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Kittens are being born. Pictures to follow. Of course it was 4:30 am. The kids and I are all gathered round.



Awwww! Can't wait to see them! Is this her first litter? I can't remember if we discussed that or not. How many?  How did the dc do?  I bet they were excited. :lurk5:  Hoping for a full report after everyone recovers. 

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Also, I met with a group of people Thursday who are big names in my city, who wanted to know who the heck I am and why I'm running for city council. They were very kind and did not laugh in my face, but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to endorse me. :-)

Well, they are just a big bunch of old meanies. They probably wouldn't know a good thing if it bit them in the bootie. :D You will show them when you win this because the people are tired of the same-ole-stuff, and want Change: a new face with fresh ideas. ;)


Now I hope I have made you feel better since I have risked my 0 warning points status by name calling and discussing politics. :lol:

Exchange: but to bit

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Awwww! Can't wait to see them! Is this her first litter? I can't remember if we discussed that or not. How many?  How did the dc do?  I bet they were excited. :lurk5:  Hoping for a full report after everyone recovers. 

She is an older (7-8 yo) cat who was surrendered by her owner pregnant.  I have a feeling being pregnant is a familiar state for her.   :(  This is her last litter, though.  She will be spayed when the kittens are weaned, as she is currently in the custody of animal control.  There were a total of four kittens - two tabbies, one solid gray and a gray and white.  Mama is a tabby.  Little dd came in and woke me up at 4:30 am with the news.  She has slept in the room with the mama cat for a week hoping to be alerted to the birth.  Three of them were born before the mewing woke her up, but I quickly rousted the boys out of bed and we saw the last birth.  I kept waiting for one more.  This is a small mama, though, so I was glad there were only four.  Little dd and ds12 have watched a foster dog give birth so this was a repeat for them. This was ds14's first birth experience, but he is not much of a talker.   ;) (He did take pictures with the ipad and post them on facebook.)  Little dd asked a lot of questions and touched a placenta.   :)  The first picture is mid-birthing experience last night with little dd and ds14.  The second picture is this morning.  I moved them to the shower maternity ward with a nice blankie so I could do the birth laundry.  The mama can get out, but the babies are stuck in there together until they are bigger.  Ds took a picture of me in my wild pajamas and posted it and tagged me on Facebook.  Whatever.  It was the middle of the night.   :)



Edited by texasmama
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I've always thought I'd have twins. The last twins that happened in our family was a great great great grandmother. The latest birth that has happened (that I can recall off the top of my head) is 47- my grandmother with my uncle at the same time as my mom pregnant with my middle sister.


So, if twins are to happen, it really should fall to me; preferably before 47. I'm scared of the rare chance of triplets though. After all, I'm only 4'11".


Shocker! You don't look an inch under 5'8" in your avatar.  I'm wanting twins too… though there is NO family history whatsoever.  And very little chance of convincing dh to go for it again.   :laugh:




It was only after a minute or two AFTER reading this post that I realized the tops of your toes were cut off in a PICTURE and not in real life!  (Or so I hope....)



:lol:   But actually, the tip of one of my fingers was cut off when I was a toddler (slammed in a door).   :crying:   Thankfully no bones were broken and it was stitched right back on.   :thumbup1:


I have been wondering just where you managed to find such a big dragonfly, and why you would use such an ominously threatening avatar.  I mean, mosquitoes in MN really do get that big, so I just assumed dragonflies did somewhere, too, KWIM?


Your explanation here sets my mind at ease.  Avatars change on ALL posts as soon as they are reset, so I was seeing the new avatar on posts made before you switched pics.  Makes for some really interesting references, sometimes....


Mosquitoes that big???  :scared:   And I always thought I liked MN.    


He's a MA dragonfly, and totally unimpressively normal-sized.  Ds had caught him in a bug jar, and while I was taking a close-up pic of him before releasing him, ds wandered into the background of the frame.  But I do think perhaps the dragonfly was staring through the glass plotting revenge...


How about trapped among too many trees?  I'm surrounded....


I'm on to it...


So I assume at this point my top of page thing is just annoying?


Only annoying when I'm vying for the position.  


When I lived up in the mountains (Colorado) I once came home on a dark night and nearly ran into a black cow.  She was standing in my driveway, eating a hole into the dirt.


