!


I grew up in MN!  Please say Hi to it for me while you are there.  Enjoy your trip!  (Unless it's for a sad reason.  If that's the case I'm sorry for my out-of-touch insensitivity, and my condolences.)

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I do, too! All by myself. Like when I tagged along with DH on a business trip to Vegas several years ago and all I did was sit in the extremely comfortable chair in the hotel room with a carton of ice cream and the remote control. Oh yeah, and watched the maid come in and clean the bathroom and make the bed. Now, that's the kind of vacation I need right now!


I, too, could go for this right now.

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Our house, 28 seconds ago:


dd3-  <sniff sniff followed by dramatic tears and wail>  "bwaaaAAAAAaaaaaa!!!! MOOOOOOOMMMMMMY!!!!! Tell.him.now!!!  I DON"T want to play with him!!!!!!"


ds7- <big eyes of dovelike innocence and calm rationality> "But Mom.  I'm not playing with her.  I'm running a test on her.  She's my minion."





I can safely say:  they do NOT grow out of this by the teen years.

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I'm sorry about your back Jean. I've had spasms before, but nothing like this.


Quackers, it's the check mark in the upper right corner.


Really?  The checkmark is a like?  Oh, good.  *wipes brow in relief*  I tried that when I first saw it some months back, but then stopped when I suddenly got the idea the checkmark was for reporting bad posts.


*phew*  So glad it is a Like.

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I grew up in MN! Please say Hi to it for me while you are there. Enjoy your trip! (Unless it's for a sad reason. If that's the case I'm sorry for my out-of-touch insensitivity, and my condolences.)

Oh I will! It is a happy occasion - family reunion in Farmington and a quick field trip to Walnut Grove to the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum and the farm where my mom grew up (Kiester, MN). (I grew up in Burnsville.)


I am sorry for your troubles, and glad to have you back with us!

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I, too, could go for this right now.

You know, we could all meet at the Las Vegas Hilton (that's where we stayed, very comfortable chair with a huge ottoman for the feet, I love ottomans) and haul our chairs into the same room with our ice creams and watch hours and hours of crime dramas.

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Ladies, first of all my deepest apologies for disappearing from this thread for two solid weeks.  Life got busy and interesting.  TS Bill was only one part of it.  My last straw was having to come online to deal with being hacked in FB today.  (I have now requested permanent deletion of my FB account.  I want no more of that kind of mess.)  The up-side of dealing with that mess is that I'm actually back on the computer, reminding me I have been gone from the thread for too long.


Sooooo,   LOTS of HUGE hugs to make up for all of the hugs I wasn't here to give.  I hope you have all been healthy and happy while I was out.


I will slowly work on getting caught back up (must read since my last post, which I think was on page 162).  I might work backwards, since I have such a big time gap to get through.


Anybody got any chocolate to spare?


BTW, I did the calculation (rather compelled to run calculations now when I encounter them, much to my kids' dismay -- "Mom, it's not school time!  Why do we have to calculate NOW?") and I have a bit over 20 pages of posts to catch up on.  At 50 posts per page that makes 1000+ posts for me to go read.  I'm going backwards this time.


Oh, and whomever has been getting hurt (talk of hurt backs in the most recent posts), I hope you are getting batter, and here are hugs for you (gentle hugs):


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



*sigh*  Better -- I hope you are getting better.

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so, tomorrow, I will be an extra on the set of a TV show. Call time is 7:30 a.m. o_0 I could be there up to 12 hours, so y'all will have to play nice without me.


What show?  :bigear: :bigear:   And how'd it go today?

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Twenty-one pages of posts to catch up on

Twenty-one pages of po-o-o-o-osts

I got through one

before being blinded by the sun

Twenty more pages of posts to catch up on!


I gotta go close that blind.

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My building thinking skills book came.


A question that's completely unrelated to me in any way... what's that condition where people pretend to be sick all of the time for attention?


In case you didn't get a response:  I believe you are thinking of Munchausen's (spelling might be questionable).  That is people who make themselves sick or pretend to be sick for the attention it gets them.  People who make others sick so they themselves get attention (usually acting in a "caregiver" role) have Munchausen's-By-Proxie.  Pam Dawber was in a movie about that some years back (which is the extent of my knowledge on the topic, but somehow the reason I remember the disorder's name).

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Well, this conversation has taken an interesting turn in my absence.


P.S. Do you all think that I need to tell my husband that Ted Cruz wants to meet me for lunch?


Really?  What are his intentions?  If it is innocent then you can safely tell DH (assuming he doesn't have a personal or political beef with the guy).  If it is not innocent I recommend you consider DH's probable reactions, and whether someone you wish to stay safe would end up in the hospital, jail, or morgue.


Gotta watch those political boys.  They know how to talk fancy and get folks to do stuff.  <lecturing matriarch icon here>

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I can't tell if anything's funny.


