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Yeah. From what I can tell its a video, then practice problems? I could totally be wrong about that. Do you just have her do one video/set of problems a day? Or per week? Or does she do the next one when she feels she's mastered the previous one? I have a 10 and 7 year old I'd like to set up with khan over the summer, but I just am not sure how.



OK - I'm going to cut and paste from a bunch of different threads because I've explained this a lot (not in the ITT thread!) and I'm having a very bad pain/fatigue day and just cannot type this all out anew.  Note:  this is how I use it with the intent of it being a math curriculum and not just for practice.  Most people use it differently on this board.  


"I use Khan exclusively for math.  I am beside the student the entire time.  I teach the concepts.  Mainly that is because dd absolutely hates the videos but it is also because if I teach it, it is interactive and I can see if she is getting it.  I have a system for Khan - Mission Foundations must be done in order.  After that, dd may choose from the other math topics.  We always do a mastery challenge (or two or however many there are available) at the start of each session.  And then we always do two topics.  (I say always, but because I'm right there, we might do more or less depending on how well she's getting it, her frustration level etc.)  Dd has gone from 2 years behind in math, to only 1  year behind (and probably less because there is some overlap).  Dd does struggle with math and Khan has been the only program that has not reduced her to tears and a flat out refusal to even try.  "  (BTW since I wrote this post a few months ago, dd is now at her math grade level.  Her improvement in math was borne out by higher math scores in standardized testing as well.  



"Mission Foundations must be done in order and they must be done before moving on to anything else for that grade level.  After that, dd may choose from the other math topics.  We always do a mastery challenge (or two or however many there are available) at the start of each session.  And then we always do two topics.  (I say always, but because I'm right there, we might do more or less depending on how well she's getting it, her frustration level etc.)  Dd has gone from 2 years behind in math, to only 1  year behind (and probably less because there is some overlap).  Dd does struggle with math and Khan has been the only program that has not reduced her to tears and a flat out refusal to even try.  As I said up thread, I am always sitting right next to her.  We do not use the videos because she hates the videos.  We look at the new topic.  Sometimes she gets it intuitively because the topics we did right before it were leading right up to this next step.  Sometimes I teach the new concept.  Sometimes I let her try and if she gets stuck she looks at the hints where they spell out how they solved the problem and she sees how it is done that way.  Rarely I see that she's just not ready for that topic yet so we shelve it and go to some unrelated topics for awhile.  Invariably when we go back, she's ready to move on in that topic.  She is a visual spatial learner and Khan meets some kind of need for her that the more linear programs just did not meet.  "


Really deep homeschool stuff is not allowed here. I think. I only post homeschool angst. Nothing deep.

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See, if I had known this would be a thing, I would have used it earlier when my space bar wasn't working. However, that belongs in the *other thread, not here. Stop confusing things.

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See, if I had known this would be a thing, I would have used it earlier when my space bar wasn't working. However, that belongs in the *other thread, not here. Stop confusing things.

You are so right.


Oops. Imeant to quote your other post.


Stoopid tablet.

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awww, Cute.   :001_smile:


I was temporarily drawn into the Goodbye thread, but decided I just can't commit to any more addictive nonsense.  


However, all the butt talk there reminded me that my little kiddos were asking how CC works and when I mentioned that teachers there are called tutors, they burst out laughing.


(flatulence in our house is called having toots.)  



ETA:  Aaaaand a booyah, without even trying.  This is getting too easy.


A family member called me the other day solely to tell me this joke: 


What do you call a homeschool mom who doesn't fart in front on her kids?


A private tooter. 



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Goooooooood morning! I missed the #hashtagfun last night I see. Like Jean, I can not read them without my eyes going wiggly. Likewise I can't watch the kids play minecraft either. (Yea, I'm one of THOSE moms. My kids play tablet games) Makes me seasick. ðŸ˜

Apologies for the homeschool related question. It won't happen again.

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Goooooooood morning! I missed the #hashtagfun last night I see. Like Jean, I can not read them without my eyes going wiggly. Likewise I can't watch the kids play minecraft either. (Yea, I'm one of THOSE moms. My kids play tablet games) Makes me seasick. ðŸ˜

Apologies for the homeschool related question. It won't happen again.

