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Exercise Thread ~ March 15th - 21st


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Reishy-sorry for your loss

Wintermom and Mom- ninja-I love how we can have people making syrup in the snow and people picking strawberries at the same time. The world really is amazing.

Redsquirrel- I hope you are feeling better. I keep waiting for menopause.. And waiting. And waiting. Take a pause already body.

Negin- hang in there!

Soror- Adriene is delightfully low key. Glad you like.

Today my #2 graduates basic training. I got to talk to him the first time since Jan 6 yesterday. I'm a bit wistful I can't be there to see him.

I did yoga class last night. I'll practice at home today and run when the stupid, stupid snow we got for the first day of spring melts off.

Everyone have a lovely weekend.

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Since I'm a Jillian junkie I do her yoga videos as well. I like the one you posted. Might do that Sunday on my rest day


It would be great for a rest day, I was actually contemplating if I should do a rest day since it had been a week but did that instead.


Slache- take care of yourself :)


joyofsix- congrats to your son!


I just ordered me some leggings and a new mat. My old cheap mat had chunks coming off at yoga class so it was time I upgraded, I went with THE MAT. I hope I like it, I was nearly paralyzed from the decision and kept going back and forth. I also ordered some Lucy leggings, my only pants now are just basic cotton yoga pants and capris and the one decent pair I have that fits me slips down my waist during class. I went ahead and went with the med, I'm in between small and medium and yet again I waffled back and forth. I want them tight enough to stay up but the ones I bought are higher waisted (perfect core capri leggings) so I'm a bit paranoid about them riding too high and tight. These are the first pair of nice workout pants I've bought, ever :0 


Today is a strength training day and probably a bit of yoga, I'm looking at videos now and deciding. 

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Negin-- Barbados.... jealous!   Some lovely warm weather sounds heavenly.  Hopefully, your trip is a fun one.

Laura--glad to hear your foot is doing better and you can resume your walks. I bet you miss them.

Rieshy--Sorry for your loss.  :grouphug:

Slache--Of coures we missed you!  I was thinking of whatever happened to your 65 day challenge, so I can see you've had some foot troubles too.   :grouphug:   I can't believe you can drink that much agua.  That's crazy.

Soror--so glad to see you posting again.  Love your workouts!

JoyofSix--we are also getting snow today!    :(   I'm over it.  On another note, buying new WO clothes and accessories is always nice!   :)




I did all my stuff all week, I just didn't post bc it was a crazy week.



Today is WO stretch roll and I am *so* looking forward to the weekend being rest days (i.e. light movement and stretching)   Do we ever get a break from stretching?   LOL   My hip flexors say, "No!"  







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Back home:) Almost 30 hours of driving in 3 days- I've not got my land legs back but my husband and I did walk 2 miles last night after we got back.  My body feels 103 yo. 


Today, besides drinking gobs of water all day, I plan on pushing back the furniture and going through all my stretches, all my katas and Thai combos and doing the kettle bell- simple and sinister. Everything slow and precise.  Followed by a good rolling and then an epsom salt bath.


Then. if I'm feeling good (and it's not raining) going for a recovery run.  

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We skipped the gym this morning. I'm either coming down with something or my spring allergies are beginning a month too early.


I would like to do some body weight work today, maybe Fitness Blender or Blogilates. I definitely need to stretch.


It's snowing. What the heck?!

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No snow here, glad it's you guys and not me.


Energizing Morning Yoga with Adrienne- 24 minutes- fairly relaxing, a few good stretches, nice way to start the day


Mutu and Bodyweight Circuit- 4 done- Pull-Ups with TRX- 8/Push-ups-5 toes-5knees/ squats to the floor-8/ kettlebell swings-25/ kettlebell rows-6


I added a rep on my rows today- woot!


Planning a walk today too, the weather is supposed to be gorgeous.


Edited to put completed bodyweight workout

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Blarg. I'm out of likes. I read all your stuffs. Good job peeps.


Luckymama-I don't work out when I'm sick. I like to allow my body to distribute energy as it sees fit when it's under duress.

