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I only have one baby left.  <sob>



Me too.   :sad:   And he's already almost ONE.  (I know, siggy update is in order. And I know, I have no right to be whining like an empty-nester yet.  But tough; I'm premenstrual. )



Here's the thing that really kills me:


I can now birth a baby in my sleep.

Nurse a baby while throwing together chicken chili for supper and simultaneously grading exams.

And I can determine the exact moment when an ear infection will actually qualify for antibiotics so that I don't have to pay three co-pays to finally get said antibiotics.  


I know that quarters swallowed by a 3 year-old warrant a trip to the ER, but nickels don't.  

And constipation is the root cause of most potty-training issues.  

And if someone-who-shall-remain-nameless throws a diaper in with the laundry --leaving those blasted gel balls clinging, like billions of urine-soaked spiders eggs, to every piece of clothing we own-- all it takes is a quarter cup of salt added to the washer to dissolve them into oblivion.  


I know the frantic hacking sound all my children make just moments before vomiting, so I can get them to the toilet in time.

And how to set a dislocated elbow. 

And if there was an Olympic event for whisking away diaper blow-outs and administering enemas, I'd take gold.  


If that weren't enough,  I also know all six sounds that /-ough/ makes, plus all thirteen minutes of that snappy little timeline song.


So tell me, please:  how can I retire NOW when I've finally figured out so much of this mommy stuff?  


I NEED a another baby.  Someone puhleeeeeeeease explain that to dh.  

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Me too.   :sad:   And he's already almost ONE.  (I know, siggy update is in order. And I know, I have no right to be whining like an empty-nester yet.  But tough; I'm premenstrual. )



Here's the thing that really kills me:


I can now birth a baby in my sleep.

Nurse a baby while throwing together chicken chili for supper and simultaneously grading exams.

And I can determine the exact moment when an ear infection will actually qualify for antibiotics so that I don't have to pay three co-pays to finally get said antibiotics.  


I know that quarters swallowed by a 3 year-old warrant a trip to the ER, but nickels don't.  

And constipation is the root cause of most potty-training issues.  

And if someone-who-shall-remain-nameless throws a diaper in with the laundry --leaving those blasted gel balls clinging, like billions of urine-soaked spiders eggs, to every piece of clothing we own-- all it takes is a quarter cup of salt added to the washer to dissolve them into oblivion.  


I know the frantic hacking sound all my children make just moments before vomiting, so I can get them to the toilet in time.

And how to set a dislocated elbow. 

And if there was an Olympic event for whisking away diaper blow-outs and administering enemas, I'd take gold.  


If that weren't enough,  I also know all six sounds that /-ough/ makes, plus all thirteen minutes of that snappy little timeline song.


So tell me, please:  how can I retire NOW when I've finally figured out so much of this mommy stuff?  


I NEED a another baby.  Someone puhleeeeeeeease explain that to dh.  

That tip about salt in the washer with the exploded diaper was worth reading this ENTIRE THREAD!!!

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Man, I went through serious withdrawal.


Same here -- I had trouble getting to sleep last night because the forums weren't accessible, on top of wanting to know how Slache was doing.


I'm reading all of the posts now, catching up again, hoping for all good news on everyone's fronts.

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We broke the internet!  :D   Good to be back on.


Slash, glad you're tooth ordeal is over.  Hope the pain is over by now too!


Tex, always good to get confirmation we're not losing it.  Good for dh!  Hugs for you and college girl both.  Those are days I'm so glad I don't have to re-live!  And the fender-bender on top of that - did you just wonder, what next?  Praying for Nan to find her peaceful, cooperative place!


Duckilings - I'm right there with you with the grumpiness.  Hoping to shake it off here soon!


Hornblower, Hope Bear is doing better today. 


mom31257, Congratulations!  Hope you have a great time with family this weekend.


Renai, Working?  Studying?  Planning next school year?  Teaching 4yo?  Keeping dh in-line?  Hope your having a great day today. 


Isklo - Bask in the satisfaction of a good evaluation - that's wonderful!   (Thankful we don't have to do that here.  :leaving: )


Ok, I know I missed some folks.  Hope your Friday is off to a great start with plans for fun later. 


You forgot me, but I've been boring so it is entirely understandable and excusable.  Especially since you responded to Slache first.