Dh had a cow run into his car one bright afternoon on a back country road.  Car was totaled, cow had no insurance.   :sneaky2:


Also, I met with a group of people Thursday who are big names in my city, who wanted to know who the heck I am and why I'm running for city council. They were very kind and did not laugh in my face, but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to endorse me. :-)


I'm endorsing you.   :patriot:

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Not to mention, multiquote means you add less posts to your count.


What I do is, as I read if there is something I want to answer, I right click the quote button to put it in a different tab. Then when I finish catching up reading, I go from tab to tab and post my responses. That way, I never lose my place in catching up.



You are SO smart.  Sadly I was in the middle of clicking my 9th multi quote when i read this, so I'll have to try it next time.  

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Shocker! You don't look an inch under 5'8" in your avatar.  I'm wanting twins too… though there is NO family history whatsoever.  And very little chance of convincing dh to go for it again.   :laugh:





Yeah, dh is like, whatever happens, happens. Except, aren't we kind of old. We're only 41/42 honey. Remember grandma. Anyway, the procreation hula didn't work, so I think I'm trying that sword dance thing next (see above video and post). We'll see what becomes of it...

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Yeah, dh is like, whatever happens, happens. Except, aren't we kind of old. We're only 41/42 honey. Remember grandma. Anyway, the procreation hula didn't work, so I think I'm trying that sword dance thing next (see above video and post). We'll see what becomes of it...


I'm not touching the "sword dancing."  Nope.  Not going there.

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I'm not touching the "sword dancing."  Nope.  Not going there.


But, the guy didn't even pick up the sword. That was a little disappointing. He was dancing all around it. So, I figure I can dance all around dh, and won't hurt him, see? :D

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I love me some kitties. :001_wub:


I hope the shelter doesn't wean the babies too soon, earlier than six weeks. :-( Mama Kat can be spayed when the babies are six weeks old, even if they are still nursing.

I have actually never fostered a mama and babies until they are ready for spay/neuter and adoption.  The kittens I've fostered in the past have been abandoned litters which were 3-4 weeks old but eating canned food.  We fostered them for three weeks and socialized them until they were ready for their surgeries (big enough).  You have made me think this through.  The issue that the shelters have is space.  The faster they can adopt out the animals, the more lives they can save overall.  And this is an animal control shelter, not a rescue.  I will talk to my friend and commit to keeping them for as long as needed until they are all ready for spay/neuter.  They can come to my house to recover, if that is needed. In for a penny, in for a pound, I say!  


I still want this mama cat....which I need like a hole in the head.  <sigh>  My other cat hisses quite a lot when exposed to her.  I am giving mama and babies privacy from our cat for awhile and then I will start again.  I have done some exposing of the cats to the other's scent through rubbing them with socks on my hand and then putting the socks with the other cat.  I may get some Feliway to help ease their interactions.  Foster kitty is amazingly laid back and doesn't bat an eye or react in any way when our cat hisses.

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But, the guy didn't even pick up the sword. That was a little disappointing. He was dancing all around it. So, I figure I can dance all around dh, and won't hurt him, see? :D


Thanks a lot, Renai.  I am biting my tongue so hard it's in danger of severing.

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Yeah, this is exactly how I feel.  I am all over on someone's old lady shoes thread bossing her around about what shoes to buy and why.  Because I know all the things.


Duh. Must you force me to repeat myself?  :001_rolleyes:


One would think that all those, well, other people would stop off here first, where the smart people are, to get their burning questions answered. So again with the "Duh." And :001_rolleyes:

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But, the guy didn't even pick up the sword. That was a little disappointing. He was dancing all around it. So, I figure I can dance all around dh, and won't hurt him, see? :D


Duh. Whoever touches the swords loses. ::rolls eyes::


:::snorts at the idea of Renai dancing around Mr. Renai::

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I have come to terms with the fact that I will never go to the Merrie Monarch Festival as a competitor and so it's ok to cut my hair. OTOH, it might be fun to be the old lady with the knee-length hair...what to do, what to do?

Well, of course you can't go as a mere competitor. You must go as Queen. Duh. (Hmm. I think my posts are developing a bit of a theme tonight.)

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