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Well, I'm off to deliver some baby clothes. A woman abandoned her 6 month old and 3 year old to the father, and he doesn't have clothes for them. I have 5 Avon boxes of baby clothes from 3 months to 2 years. I'm delivering four of them. My good deed of the month is covered.

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Well, I'm off to deliver some baby clothes. A woman abandoned her 6 month old and 3 year old to the father, and he doesn't have clothes for them. I have 5 Avon boxes of baby clothes from 3 months to 2 years. I'm delivering four of them. My good deed of the month is covered.

Oh those poor kids.

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I disagree. The worst ever is the stuff on the massive rolls that are put in public restrooms. This stuff is wimpy, tears if you so much as brush it with your fingers OR is hung so low you can only pull it out by creating a rope of it at the corner of the dispenser, falls apart if you do get enough to try to wipe, and sneakily sends runners out to stick to your clothing and shoes wherever it will be most embarrassing. And usually, just for added measure, the rolls squeak and squeal horribly as you TRY to get some off the roll, making it sound like you are determined to empty the entire dispenser down the toilet bowl before you flush.

Unless you count the bathroom tissue available in Soviet Russia. I am pretty sure the entire nation had only one kind of paper and it was used for everything - currency, theater and train tickets, store receipts, napkins, and bathroom tissue. I brought a square home with me. (This was in 1988.) Scotts is bad, but it could be worse!

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I started alias but decided I was watching too much TV. I might start it again for my next injury. Did you like it?


Never got into Alias.  Always thought the commercials looked okay, but I just never actually watched a show.  Weird, huh?  And Fringe was one which I would watch off and on, and only when I could squeeze it in.  


I don't watch that much TV anymore, either, really.


DS and I having been watching Merlin on Netflix lately, which is the extent of my TV viewing these days, really.  DS watching Stampy videos doesn't count.

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Never got into Alias. Always thought the commercials looked okay, but I just never actually watched a show. Weird, huh? And Fringe was one which I would watch off and on, and only when I could squeeze it in.


I don't watch that much TV anymore, either, really.


DS and I having been watching Merlin on Netflix lately, which is the extent of my TV viewing these days, really. DS watching Stampy videos doesn't count.

I did not know there was a show called Merlin. I bet I could get into that.

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Well, I'm off to deliver some baby clothes. A woman abandoned her 6 month old and 3 year old to the father, and he doesn't have clothes for them. I have 5 Avon boxes of baby clothes from 3 months to 2 years. I'm delivering four of them. My good deed of the month is covered.



Oh those poor kids.


Well, they're with their dad, so hopefully he's really happy to have them and better off than with a mom who doesn't want them or in foster care.  So I'm happy for them.  And Renai is bringing them clothes.  Yeah, Renai!!!!

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50 pages to go in this stupid book.  I am not enjoying it, it is a boring biography,  but I need to finish it so I can do my massive assignment due tomorrow (7 page paper followed by full IEP focusing on the multiple intelligences of the disable person in this book.).  Once I get to the writing stage I should be okay.  But I have barely been home this month, and I have learned new things in the last few days about my own kids disabilities and would rather be focusing on creating a real education plan for them than on a fictional one based on a biography of a person with a disability.  I am just not feeling it.  Generally since September I have enjoyed my courses and even the assignments and I have high mark, but this one just isn't doing it for me and of course it is the biggest assignment of the course being worth 30% of my overall grade so I must do well on it.  Ugh.  Back to reading I go.

So got my mark back, decent  mark, got an A for 93%,, brought my average down so disappointed in that, funny once upon a time a 93% would have my so happy, now I am disappointed that I didn't do better.  Truth be told though I really wasn't feeling it and I knew I could do better which makes it worse.  Oh well, still have a 4.0 so that is good. Over all grade now a 97% instead of 100% though. Must get full marks on all other aspects of this course.

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Well, they're with their dad, so hopefully he's really happy to have them and better off than with a mom who doesn't want them or in foster care.  So I'm happy for them.  And Renai is bringing them clothes.  Yeah, Renai!!!!


I saw the call out on Freecycle. Do yall know about Freecycle? I've got rid of many things through them. If you go to Freecycle.org there may be one near you! People give things away or post things they need/want. I once got my first pc so I could work from home, from freecycle.


A woman was posting for this dad. He's a recent immigrant and doesn't speak much English, but has a good job (retail) to support his family in the midst of this. This woman was telling me today that the dad was asking, "Why people so nice to me?" 


It was freely given to me (we didn't have to buy youngest clothes for almost 3 years, the same happened with my oldest), so I freely give. It's no big deal.


But, yeah, you should look up Freecycle. Especially if you are decluttering, and want to give things away instead of throwing it in the trash.

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Well, it happened. I was discussing small groups with one of the other summer school teachers and the principal was there. She turned and asked me, "So are you looking for a job this upcoming year?" I just said I'm still in school, will hopefully be done by November unless I decide to do the dual concentration which would be 6 more months. But, I'm tired of school. So, we started talking about school and being life-long learners, and sometimes just testing for the endorsement instead of taking even more classes. Then she told me to just let her know. I happen to know there is a prek teacher that left (I know her), and a kindergarten teacher said she wasn't going back. I'm currently teaching the kindergarten summer school kinder class. She likes what she hears coming out of my mouth. They believe in phonics and conceptual math (Singapore even! so I told her about MEP). But they do sheltered English instead of bilingual. I don't like that.