DD13 has been skipping problems in her math for a while, and it has now come back to bite her big-time.  She has to work on past assignments' problems all weekend until they are done.  Her laundry is also starting to pile up since she didn't want to wash any this week, which means that she not only has to start scrounging for things to wear (not her favorite clothes because they are all dirty) but also will have a mountain of clothing to deal with once she does do her laundry.  Oh, the trials of being a stubborn-to-be-independent teen! 


It is hard for me not to simply jump in and ride closer herd on her to keep her on track, but I realize she needs to be given the freedom to learn this lesson.  I can preach at her until our non-existent cows come home about the downside of procrastinating on everything, but, like me, she seems to need to have to deal with the consequences -- repeatedly -- until it actually sinks in.

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And I can determine the exact moment when an ear infection will actually qualify for antibiotics so that I don't have to pay three co-pays to finally get said antibiotics.  



When you have determined when to use garlic in the ear so you don't have to get antibiotics, then you've arrived.

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Me too.   :sad:   And he's already almost ONE.  (I know, siggy update is in order. And I know, I have no right to be whining like an empty-nester yet.  But tough; I'm premenstrual. )



Here's the thing that really kills me:


I can now birth a baby in my sleep.

Nurse a baby while throwing together chicken chili for supper and simultaneously grading exams.

And I can determine the exact moment when an ear infection will actually qualify for antibiotics so that I don't have to pay three co-pays to finally get said antibiotics.  


I know that quarters swallowed by a 3 year-old warrant a trip to the ER, but nickels don't.  

And constipation is the root cause of most potty-training issues.  

And if someone-who-shall-remain-nameless throws a diaper in with the laundry --leaving those blasted gel balls clinging, like billions of urine-soaked spiders eggs, to every piece of clothing we own-- all it takes is a quarter cup of salt added to the washer to dissolve them into oblivion.  


I know the frantic hacking sound all my children make just moments before vomiting, so I can get them to the toilet in time.

And how to set a dislocated elbow. 

And if there was an Olympic event for whisking away diaper blow-outs and administering enemas, I'd take gold.  


If that weren't enough,  I also know all six sounds that /-ough/ makes, plus all thirteen minutes of that snappy little timeline song.


So tell me, please:  how can I retire NOW when I've finally figured out so much of this mommy stuff?  


I NEED a another baby.  Someone puhleeeeeeeease explain that to dh.  


You have come a long way, Grasshopper.  Remember, too, that there are many walks in life, and your experiences will come in handy for far longer than just parenthood.  There's Aunty-hood, Grandma-hood, and OMG-she-is-the-wisest-person-I-ever-met-hood. 


One of my longest-held goals has been to become a wise old woman everyone turns to for valued wisdom and advice.  I'd say you are well on the way to accomplishing that one yourself!  (Not the old part.  That will come naturally much MUCH later.)


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Okay, I am now operating on the no-news-is-good-news assumption regarding Slache.  I saw she got seen by the oral surgeon and was finished and waiting for her DH to take her home.  I hope the only reason we haven't heard further today is that she's finally getting some rest without pain.


We love you, Slashie!  Get better soon!


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These must not be in order because I'm already here.


Hooray, she's alive!  How are you doing today?


And, no, these are not in any chronological order.  They come when they come.

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You took my booya. I had a tooth removed and this is how I'm treated? :crying:


Okay, I've been blind.  I see now you HAVE been on this morning.  Any more pain?  Other than people taking your booya.... (which if one doesn't know what we are talking about sounds rather suspicious....)

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I'm in very little pain and eating solid foods. I'm exhausted but I imagine dental surgery is probably very hard on your body. No headache, no bleeding. The final bill is believed to be $40. Hubby's home and I'm incredibly stupid right now.

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I'm in very little pain and eating solid foods. I'm exhausted but I imagine dental surgery is probably very hard on your body. No headache, no bleeding. The final bill is believed to be $40. Hubby's home and I'm incredibly stupid right now.


I am SOOOO relieved!  Yes, surgery of any kind is very taxing on your body.  Does your DH work weekends, or do you have a couple more days of having help around?  You need to rest all you can.


