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Challenging Word Problems is being replaced by common core edition


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The common core edition of Singapore math is relatively new. We are using it this year for first grade. I still haven't yet used the challenging word problems but they seem to be a lot of word problems and logic problems. I would assume a company that's making a new addition with the common core would start to exclude one of their older additions in preference for the new one.


edited for errors and clarification

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I am not surprised that they would discontinue one edition in favor of a new one. What surprised me was the seeming lack of notice at discontinuing CWP US. They have said numerous times on their forum that if they discontinued Standards they would give notice. That hasn't happened yet, and that discussion has been happening for more than a year, so I was surprised to hear that CWP US was already out of print.


I personally prefer to continue with the version I have used and thought there may be others who felt the same.

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I am not surprised that they would discontinue one edition in favor of a new one. What surprised me was the seeming lack of notice at discontinuing CWP US. They have said numerous times on their forum that if they discontinued Standards they would give notice. That hasn't happened yet, and that discussion has been happening for more than a year, so I was surprised to hear that CWP US was already out of print.


I personally prefer to continue with the version I have used and thought there may be others who felt the same.

The teacher's manual is also out of stock for the CC 2A (not CWP).  I emailed them and they said it would be a couple of weeks.  I figured they were just understocked because of demand, but maybe it's a company problem?  I didn't even know they had a forum. 

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I have wondered about this too. Has anyone compared the two? Should I search down the older editions or are the common core editions as good?

I don't have the US CWP but the CC edition.  I have found most of the problems are word problems with some logic too.  Some are pretty gifted (I have 1 and even I need to think to figure out some of them).  For instance, with number bonds there will be a problem with three separate number bond problems but the answers to one affect the others.  I can't really explain it well, but we haven't used them yet.  Maybe for supplemental logic, though I guess most people use the CWP as enrichment during the lessons.

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It doesn't look like there will be any major problems with using the CC editions where the originals are out of print. To me it looked like they rearranged a few things, changed a bunch of names and numbers around in the problems, and added a little variety. As long as they don't sell out of the other parts of Standards Edition that we use before I manage to purchase everything we'll need, this should be fine.

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Are they discontinuing Standards products, or the US Editions? I was assuming the US Editions were the ones changing to Common Core, which would include the US CWP. If Standards is being discontinued as a product line, UGH!

From discussion on the Singapore Forum I think Standards is the one that will be discontinued eventually - not US. I believe in the past they have only carried one version of CWP, while they have carried multiple versions of PM.

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They have a new scope and sequence up comparing the common core version to US and Standards and it looks like the CC version adds a bunch of unecessary junk and eliminates all the algebraic material that makes it so easy to transition to pre-algebra or algebra in grade 6 or 7.http://www.singaporemath.com/v/PMSS_comparison.pdf

Thanks for this. But, CWP and the IP were never the Standards version anyway, so I'm not sure how significant the change will be with respect to CWP and the IP.

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The CWP cover art aligns it with the Standards version rather than the US version although the Web site promotes it for both. IP's cover art matches the US editions. The common core versions also have cover art that is more consistent with the Standards edition too (which would make sense given talk of eliminating the standards version of PM in favor of CC). If so, losing all of that pre-a content is a big change.

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The SM site/forum admins actually recommend DM7 for a seamless transition after standards 5A/B. They say 6A/B never included much new content because it's a test-prep year for Singaporean students. From what I can see with the scope/sequence and samples, DM7 CC marries standards 6 with the old DM 1 quite well. Although I already own DM1 and 2, I'm considering getting DM7 CC for 6th grade.

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For anyone else interested, I just placed an order for the old (U.S.) edition of CWP through Sonlight. Christianbook and Rainbow are starting to run out, but the very kind lady at Sonlight (who even ran back to the warehouse to double check for me) assured me that Sonlight still had a bunch of the old edition in stock. Get 'em while you can! :)

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Rainbow Resources and Christianbook.com are both out of stock on CWP 4, and possibly some of the others as well (that's the next one we were going to need so it's the one I was specifically searching for), but I just ordered CWP 4, 5, and 6 through Best Edu Source. If anyone else is looking for the original edition of these they are currently in stock here (http://www.bestedusource.com/searchquick-submit.sc?keywords=challenging+word+problems+for+primary+mathematics).


Edited to add: Oops! I just refreshed the page and it looks like I might have got the last copy of CWP 4. I just hope that I will actually GET the copy that shows on my completed invoice.


Edited to add: Per an email from Best Edu Source half an hour ago I did indeed get their last copy of CWP 4. Looks like Sonlight is the only place that still has it in stock. Good luck everyone!

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Good gracious! I bought ahead up to 3b on the swap. Now Im thinking I better start buying 4-6 even though my kiddo is only in 2a.


I wonder what the odds are that all, soon to be 4, of my kids could use the same math anyway? I wonder too, if I could use the Standards HIG later with US? I guess though if it truly is discontinued, I'll have had enough of a foundation with it to teach it fine and only be out the money in textbooks.

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Ugh.  I just grabbed CWP grade 1 (I had planned on using it like a review throughout 2nd grade), but I'm too strapped for cash to buy more.  I think I'll grab next year's Standards as soon as I can, just in case.  I am so sad...we love Singapore Standards here. :(

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The expectation would probably be that you would switch to US or MIF.  Maybe they'll come out with a Common Core edition?  (Have they?  Is that what MIF is for?)


I honestly do not know much about the difference between Standards edition and US edition, except that I remember very early in my homeschool journey that somebody somewhere said that Standards had better rigor than US.  And the Standards HIG is better.  