See, I knew it would happen. I need an at-home job. I can't afford to turn stuff down with no eggs in my basket. And as amazing as some of you are, I cannot multitask efficiently enough to work full-time day hours and homeschool and keep up with the house. Or, even just have the full-time job and keep up with the house. It never works. I have btdt many times and failed each time. My house falls apart. My children go crazy. It just. doesn't. work.

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Well, it happened. I was discussing small groups with one of the other summer school teachers and the principal was there. She turned and asked me, "So are you looking for a job this upcoming year?" I just said I'm still in school, will hopefully be done by November unless I decide to do the dual concentration which would be 6 more months. But, I'm tired of school. So, we started talking about school and being life-long learners, and sometimes just testing for the endorsement instead of taking even more classes. Then she told me to just let her know. I happen to know there is a prek teacher that left (I know her), and a kindergarten teacher said she wasn't going back. I'm currently teaching the kindergarten summer school kinder class. She likes what she hears coming out of my mouth. They believe in phonics and conceptual math (Singapore even! so I told her about MEP). But they do sheltered English instead of bilingual. I don't like that.



See, I knew it would happen. I need an at-home job. I can't afford to turn stuff down with no eggs in my basket. And as amazing as some of you are, I cannot multitask efficiently enough to work full-time day hours and homeschool and keep up with the house. Or, even just have the full-time job and keep up with the house. It never works. I have btdt many times and failed each time. My house falls apart. My children go crazy. It just. doesn't. work.


Does anyone here work full-time day hours AND homeschool, without a really supportive partner with flex hours? With more than one kid? I can't think of anyone. I would be floored. I WOH but my partner is involved and my kids are in public school and we just do curricular enhancement after school. 

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Does anyone here work full-time day hours AND homeschool, without a really supportive partner with flex hours? With more than one kid? I can't think of anyone. I would be floored. I WOH but my partner is involved and my kids are in public school and we just do curricular enhancement after school. 

I did this with three kids. 

Edited by texasmama
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Well if you know the children I was raising you would understand why I was a wee bit crazy but totally congratulating me for not snapping and "going postal" :lol:


I might have to change my profile pic, we no longer have cats living here, the last of them were rehomed the other day, due to ds11's allergies.  Sad day for our house as we are cat people and now we can't have them.  The kids recommended we keep the cats and rehome ds11 but I am kind of partial to him so got to stay :p



Keep the avatar… It's why I friended you!   :D  My dc are mesmerized by it.  

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Well, it happened. I was discussing small groups with one of the other summer school teachers and the principal was there. She turned and asked me, "So are you looking for a job this upcoming year?" I just said I'm still in school, will hopefully be done by November unless I decide to do the dual concentration which would be 6 more months. But, I'm tired of school. So, we started talking about school and being life-long learners, and sometimes just testing for the endorsement instead of taking even more classes. Then she told me to just let her know. I happen to know there is a prek teacher that left (I know her), and a kindergarten teacher said she wasn't going back. I'm currently teaching the kindergarten summer school kinder class. She likes what she hears coming out of my mouth. They believe in phonics and conceptual math (Singapore even! so I told her about MEP). But they do sheltered English instead of bilingual. I don't like that.



See, I knew it would happen. I need an at-home job. I can't afford to turn stuff down with no eggs in my basket. And as amazing as some of you are, I cannot multitask efficiently enough to work full-time day hours and homeschool and keep up with the house. Or, even just have the full-time job and keep up with the house. It never works. I have btdt many times and failed each time. My house falls apart. My children go crazy. It just. doesn't. work.


Praying for something at home, then.  


I honestly can't even imagine pulling that off, but I'm multi-tasking challenged.  

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Fake Steak Bake (aka Beautiful Blissful Benevolent Bubbly Bean Bread.  Or something like that.)


one red onion

olive oil

2 cans of kidney beans, drained and rinsed

2 eggs

2 cups of shredded cheese (we usually use cheddar)

1 cup of breadcrumbs

1 tablespoon of tomato sauce, tomato paste, or ketchup… whatever you've got.



Preheat oven to 350 F.  Saute onion in oil until tender.  Meanwhile, throw everything else in a bowl, roll up your sleeves, and mash with your (clean) hands to break down the beans a bit.  Mix in onion, then press into a loaf pan and bake for 45-50 minutes.  Let rest for 5 minutes before serving.  Easy Peasy.  


We like home fries on the side with this meal.  And broccoli.  


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I slept terrible last night. My throat was so sore along with my ears hurting. I have been taking

NyQuil but it just won't work. I finally decided it was time to go the doctor's office. After being sick

for a week and a half, I found out I have bronchitis. :thumbdown:


:grouphug:   That's misery.  Hope you have a much better night's sleep tonight.  


ETA:  Booyah.  

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