Wallow in the stupid if you need to for a day or two.  It can be very healing to not have to think.  Rest, eat, rest some more, hug your DH and children.  We will understand if you aren't on the thread much over the next few days.

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It took me ten minutes to get that second post out. I should go to bed.


I had a dream that this thread was deleted and I woke up crying. I am on so many drugs.

If things don't improve inside my head soon, Imma take Nan's Ativan!  i will mail you some.  I've never had Ativan, and there is probably a reason, :leaving:

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When you have determined when to use garlic in the ear so you don't have to get antibiotics, then you've arrived.



Okay, so when?  :bigear:


I have arrived, then, since the answer for me is easy - NEVER!

(DS is allergic to garlic.)


More importantly, however: I just figured out how to MultiQuote. :) Woot!

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Renai, if that dude who spoke any Spanish had done damage to the truck, I would have needed an interpreter and could have called.  Since there was no damage, I was able to say "un momento" while I checked out the truck and "no problema" to let him know he was free to go.  He hit me so hard that we moved forward a good foot.  What the heck was he doing????  I will never know because if he told me, I don't speak enough Spanish to understand.  I will say I am a bit miffed that I never heard a "lo siento" cuz I think it needed that at least.

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I once broadsided a guy in DC because I was trying to find a road and didn't see the light change and it was only a split second but the guy was expecting the light to change so didn't even slow for the intersection.  He was Spanish, and his passenger door was falling off his van at this point and my bumper as well, and he tore his door off and shoved it in his van and took off!  I was flabbergasted that he just left.  I was a sheltered child.  LOL  A bystander helped me put my bumper in the back seat of my car, made sure I was okay (I was) and off I went, too.  :) 

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I was woken by a two year old in need of some luvin. Now she's all huggy and smoochie and telling me stories about her socks. She's been very neglected these past two days.




If things don't improve inside my head soon, Imma take Nan's Ativan! i will mail you some. I've never had Ativan, and there is probably a reason, :leaving:

A had panic attacks in my early teens and Ativan was my best friend.

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I am SOOOO relieved! Yes, surgery of any kind is very taxing on your body. Does your DH work weekends, or do you have a couple more days of having help around? You need to rest all you can.


Wallow in the stupid if you need to for a day or two. It can be very healing to not have to think. Rest, eat, rest some more, hug your DH and children. We will understand if you aren't on the thread much over the next few days.

I have someone coming over tomorrow (hopefully?) Them he's off until Wednesday.

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If things don't improve inside my head soon, Imma take Nan's Ativan!  i will mail you some.  I've never had Ativan, and there is probably a reason, :leaving:


Ativan has been my friend twice in my life.  The first time was after the death of my father (unexpected and traumatic.)  We were very close and I was devastated.  My body decided to deal with the stress with uncontrollable vomiting.  The lack of food retention was not such a big deal, but the inability to hold down water was...problematic.  Ativan kept me out of the hospital and off IVs.  Yay, Ativan.


The second time was prior to knee surgery.  My interesting childbirth experience left me with a certain dread of medical interventions.  As the surgery approached I began having panic attacks.  I tried toughing it out and even went to speak a pastor turned counselor.  He said, "What are you thinking? This is what medication is for."  Yay, Ativan times 2.


I was able to tolerate it and mostly function (but no driving), and I am notorious for reacting to meds in  the "unlikely, but possible camp.  Oh, the wonders of modern pharmaceuticals.

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It's a long weekend here & unfortunately, when you're caring for a dying dog thoughts turn to vet office schedules. Last night I got myself into the frame of mind that I'd book THE appointment for Saturday.

The turd is much better today. Walked all the way around his 'little' 600 m block. Slowly, with rest stops, but made it, didn't fall over, remembered how to pee. Had his breakfast.

Ok then.

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Renai, if that dude who spoke any Spanish had done damage to the truck, I would have needed an interpreter and could have called.  Since there was no damage, I was able to say "un momento" while I checked out the truck and "no problema" to let him know he was free to go.  He hit me so hard that we moved forward a good foot.  What the heck was he doing????  I will never know because if he told me, I don't speak enough Spanish to understand.  I will say I am a bit miffed that I never heard a "lo siento" cuz I think it needed that at least.


Did you hear any of the following:




A la...


