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cue heebee jeebee dance


SO there I was minding my own business, cleaning out the cesspool that is my boy's bedroom, when I notice one of the huge spiders currently infesting my house crawling down the front of my shirt.  I am extremely phobic of spiders.  Can't scream because dd7 is asleep in the room ajoining the the boys.  Use a dirty to sock to squish it, or so I think, get up from floor and look under sock no spider, look around me, it is now crawling up the back of my leg.  jump up and down and use another sock to brush it off.  Run from bedroom vowing to let them keep it a mess, and go have a shower.  My kids are laughing at me that I needed to shower in the middle of the night because a spider crawled on me.  They just don't get it, those things are nasty.  My heart is still racing and I am starting to feel sick to my stomach due to the surge of cortisol (or could be the adrenaline- dr's aren't sure which one is making me physically ill when I get stressed, but if I get a surge like that I get sick).  *shudder*

I don't mind spiders too much, but they must not ever touch me.  Ever.  This is what I would do if a scorpion ever got on me.  When I was a beekeeper and a bee got in the hood of my bee suit, I did something like this, only it involved tearing through the back yard while ripping off my gloves and hood and scratching at my mess of hair.  I got stung on the top of my head for my trouble.  I will always recall the horror of realizing that the buzzing I heard was INSIDE my hood as I stood at the open hive with my tools.


😣 I killed it. So sad.

It is the thread that never ends!  You are not that powerful.  :)

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And this. I feel like I've used this with one of my other kids...looks familiar. http://nurturedbylove.blogspot.com/2008/12/cuisenaire-discovery-book.html

Miquon rocks my socks. We are about to start it for the third time with dd. The best part is I found the entire set with all the workbooks and teachers books, on the 'free table' at our used curriculum sale one year. I picked it up just in case I didn't find the math I wanted. I have never looked back.

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We went to a beekeepers house a few weeks ago. The bees were nice lol. They were very calm, and despite having hundreds (thousands??) of bees flying about, and a bunch of nervous kids, no one got stung. They even let some of the kids hold one. A male maybe? They don't have stingers.

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The only reason I watch and like Elementary is that I've divorced it from Sherlock Holmes in my mind.  These characters are separate people who just happen to be called Holmes and Watson.  Or so I tell myself.  


That is a very good idea, and very appropriate.

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The lady came late so we had some more time to play with them.  I have had cats for the last 20 years.  We are all cat people, and I never thought we would ever have to go without.  We tried all sorts of other solutions but he wasn't improving, so they had to go.  The kids wish I had sent ds11 away instead, ds11 said he could just keep taking allergy meds all the time, but I have to be the mean mom and make sure he stays healthy.  Its hard to close that chapter of my life, even if it is for the best.


On the plus side the dr said his dog allergy is very mild and we do not have to get rid of our dog (a yorkie I bought 2 years ago after 25 years of waiting) and we still have our caged critters so we are not petless, just cat less.


Oh and I enjoy the tv show Elementary and have never seen the BBC Sherlock 





When eldest DD here was allergy tested she tested positive for allergies to dogs and cats, but not guinea pigs.  They tested her for guinea pigs specifically because we had one at the time.  Has your son been tested for allergies to the caged critters? 


Lots of hugs to all of you, especially you and your son. 

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My dad suffered for years with cats in spite of allergies.  True love, I guess.  As in "my mom loved the cats and my dad loved my mom."  I honestly don't know how he survived it for so long. 


I'm glad he was able to; what a loving thing to do.  For some people the reactions can be severe enough to become life-threatening.  I have known some people with some serious allergies who have had to live with the restrictions during a time when people were a lot less understanding and accommodating than now.


My FIL was allergy tested some years back, and told them not to even bother testing for dog.  He was adamant he would not give up having dogs, and so decided he'd simply rather not know if he is allergic.  So far so good for him.

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We went to a beekeepers house a few weeks ago. The bees were nice lol. They were very calm, and despite having hundreds (thousands??) of bees flying about, and a bunch of nervous kids, no one got stung. They even let some of the kids hold one. A male maybe? They don't have stingers.

We call dd8 The Bee Whisperer because we often find her petting bumblebees that she finds on flowers. She's never been stung. :)

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Nope. She insists  on constantly asking me personal questions, assuming things about me that aren't true and then lecturing me.



I drink nothing but soda (I drink maybe one a week)

We eat all prepackaged food (I make almost everything from scratch)

I don't do anything with my kids (I'm not even going there right now)

I don't work out. Ever. (It's obvious considering my weight loss that I work out all.the.time. *And* I have biceps. So booya.)