What's minecraft?

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A video game. I honestly do not understand the appeal-basically, you build structures using bricks/blocks. Apparently you can also set it up to play online and other people can come into your world, but we don't do it that way. Mine just play on their own world on a tablet. They've made houses and pools and farms. However, I think it's kind of boring. There was a heated thread about it on Chat, about its value vs knitting or something like that.

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A video game. I honestly do not understand the appeal-basically, you build structures using bricks/blocks. Apparently you can also set it up to play online and other people can come into your world, but we don't do it that way. Mine just play on their own world on a tablet. They've made houses and pools and farms. However, I think it's kind of boring. There was a heated thread about it on Chat, about its value vs knitting or something like that.

I would have been on the knitting side, but minecraft sounds like fun.

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Seriously?? You used THE WRONG ITS in this thread???!!! :ohmy: :svengo:


I humbly beg your majesty's pardon and throw myself on your mercy.  I have been too deprived, having been gone from this thread for too long and having too many interruptions slowing down my return and catching up, as well.  I would blame it on autocorrect (because it does that ALL of the time), but I was on my computer and not my phone, so that wouldn't be honest.


Please have mercy on me and help me to recover from my exhaustion and the unrelenting inundation of incorrect grammar and punctuation I have been drowning in while away from this lifeline thread.


*on knees with hands clasped imploringly*


 I think I need therapy chocolate.

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I would have been on the knitting side, but minecraft sounds like fun.

I finally had to ban Minecraft from our house because my kids were weirdly addicted to it and couldn't get their lessons done and fought over it constantly. But then, I also banned Pokemon cards from the house for the same reason. I am so mean.

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Wait...are we allowed to write "nipples" in this thread???


Whyever not?


I used to have a bucket full of nipples.  Then my youngest nephew was put in daycare instead of coming to my house so much, so I donated all of the baby feeding stuff to the local women's shelter.


See?  Perfectly fine topic for conversation!

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My apologies!


I can't go back and read 139 pages, are the ground rules just don't call anyone random? Or stupid? I can deal with that.


How do you expect to understand a community if you don't become familiar with the culture and history of said community?  You are supposed to read the entire thread so you know all of the intricacies of ignoring threads and can fit in here seamlessly. 


Now, go do your homework, and take the quiz that comes at the end.  Once you have that I'd like to talk to you about our flood sale on bridges....

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The rules are much more involved than that, but you are hereby exempt from all rules because I said so.  :coolgleamA:


Excusing her from the necessary work will only serve her badly in the long run.  How is she supposed to earn her ITT diploma without doing the necessary work?

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Some here want the entire thread read, but I am loosey goosey so as long as you avoid calling our precious thread derogatory names, you're good.


*sigh*  Okay, if TX Mama extraordinaire wants to help Tsuga with the abridged studies then who am I to say nay?  But I am counting on you, tex, to make sure her education in thorough and complete here.  We are not handing out empty credentials.


Now Tsuga, about that bridge I have for sale....

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A video game. I honestly do not understand the appeal-basically, you build structures using bricks/blocks. Apparently you can also set it up to play online and other people can come into your world, but we don't do it that way. Mine just play on their own world on a tablet. They've made houses and pools and farms. However, I think it's kind of boring. There was a heated thread about it on Chat, about its value vs knitting or something like that.


Thanks!  I've wondered what it is too.  My ds would be addicted.  Valuable or not, I think I'll try to avoid it.  

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I'm a really bad parent. I don't think we'll ever have video games. Or a TV. Or many other things everyone else will have. People have seriously judged us for our lack of electronics and toys but my kids are some of the happiest kids I know so I think they'll survive.


They do have toys, but not as many as most kids.

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Goooooooood morning! I missed the #hashtagfun last night I see. Like Jean, I can not read them without my eyes going wiggly. Likewise I can't watch the kids play minecraft either. (Yea, I'm one of THOSE moms. My kids play tablet games) Makes me seasick. ðŸ˜

Apologies for the homeschool related question. It won't happen again.


I was joking. You can post homeschool stuff. They get answered, then ignored. Like everything else in this thread.

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I'm a really bad parent. I don't think we'll ever have video games. Or a TV. Or many other things everyone else will have. People have seriously judged us for our lack of electronics and toys but my kids are some of the happiest kids I know so I think they'll survive.