And then there's:

Maldita sea (don't repeat that outloud)

A la fre****

A la ve***


I know there's more expressions, but my mind is going blank right now.

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Did you hear any of the following:




A la...


And then there's:

Maldita sea (don't repeat that outloud)

A la fre****

A la ve***


I know there's more expressions, but my mind is going blank right now.

When I approached, he asked me a question in Spanish, which I could tell was a question because of the inflection.  I did not recognize the words, though.  I assumed he was asking if everything was okay or if the truck was okay, but I could not tell.  That is the most he spoke.  His manner was friendly.

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When I approached, he asked me a question in Spanish, which I could tell was a question because of the inflection.  I did not recognize the words, though.  I assumed he was asking if everything was okay or if the truck was okay, but I could not tell.  That is the most he spoke.  His manner was friendly.


Oh, ok. Then you can ignore all the phrases after "and then there's" LOL!

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Okay, so when?  :bigear:


I didn't believe my husband when he told me this at first, but then more research showed me one reason why there is actually garlic oil on the market.


Anyway, basically as soon as someone says their ear feels funny. Take a clove of garlic, smash it in pieces, and heat in oil. wrap it in cotton and stick it in the ear. If you do it at night, all traces of pain or "funniness" is gone by morning. Not a single full-fledged ear infection in the house. Ever.


Except mine - the one time I felt funny but did not stick garlic in my ear, and it turned into an infection. Happened just last year. I should have known better. I'm still dealing with the effects of it today.

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Her laundry is also starting to pile up since she didn't want to wash any this week, which means that she not only has to start scrounging for things to wear (not her favorite clothes because they are all dirty) but also will have a mountain of clothing to deal with once she does do her laundry.  Oh, the trials of being a stubborn-to-be-independent teen! 



Me and your DD13 must be soul sisters.  

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You have come a long way, Grasshopper.  Remember, too, that there are many walks in life, and your experiences will come in handy for far longer than just parenthood.  There's Aunty-hood, Grandma-hood, and OMG-she-is-the-wisest-person-I-ever-met-hood. 


One of my longest-held goals has been to become a wise old woman everyone turns to for valued wisdom and advice.  I'd say you are well on the way to accomplishing that one yourself!  (Not the old part.  That will come naturally much MUCH later.)



Well, golly shucks.  :blush:



I'm not sure I'm going to succeed in the "wise" part, but I do think I'm further along in the "old" part than you think. The Big 4-0 this year! And if nothing else, maybe with all my experience, my second career should be in nursing.  Geriatrics would be a good fit. All those body fluids.    ;)   

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I'm in very little pain and eating solid foods. I'm exhausted but I imagine dental surgery is probably very hard on your body. No headache, no bleeding. The final bill is believed to be $40. Hubby's home and I'm incredibly stupid right now.



JoJosMom skip this. He broke my tooth into three pieces before removing it. I believe that what I'm going through recovery-wise is less server than what people go through having the entire tooth removed at once.



It took me ten minutes to get that second post out. I should go to bed.


I had a dream that this thread was deleted and I woke up crying. I am on so many drugs.



Going for four!






That was very exciting, but I'm going to bed.





So happy to hear all this!   :hurray: And feel free to entertain us with as many drugged-up posts as you like.  

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It's a long weekend here & unfortunately, when you're caring for a dying dog thoughts turn to vet office schedules. Last night I got myself into the frame of mind that I'd book THE appointment for Saturday.


The turd is much better today. Walked all the way around his 'little' 600 m block. Slowly, with rest stops, but made it, didn't fall over, remembered how to pee. Had his breakfast.


Ok then.




:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I didn't believe my husband when he told me this at first, but then more research showed me one reason why there is actually garlic oil on the market.


Anyway, basically as soon as someone says their ear feels funny. Take a clove of garlic, smash it in pieces, and heat in oil. wrap it in cotton and stick it in the ear. If you do it at night, all traces of pain or "funniness" is gone by morning. Not a single full-fledged ear infection in the house. Ever.


Except mine - the one time I felt funny but did not stick garlic in my ear, and it turned into an infection. Happened just last year. I should have known better. I'm still dealing with the effects of it today.


You win.  That definitely trumps the exploded diaper salt thing.  


Is it bad that I am sitting here hoping one of my kiddos starts complaining about ear pain???

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