Everyone should own a foam roller.


I'm changing my fitness habits. :crying:


The rollers are nice, but getting back up off of the floor after using one can be tricky sometimes.

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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


So sorry to hear this!  (And glad it was so recent, and you haven't been suffering for two weeks.)  I hope it all continues to get better quickly and that no serious damage has been done.


Lots and lots of gentle hugs for you:  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Overheard just now (from the almost-14-year-old, to the 11-year-old):  "If you bite me I'll scratch you!"


"Hey, if you two are bickering you can just put the game away!"  (< me, of course)


"We're not bickering."  (Both kids insist this.)




Oh, I get it.  Their Monopoly tokens were bickering.



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Maybe she went to Nigeria with my long-lost, never-heard-of-before uncle who was supposed to be wiring me $7 million. :toetap05:


They went wearing the Ray-Bans that I amazingly managed to advertise on FB (28 times!!!!) without even knowing it, and tagging not only only myself but everyone I had friended.  They took their pals with them, those guys who were commenting so gushingly about the Ray-Bans after I magically posted about them.

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...but wait...I'm your friend, and you've never told *me* any of this. Hmph.


Not even her passwords.  Krissi could at least have shared her passwords with us.

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So in reflecting on our glorious history together as we drove back from Panera tonight, dh and I realized Oh. We've been married 12 years. Not 13. 





Losing our minds early, apparently.  We should be a real hoot in the dementia wing someday, five kids in tow and all that.  


DH and I managed to prevent that problem (hopefully!) going in.  We got married in 2000, so all we have to do is look at what year it is to remember which anniversary it is.


We also got married in the same month in which we met, which was the same month in which we first dated (3 years after first meeting), the month in which DH actually proposed (finally, after I told him I wouldn't say No if he asked), and the month in which 3 family members had birthdays.  We figured the month would be hard to forget, too, and we were right.


Unfortunately our anniversary is towards the end of the month, and MORE family was born in that month in the years following.  Now we typically end up with relief that we made it through all of the birthdays without forgetting any, only to realize we have an anniversary, too (sometimes remembered the night before as we check the calendar because it feels like we were forgetting someone --oh, yeah, US).

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You know, we could all meet at the Las Vegas Hilton (that's where we stayed, very comfortable chair with a huge ottoman for the feet, I love ottomans) and haul our chairs into the same room with our ice creams and watch hours and hours of crime dramas.


*sigh*  Crime dramas -- you are a girl after my own heart!  I'd love a crime-drama-watching buddy!

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Oh I will! It is a happy occasion - family reunion in Farmington and a quick field trip to Walnut Grove to the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum and the farm where my mom grew up (Kiester, MN). (I grew up in Burnsville.)


I am sorry for your troubles, and glad to have you back with us!


Our family farm was outside of St. Peter.  I have relatives all over the Twin Cities and Nicollet County, and some of my ancestors were clustered around Bird Island.  We used to drive to Walnut Grove and various other LIW sites on family road trips to SD when I was growing up.  Give big waves to all of the places for me, please!


Thank you, and enjoy your trip!

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Hornblower, sorry for you loss.  :grouphug:


(and sorry for bringing it up a week later, but I wanted to say something)


Lots of hugs for Hornblower and her family.  Deep condolences.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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"How much do I have to pay to get Padre Island?" 


:confused1: :confused1: :confused1:   I know we live in TX, but I didn't think we were going for coastal property just yet.


Oh, yeah, the kids are playing National Parks Monopoly.... 


Years and years ago towns could contract to have made a Monopoly game using properties and sites from the actual town.  I still have The Mankato Game.  I wonder if they are still doing it -- maybe I can convince my current town that it would be a great way to promote our community.  I'd love to own the local water authority....

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Not even her passwords. Krissi could at least have shared her passwords with us.

Oh you guys... you could have looked that one up on my profile. I use my birthday as my passwords, just like everyone else! Rachel told me that's what everyone does!
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Sorry about the mama cat :(


Yay for getting Marley!


Sometimes the best things in life don't make sense.


So very very sorry to hear about Mama.  Glad they got Marley.


No sense at all.  :sad:

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Oh you guys... you could have looked that one up on my profile. I use my birthday as my passwords, just like everyone else! Rachel told me that's what everyone does!


Oh, of course!  Birthdays and user names!  Okay, now we have your back.  We'll post for you when you aren't online!


And a Booyah.  First time in weeks.  Yay!



ETA -- how did this become an end of page post?  When I posted it I edited to add the Booyah because it showed up as the first of the next page!  Did someone delete a post somewhere?

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I'm not actually going to tell you that I have an oreo truffel recipe because no one really should have that recipe, but maybe someone should ask at some point when they're having company over so they don't eat it all themselves.


I'm asking now, please.  Just in case the recipe isn't further down this same page of threads (which I haven't gotten to yet). 


Pretty please?

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