They do have toys, but not as many as most kids.


I hate electronic toys. Dh laughs because every time family members give electronics as gifts, I take the batteries out of them. I have lots of toys, but I also had a home daycare. Most of the toys are open-ended (blocks, legos, other building type stuff). 

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I did manage to empty a file box today and throw away nearly all of the contents.  I worked on another box, too, but only got rid of half of those contents.  Still, it's progress!


Just to say:  I've now emptied SEVERAL banker's boxes of old papers, so I haven't been slacking off while off thread.  I found some treasured old photo albums of my great aunt's, too, which I had been worried about for quite some time now as they weren't where I thought they were.  *phew*


Still plugging away, however. 

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I hate electronic toys. Dh laughs because every time family members give electronics as gifts, I take the batteries out of them. I have lots of toys, but I also had a home daycare. Most of the toys are open-ended (blocks, legos, other building type stuff).

Yep. That's us. Magnatiles, legos, play silk, costumes, instruments, a kitchen, little people, stuffed animals, and art supplies. I think that's about it. They do each have a stuffed dog that sings to them.

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Well since I finally submitted my big school assignment last night, I may actually have time to do that.  Or I could catch up on cleaning....never mind, off to read I go.


Good girl!  Here, you get chocolate.  *give*

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Do ego boots have heels?  Stilettos so that you are taller than everyone around?  


No, because I will fall off of stilletos or any other high heel, and that is NOT boosting to my ego.  Ego boots are clod-stompin' go-anywhere clunky hiking boots that make you feel there is NO mountain that is unassailable!

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Nan appears to be in the last stages.  She doesn't eat and drinks only a tiny bit.  She sleeps most of the day.  This is a good thing for Nan.  I think we are looking at a week or two, but no one can predict these things.  She has just taken such a nosedive with the UTI and coming back from respite.  I guess it's possible that she could rally, but for her sake, I hope not.  She would not want to be here like this.


We processed with the kids and learned their thoughts, feelings, and wishes.  The boys are able to manage it pretty well at their ages, but little dd has some fear and does not want to interact with Nan when she is like this or see her body after she passes.  I can send her to a friend's house when the time comes.  Also, Nan is now in a room with the door closed in bed so no one sees her unless they go into the room. 







That is the biggest the font will go for me.  Lots of love and hugs to you all.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I play Minecraft.  And Runescape.  My kid's friends ask if they can play with me because they've never played computer games with a mom before and they think it is super awesome.   :coolgleamA: In Runescape I've had kids tell me all their social problems and about their infected piercings!  My kids think that part is hilarious.  

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Quoting self for AMJ. ^^^ eggplant recipe


I'm useless for recipes. I detest cooking and try to avoid if at all possible.

My chard goes in green smoothies. :)


Thank you!

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We had a kitten emergency this morning, but all is well.


The craziest one (the gray one) managed to get the string from a stick toy wound around the pipe at the back of the toilet with three of his back toes caught in it.  He screamed and struggled.  Dh was upstairs, heard it, saw the emergency and came to get me.  I ran up there, didn't grab no shoes or nothin'!  I ran for his life!*  When I arrived, I tried to untangle the toy, and he bit and scratched me and wouldn't let go.  Then I was screaming, and the kitten was screaming.  The mama cat didn't know what to do and thought her baby was having a fit so she grabbed him and batted him with her back feet.  His brother was stuck in the area with him so I freed him.  I yelled for dh to get some scissors quick!  So he went downstairs to find some and came back with them.  I cut the strings until the kitten was loose.  I was bleeding from kitten bites and scratches, and the kitten still had tight strings wrapped around his toes, threatening to cut off circulation.  Ds12 stumbled upstairs at this moment due to the brouhaha.  He was half asleep and I thrust the kitten at him and told him to scruff it so I could I cut off the strings.  I did a thorough evaluation, and though it is swollen, all appears to be in working order.  He puts weight on it.  I separated him from the rest and have held him or had a dc hold him until he is better recovered.  


*channeling Sweet Brown in the event of this emergency


Nan declining combined with kitten emergencies.  Ain't nobody got time for that.


Super Mom to the rescue once again!  You are AWESOME.