She wants me to go on weight watchers, put the kids in day care SO THEY CAN LEARN THINGS, and take up walking. Walking. WALKING. WALKING!? I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with walking, but I burn 800 calories an hour.


I think I'm going to write her a letter explaining our reasons for homeschooling.


She sounds like she's struggling to make sense of something unfamiliar and fighting the nagging idea that there might be not only other, but possibly better ways of doing things than she is accustomed to.  You might have to eventually push back, but do try to keep it somewhat objective in content.  She sounds like she is trying to get a rise out of you in order to get more attention for herself, too, so if you can maintain a less emotional (than her) tone in all of your dealings with her she might eventually grow tired of her efforts.  Treat her like a toddler who is persistently testing the boundaries.

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WARNING-homeschool related post ahead. Sorry.

Slache-what did you decide to do for math for your Ds? My dad is also four, and sounds similar...she wants to 'do achool' because she sees her sisters doing it, but I'm a little unsure of what to do with her. She isn't really into workbooks, and definitely has her own ideas about how things should be done lol. We've done a bit of C-Rod work, and she's done the ETC A and B books. I have the al abacus, and book, but I'm not sure where to start with a little kiddo....

Wow is your dad ever young....did he find the fountain of youth or something?




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When eldest DD here was allergy tested she tested positive for allergies to dogs and cats, but not guinea pigs.  They tested her for guinea pigs specifically because we had one at the time.  Has your son been tested for allergies to the caged critters? 


Lots of hugs to all of you, especially you and your son. 

OUr caged critters are tortoises, a leopard gecko and a salamander, so not likely he would have a reaction to them.  I don't think he was tested for things like guinea pigs etc.  I requested the testing because he was having daily hives for 2 years.  We thought they were food related but turned out he has no food allergies, but he is allergic to dust, mold, dogs (a mild allergy), and cats (numbers were quite high).  Initially we tried the standard stuff, lots of vacuuming, no cats in his bedroom, even tried daily washing of cats (I do not recommend this one), ultimately decided to start rehoming when the hives were getting more persistent.  As each cat left his symptoms improved.  It will be a while before he stops reacting to the house, I need to do a massive deep clean, get the vents done etc, but for the first time in 2 years he is not having hives daily

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cue heebee jeebee dance


SO there I was minding my own business, cleaning out the cesspool that is my boy's bedroom, when I notice one of the huge spiders currently infesting my house crawling down the front of my shirt.  I am extremely phobic of spiders.  Can't scream because dd7 is asleep in the room ajoining the the boys.  Use a dirty to sock to squish it, or so I think, get up from floor and look under sock no spider, look around me, it is now crawling up the back of my leg.  jump up and down and use another sock to brush it off.  Run from bedroom vowing to let them keep it a mess, and go have a shower.  My kids are laughing at me that I needed to shower in the middle of the night because a spider crawled on me.  They just don't get it, those things are nasty.  My heart is still racing and I am starting to feel sick to my stomach due to the surge of cortisol (or could be the adrenaline- dr's aren't sure which one is making me physically ill when I get stressed, but if I get a surge like that I get sick).  *shudder*


 Couldn't like this post. I feel for ya. Hope he died a horrible death.

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I just don't see the point. I love that when I post a status update that I get comments from random people, and mishaps like this thread create new relationships, but I don't get the friend thing.


Well, I kinda like having a list on my profile page of people I've had considerable conversation with over the threads (that would be all of youse on ITT).  


So that if someone rudely drops out for an extended period of time (glaring right at you, Pineapple), then pops back on, I can check and say, Oh YEAH!  PINEAPPLE!  I remember you now!


(Thank you for kindly be my example here, Pineapple.  Smooshy kissies to you  :laugh: )

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And this. I feel like I've used this with one of my other kids...looks familiar. http://nurturedbylove.blogspot.com/2008/12/cuisenaire-discovery-book.html

Miquon rocks my socks. We are about to start it for the third time with dd. The best part is I found the entire set with all the workbooks and teachers books, on the 'free table' at our used curriculum sale one year. I picked it up just in case I didn't find the math I wanted. I have never looked back.


Is Miquon good for supplementing another math curriculum?  I use MIF (Singapore) and really like it, but everyone raves about Miquon.


Shiny new bells and whistles are tempting me.  I should probably look away but…… I can't.  


Sell me on Miquon.  