Mom-ninja.-Shame on you. ;)

Reishy-I'm sorry for your loss.



Yoga me thinks.

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I'm back :D! About to start by doing 1 Mile of Leslie. Not much I know, but I have to start slowly. It's our New Year (first day of spring) and it feels good to get a second chance at the whole New Year resolution type of thing.


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Ya, Negin!


So, today I thought I might try the advanced workout from Yogi Nora as the beginner/intermediate one was easy and she doesn't have any other full workouts on youtube, now I had no illusion I would be able to do all of it but I thought I would try and see what I could do. Well, about 1 minute in she starts with handstands which are done every round of sun salutations, um, yah, this one isn't for me (yet) :) I'm watching it now however to glean what I can for my headstands which I'm trying to get back. I can do them against the wall and hold it for a few seconds but I'm not where I can do them in the open floor.


So, I did Short and Sweet Yoga with the intention of doing it the best I could and I did. I can do more and more chaturangas and I noticed today that at the point that I used to feel a bit wore out I'm still feeling great. I seem to be gaining strength and flexibility more easily than before, maybe because I'm healing, or getting more sleep or who knows but it feels great. I also worked on various stretches and inversions and did Mutu- about 45 min total. Walk and outside work planned today.

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Oh, I forgot to update that I conquered another lost yoga skill- I can go from arm balance pose to plank smile.png My shoulder stand is looking pretty good too and I can hold it with a full lotus, I'm practicing lowering my legs up, down and back while in shoulderstand and then back to bridge.  My plow pose is still a bit rusty but I can bring my knees down around my ears fairly easily.


After watching Yogi Nora do handstands a million times I tried it again and I was able to pull one off away from the wall. 

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So, on Thursday I did get what I call my mim-min workout, lol. That is Minimum Minutes in my head.  Yesterday I did not. Having dh out of town, hormonal blerg etc just caught up to me.  And I am not exactly sure how today will go. I have a fridge 'situation' on my hands. Usually dh and I would do any big job together, but ds2 is feeling lonely and sad. I told dh to take him along on some errands and stop at the game store and maybe pizza. So, that leaves me alone with the biohazardous fridge.  It's going to be an all day job. I am pretty sure I've got some free range bad yeast in there due to a spillage of sourdough starter.


It stinks so bad in there that keeping control of my reflexes will be like an ab workout



DH has a gig tonight so I will try for 30-60 mins after he leaves? I have to bake for church...mmmmm baking and exercise at the same time... it is like a big hamster wheel!

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Oh, I forgot to update that I conquered another lost yoga skill- I can go from arm balance pose to plank smile.png My shoulder stand is looking pretty good too and I can hold it with a full lotus, I'm practicing lowering my legs up, down and back while in shoulderstand and then back to bridge.  My plow pose is still a bit rusty but I can bring my knees down around my ears fairly easily.


After watching Yogi Nora do handstands a million times I tried it again and I was able to pull one off away from the wall. 

I'm impressed. I also don't know what any of those moves are, but impressed none the less. 

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I didn't get my recovery run in yesterday- but I ran 6.7 miles today- in 60 minutes!  My longest and fastest long run since before I tore my gastro last June.  

Push ups, kettle bell and stretching and katas.


I have started doing 20 or up to 100 kettle bell 2 handed swings before I run.  I've noticed it helps my running posture if I do it right before I head out the door.  I think it wakes up my glutes:)

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You guys are cracking me up-  for anyone interested here is crow to plank:


Here is shoulderstand with lotus and plough: 




rieshy I might have to try swings before I go out for walks or sprints, I could always use an alignment reminder.


I got in a beautiful walk today in the woods. 

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You guys are cracking me up-  for anyone interested here is crow to plank:



Here is shoulderstand with lotus and plough: 





rieshy I might have to try swings before I go out for walks or sprints, I could always use an alignment reminder.


I got in a beautiful walk today in the woods. 


The crow to plank looked easy so I tried it.  I hadn't even stretched or warmed up.  I am stupid. :lol:

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