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I skip the bandaids and go straight for the Benadryl.


I should buy stock in Benadryl.  I use the stuff religiously on the bites, but inevitably the med wears off in the middle of the night when I'm most deeply asleep.  That's when the unconscious scratching occurs, so the preventive measures are Bendadryl, then bandaids.

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I humbly beg your majesty's pardon and throw myself on your mercy.  I have been too deprived, having been gone from this thread for too long and having too many interruptions slowing down my return and catching up, as well.  I would blame it on autocorrect (because it does that ALL of the time), but I was on my computer and not my phone, so that wouldn't be honest.


Please have mercy on me and help me to recover from my exhaustion and the unrelenting inundation of incorrect grammar and punctuation I have been drowning in while away from this lifeline thread.


*on knees with hands clasped imploringly*


 I think I need therapy chocolate.


You have no excuse for not catching up. We have a newbie to the thread that has read the ENTIRE thing.

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Has everyone here seen SproutMamaK's thread about voting for her dad's picture? He is trying to win a contest so he can go home to Holland to visit family he has not seen in many years. If you haven't yet go check out her thread  and then head over here to vote for her dad's picture. Right now he's in third place, 35 votes behind first. Let's harness the Power of the Hive to make this happen :) You can share her link on facebook or elsewhere as well to get more people involved.


I'm sorry I missed it, I would have voted for him.  How did he do?  Did he get it?

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Yep. That's us. Magnatiles, legos, play silk, costumes, instruments, a kitchen, little people, stuffed animals, and art supplies. I think that's about it. They do each have a stuffed dog that sings to them.


This. And puzzles. Don't forget puzzles. Puzzles are good (although you have to contain the pieces). We happen to be a puzzle family that likes many-pieced ones, too. Haven't done one in a while though.

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What about pickled pig feet? I remember once seeing a big ole jar of it sitting on my pastor's kitchen cabinet. They are from New Orleans.  :mellow:


Sounds hilarious!


When visiting Grandma we stayed at Aunt P's house.  She has frequent gatherings of her offspring and their offspring, so we knew we'd get in some good visiting with goofballs of our kind.  We decided to take them some "real Texas food", and stopped off at Buckee's on the drive up.  Along with the Beaver Nuggets we picked up a jar of pickled quail's eggs that I had spotted.  Yup, sure 'nuf, one of the cousins had the guts to open them and try them, and another was sucker enough to try them even after seeing his brother's expression.  Then their mother (DH's first cousin) tried them just to see, and we got a very detailed description of the vileness of the experience.


They did like the corn and bean salsa we brought up, though!

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I was going to respond, but I think it was hornblower that beat me to it. Ratatouille is good. I have a vegetarian slow cooker book with that recipe.


I will try this, thank you.

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By the way, I know I'm late to the party here but you all were having too much fun not to join in.


Welcome!  (said in an eerie Vincent Price voice)

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I play Minecraft.  And Runescape.  My kid's friends ask if they can play with me because they've never played computer games with a mom before and they think it is super awesome.   :coolgleamA: In Runescape I've had kids tell me all their social problems and about their infected piercings!  My kids think that part is hilarious.  

I can't do this. If I have something like that I do it all.the.time. and get nothing else done. I've been *really* bad lately with the hive. AND IT'S JUST A WEBSITE! It became a habit between my foot injury and my tooth back to back, now it's just a bad habit. Minecraft would be terrible for me.


This. And puzzles. Don't forget puzzles. Puzzles are good (although you have to contain the pieces). We happen to be a puzzle family that likes many-pieced ones, too. Haven't done one in a while though.

Yes. And I forgot to mention swords. Nerf swords. They were like $13 each at Target. I recommend.

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Well if you know the children I was raising you would understand why I was a wee bit crazy but totally congratulating me for not snapping and "going postal" :lol:


I might have to change my profile pic, we no longer have cats living here, the last of them were rehomed the other day, due to ds11's allergies.  Sad day for our house as we are cat people and now we can't have them.  The kids recommended we keep the cats and rehome ds11 but I am kind of partial to him so got to stay :p


I'm glad you kept him.  So, why not keep the profile pic?  I'm sure it's one cat your DS won't react to (at least not allergically)....

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