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I'm off to attempt 1 year of cleaning in 24 hours. If I don't come back, I've died of chemical exposure or was buried under a mound of laundry.


It's a good thing my in-laws come visit every year or the house would never get done!




Well, we know ONE person who will be frequenting the ITT all day today.





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And this. I feel like I've used this with one of my other kids...looks familiar. http://nurturedbylove.blogspot.com/2008/12/cuisenaire-discovery-book.html

Miquon rocks my socks. We are about to start it for the third time with dd. The best part is I found the entire set with all the workbooks and teachers books, on the 'free table' at our used curriculum sale one year. I picked it up just in case I didn't find the math I wanted. I have never looked back.

Thats it!


We went to a beekeepers house a few weeks ago. The bees were nice lol. They were very calm, and despite having hundreds (thousands??) of bees flying about, and a bunch of nervous kids, no one got stung. They even let some of the kids hold one. A male maybe? They don't have stingers.

Bees are very gentle. I've known beekeepers and have had probably thousands of bees covering my entire body. I was like 4 and too stupid to consider whether it was a good idea or not.


There's a theme song now? I have missed a lot. 


Is Ellie still queen and do we still get points? Or must I read to find out?

She was never queen.


Well, I kinda like having a list on my profile page of people I've had considerable conversation with over the threads (that would be all of youse on ITT).  


So that if someone rudely drops out for an extended period of time (glaring right at you, Pineapple), then pops back on, I can check and say, Oh YEAH!  PINEAPPLE!  I remember you now!


(Thank you for kindly be my example here, Pineapple.  Smooshy kissies to you   :laugh: )

Smooshy kisses are gross.


Is Miquon good for supplementing another math curriculum?  I use MIF (Singapore) and really like it, but everyone raves about Miquon.


Shiny new bells and whistles are tempting me.  I should probably look away but…… I can't.  


Sell me on Miquon.  

I was sold on Miquon by the hivelings that love it. Search the boards for reviews. It can definitely be a supplement. I intend to use it in conjunction with Ray's.

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Bees are not gentle when you are opening their hive and messing around with them. They are aggressive. That's when I got stung, when I was opening the hives.


You're supposed to wear a thingie when you mess with their hive. Or so I thought. I don't know that much about it.

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We are at the pool. It's too cold, hence my poolside posting on ITT. 😜 We former floridians have a low cold water threshold.

Miquon is...magical. Seriously. It's so simple, and uncluttered, and the whole point is to expose the kids to concepts and having them explore and be comfortable with that and then throwing a couple of really difficult problems in, just for fun. It's a great preparation to Beast Academy. It's not boring, but also not flashy and shiny, if that makes sense. It is excellent on its own, and can be used to supplement another curriculum. I like it so much, I keep buying it when I see it at the used curriculum sale and giving it away. 😳 I feel like if people can just get past the handwriting 'font' and past the simplicity, they will see just how awesome it is. It is the ONLY subject I haven't wavered on and switched curricula. Though somehow I still have a ton of math books. I'm a curriculum junkie though.














I feel very exposed on this thread. I don't normally share this much about myself. 😳

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I feel very exposed on this thread. I don't normally share this much about myself. 😳


Why? I don't understand the concept of fake names and not disclosing information. I have no secrets. I'm also a nudest, so I suppose it comes naturally.

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You're supposed to wear a thingie when you mess with their hive. Or so I thought. I don't know that much about it.

I wore a bee suit, but they can get in the cracks if you are not very careful.  I used smoke, but they still got me several times.  It is their instinct to protect their hive.  They mind their own business when out and about on flowers and are not dangerous then.  

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I'm not a nudest.


There have been construction workers outside for the past few days. I just heard a truck backing up and a dog scream, followed by the owner screaming. I don't know what it takes for people to leash their dogs. We let Miami free all of the time, but *always* in a controlled environment. We've lived here for 4 years and this is the second dog they've lost this way. Stupid people. And the poor driver stopped immediately so it wasn't even quick.

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I don't mind spiders & I don't kill them. They get gently relocated. In the winter I move them to the garage or work room. 

I didn't GET Miquon AT.ALL.  It sat on my shelves for years while I gave it side-eye and thought there was something terribly wrong with me because I didn't get what to do with it.

Fortunately we discovered Singapore.


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Oh poor doggie. 💔

I used to be a groomer. It was disgusting the way people used to bring injured dogs in. They didn't care if their dog was in pain as long as it looked good. I never became numb to it. Neither did my boss who had been a vet tech for over 25 years. There's just something about an injured animal.






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