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I'm torn on what to do, too.  Standards is working so well with DS1, and I have the texts and the HIGs for 1-3 already.  I think I'll start collecting 4-5 for both boys, and an extra set of workbooks for 1-3 for DS2.  If it works for DS2, great, that makes good use of the texts and HIGs I already own, and if it doesn't, well, at least I'll have full sets to sell.  


I've heard most of Standards 6 is review, so I'm only planning on collecting thru 5B.

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The comparison chart is linked above.  I think which is "better" depends on what your needs/goals are.  I prefer the pre-algebra content and thinking that is in Standards to the CC edition being aligned with common core.  I don't plan on my kids going to public school, or needing to know CC methods, so the algebraic concepts are more valuable to me than the alignment to standards I don't think we'll encounter until everyone has given up on them and by then there will be new editions to new standards anyway.  

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Just live-chatted Rainbow and all the have lef tin CWP is CWP 5.  I ordered the others from Sonlight, who seems to have everything still except 1 looks like the new CC one when I added it to cart.


I wonder if that means the order I placed is going to be bumped back.  I'm going to have to give them a call tomorrow.  


I hate to order on Sonlight until I know for sure.  

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I'm wondering what I'll do if they quit making standards before all four of my kids finish. One possibility I've considered is just having them write in the textbook instead. There may be plenty of used textbooks around after its discontinued. Or use the standards tb but skip the wb and use the IP.

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I'm wondering what I'll do if they quit making standards before all four of my kids finish. One possibility I've considered is just having them write in the textbook instead. There may be plenty of used textbooks around after its discontinued. Or use the standards tb but skip the wb and use the IP.



We reuse our workbooks, CWP, IP, testbooks, etc etc etc.  


I remove the binding, three-hole punch the entire book and stick it in a three-ring binder.  Then, I have my kiddo complete the page in a dry erase pocket, using wet erase markers (they don't smudge, but wipe off easily with a wet paper towel, rag, whatever).  When he's done, I put his initial in the upper corner so I know he completed the page, and refile it.  


I couldn't afford to homeschool the four of them any other way, lol.  

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Could someone please let me know why the CC version of the CWP is not as desirable as the current US version. I have been heavily using the Standards editions and the CWP, IP and I am getting worried.

For me it's just the unknown. I like what I have and prefer to continue with it. I haven't really heard anything about CC except the changes Jenny at Singapore mentioned in the thread linked in the first post above.

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Ok, I apologize if this is a silly question.


We use BA as our main math program, but I supplement with SM CWP a year behind for review. I am thinking this won't really effect us. I just need it for review and I don't care if it is CC aligned.  BA is CC aligned so whatever.


So, am I correct in thinking that I can probably  just continue to purchase CWP, CC or not, a year behind and use it as a supplement without having any problems?

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Ok, I apologize if this is a silly question.


We use BA as our main math program, but I supplement with SM CWP a year behind for review. I am thinking this won't really effect us. I just need it for review and I don't care if it is CC aligned.  BA is CC aligned so whatever.


So, am I correct in thinking that I can probably  just continue to purchase CWP, CC or not, a year behind and use it as a supplement without having any problems?


We are using the same strategy as you - BA and CWP with IP if needed and a couple of other resources. What I worry about is that the CC aligned CWP has lesser number of word problems and introduces problems that use "other problem solving strategies".


In our case, we are good with the "other problem solving strategies", but we want a lot of word problems because it is my DS's weakness and the CWP helps a lot in shoring it up. Good luck.

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Just live-chatted Rainbow and all the have lef tin CWP is CWP 5.  I ordered the others from Sonlight, who seems to have everything still except 1 looks like the new CC one when I added it to cart.


I just ordered 1 and had them check the warehouse to make sure it's the one I wanted.  Even though the picture comes up as the new CC version, their warehouse still has the old one in stock. 


OP, thanks for this thread!

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I wonder if that means the order I placed is going to be bumped back.  I'm going to have to give them a call tomorrow.  


I hate to order on Sonlight until I know for sure.  


Oh no...what's wrong with Sonlight?  (I hope I didn't open a can of worms!)

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Oh no...what's wrong with Sonlight?  (I hope I didn't open a can of worms!)



No no no!  Nothing is wrong with Sonlight.  Its just that...I already placed an order with Rainbow and I'd hate to go order the same books (plus the CWP 4 which Rainbow didn't have) if Rainbow is going to be able to fill the original order I placed.  


Sorry for the confusion...lol!  

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Who told you that, Rosie?  LOL!


Wait till my hubby hears that I accidentally ordered CWP 4 and 5 twice.   :mellow:


I ordered 4 5 and 6 from Sonlight (CWP Standards) and tried to cancel the 4, 5 and 6 I had on order with Rainbow, but Rainbow shipped everything except for 6 this morning. I thought I had more time because they don't usually ship an order until backordered stuff was in.  


Oh well.  

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I was just told I was hysterical for buying my CWP's up in advance so I'd have them and the CC CWP would be just as good.


Then call me mad because I now have in my possession a complete set of Standards for all 3 children as well as a complete set of CWP. In my defense after I heard they might discontinue Standards, I started  ordering complete sets when I ordered for my oldest because I didn't want to have to purchase new HIGs and TBs if I couldn't get the workbooks to match down the road. My only excuse for CWP was fear that I might not like them as much. Of course, now that I have all these books, my son is really not liking Standards 3A, so we are about to try BA. Guess I may not need all those workbooks after all.

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