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yes, I am soooooo late to this party (and maybe I missed someone else posting kilts because I skipped pages (*gasp*) ) but no thread is complete without kilts.  Scroll to post #8 




Hmmm. Kilts. Ah, yes, we covered kilts - waaaayyyy early in the thread. There were a couple of videos on how to put on kilt wear. :D And of course, in order to stay here, you have to read the thread until you find them.

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  • Slache


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  • Jean in Newcastle


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Infinitely points for being sorry about something that you didn't even need to feel sorry about. BFFs Forever, OBB​™ .  (I think the forever in that is redundant, but oh well.)  


yes, it was redundant, again.

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You know, when Nana leaves next week, I'm going to have to actually go back on a schedule and, you know, educate my child. 


How's that for tragic personal circumstances?


It's the end of the year. School is over.

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That sounds very much like BPPV. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.


It is fixable by specially trained physiotherapists who will make you get into certain positions very quickly to rearrange the tiny fragments of stuff in your ear labyrinth.


I had a friend who got this last year. It took her a long time to recover. I don't know if it was because she's older (in her 60's) or if recuperation is always that long. I remember her telling me about those exercises.

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Huh. I was expecting to find zombies and here y'all are still at it. :D


Have to quit pretending that I am planning for our camping trip and actually do some work!


This is the thread never ends.

It just goes on and on my friend...

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Oh, I forgot.  I don't do feet - only baby/toddler feet.  I seriously find feet repulsive, particularly men's feet.  They should never wear sandals.  They are terrible.  


My dh has the most beautiful feet - better than mine even. Soft. Like a baby's butt. (Look! I said 'butt' again!)

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Oh I give up.. Your force is just too strong! It's like some kind of gravitational force pulling me in. . .



A few years ago right when Agatha disappeared we had a pack of 3 or 4 coyotes that we would see in the neighborhood quite brazenly. There were a LOT of lost cat and small dog posters up at that time.

It was MY force, right, Jean? :D

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Memorial Day plans, for those of you celebrating???


(Weather permitting, we are beach-picnicking it with a few good friends and a kite. We just planned this 27 seconds ago. How did I live life before getting internet access 9 months ago?)

I will be sending Nan to respite for a week on Memorial Day. :)
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That's cool about the acoustic relief you sometimes get.  So sorry it's not treatable; glad you don't need aids yet.  Hearing is so taken for granted by people (like me) who have no problems.  My father has Meniere's disease and talks all the time about how isolating it is.  (Thankfully his vertigo spells are rare -- maybe 4x/year for a couple of days at a time -- so he has not suffered surgery with its accompanying complete hearing loss.  But he really hears very little anymore, even with aids.)


I am beginning to suspect that some other issues I've had for a long time which are getting worse might actually be tied in to the ears, too, somehow.  I talked to DH about it so he can help me remember (nag me when I get distracted) to locate an in-network ENT and get seen.  At the very least the ENT should be able to tell me if I need hearing aids yet, and who knows?  Might be able to do something about some of the other stuff, too.  I also plan to ask about Relax, an app for relieving some of the distress tinnitus can cause, and other similar technologies.  My experience with the acoustics and music have me hopeful I might get such relief a little more frequently and hopefully less expensively.

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Oh no!! I was totally teasing, Slache, and not even remotely offended.  My brain damage is a source of constant good-natured teasing among my sibs, and had THEY posted your post, they clearly would have intended a jab at the state of my overall mental faculties, and I obviously would have retorted with some snide insult.   :D


Infinitely points for being sorry about something that you didn't even need to feel sorry about. BFFs Forever, OBB​™ .  (I think the forever in that is redundant, but oh well.)  


We are ALL a bit brain-damaged here, I suspect!

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No, although that's what I've been joking about trying to do (give you likes).  I think it's more like each like has a 24-hour timer on it.  Each one resets after 24 hours from the time it was used, so if it took you 12 hours to spend your daily quota of likes you only have to wait 12 more hours before the first like has reset. 


Ooohhh, it was a joke. Don't tease me that way. I trust people.

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Out of context, this is really funny.   :laugh:


(In context, of course, it is not.  How are you feeling today, Slache?)


Gee, that sounds familiar!  I think I posted something similar.  Great minds think alike! 

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This just reminded me of something, my fellow couch md's. I have been getting dizzy for the last few months. But it is only when I tip my head in a certain direction. This would indicate fluid in the ear, but the dr didn't see much. So when I lay on my left side, I get a wave of dizzy, but then it equalizes and I am fine. Until I get up... Lol. Anyone experienced this. Maybe I just need to load up on Claritin for a while:-( it isn't horrible. Just mildly irritating.


Decongest.  If you still have the problem when you are sure you are clear of allergies then see a doctor.  But try some decongestants first.

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Not bad. I'm still on ibuprofen. I'm tired of bloody morning breath though.


Bl---  Morning breath?  *gasp!*  :scared:   Slashiepoo is a vampire!  No wonder she stays up all night!

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I'm sorry to see that you are still reeling under the effects of the strong meds you have been taking, which have confused you. (((Hugs)))

I can't think of an adequate response right now, so please just feel wrong and slightly shamed. Thank you.

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Your coherent typing gives you away.


Here is zombie typing:


Sdifhluilvhuear pihua refhfluvis dilhufv dscduhi sgruhail,s gdfs


Dfowg n

Po hgfd ohfi




DBWRKfjherigregula Bl ehav


See?  Vampires!

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Young Harrison Ford had lovely feet. there was an episode of vinyl cafe where Dave saw a photo of Harrison's naked feet and it prompted him to visit a salon for a pedi.


They were stand-in feet. Ew. Get it? Stand in. Feet. Sigh...

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Okay.  Trusting.


He just asked me how to spell something, and I turned it into a spelling/phonics lesson on the board.  So I feel a little less delinquent.  


(He's got every superhero book he owns out, and is writing his own superhero story by finding words he wants and copying them into sentences.  Which of course requires reading, and he hates reading so this is especially nice.)


Sacrificing my own plans… I can do this, I can do this…..


Good grief, don't mess with him!  Let him continue!  He is finding the enjoyment in the learning, AND figuring out some of the study methods that work best for him!  Go have a cuppa and revel in this growth!

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Belated Booya!


(I can't believe I AGAIN missed my rare opportunity to Booya.  What a loser. :wacko: )


Most people go back and edit their post to add the Booyah.

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