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Exercise Thread ~ March 8th - Saturday 14th


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I signed up for the yoga class before I could chicken out.... I hate trying new things.


Lol, good for you!  Just keep telling yourself its a healthy challenge (the trying new things will be more of the challenge, I think)


I did that fitness blender lower body tabata workout. I love workouts like that that. I like alternating stuff and cardio and weights etc all in one workout, plus a bit of jumping around is always good!  I will be doing that one again for sure.


I then did my 30 min tracy anderson beginner workout. If I get to the end of the week with this one I get to switch to the second workout on the disc. Supposedly when I am done all three workouts I should be strong enough to take on Meta, but I am not sure. I might go back to her precision toning dvd.  I did that one for two or three weeks straight last summer, and I could actually see a difference in my abs and my butt looked fantastic. I have never actually seen results like they say you will. 

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I went and it was fab, the lady actually knows yoga and it was all yoga (no pilates thrown in). This one is actually worth going back to, I just wish she had more class times that fit my schedule, she only has 2 evening classes and 1 night I'm busy right during the class. 1 class a week is a good start anyway, for my body and checkbook.

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The trainer worked me very hard today :eek: I also did 15 min elliptical before and 30 min bike after. Zoiks I'm tired! I could really go for a soft chair and a book, but there's the kid here to edumacate so...


How do you feel this morning?  LOL


Nothing exciting to report, just wanted to check in. I've been sticking with the gym 3 days a week. That's a big accomplishment for me. I am down 10 pounds since Christmas, mainly from exercise since my eating has not changed dramatically. 😃


Congratulations on your weight loss and your consistency of schedule!  


I'm finally get back on track with exercising after breaking my foot a few months ago. I'm walking 3-4 kilometers in the morning and getting on the elliptical for 30 minutes after lunch. I need to add some yoga and strength training in sometime during the day, but just moving more makes me feel better.


Glad to hear your foot is feeling better.


Lol, good for you!  Just keep telling yourself its a healthy challenge (the trying new things will be more of the challenge, I think)


I did that fitness blender lower body tabata workout. I love workouts like that that. I like alternating stuff and cardio and weights etc all in one workout, plus a bit of jumping around is always good!  I will be doing that one again for sure.


I then did my 30 min tracy anderson beginner workout. If I get to the end of the week with this one I get to switch to the second workout on the disc. Supposedly when I am done all three workouts I should be strong enough to take on Meta, but I am not sure. I might go back to her precision toning dvd.  I did that one for two or three weeks straight last summer, and I could actually see a difference in my abs and my butt looked fantastic. I have never actually seen results like they say you will. 


Wait, you did the 1.5 hr tabata and then TA?   What?  That sounds crazy.


I went and it was fab, the lady actually knows yoga and it was all yoga (no pilates thrown in). This one is actually worth going back to, I just wish she had more class times that fit my schedule, she only has 2 evening classes and 1 night I'm busy right during the class. 1 class a week is a good start anyway, for my body and checkbook.


So much fun to try new things.  I'm glad you liked it.


Nothing. I chose sleep rather than waking up too early, not that I got enough sleep, but at least I got a tiny bit more than I would have if I'd chosen to do a short workout. 


Sleep, glorious sleep.  I want me some more of that.



Today: same old.


I am still on track and going through all the motions, but not feeling the love right now.   LOL     It happens.

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Enjoy your meet-up Luckymama, sounds like a fabulous day.


Enjoy your sleep Negin, its more important.




I'm still on a high after my class, which is a good sign. I'm contemplating whether or not I could get in one more class a week by having the in-laws watch the kids one morning, maybe that's reckless, I would have to tweak our school schedule. 


I think I might hold off on the weight training, adding in another new thing right now might be going too far. I can do what I can at home.


eta- I've decided to make it a rest day, after looking at my exercise and food totals from yesterday my body could use a break. We'll take a walk this afternoon but it will be a leisurely one.

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I did that fitness blender lower body tabata workout. I love workouts like that that. I like alternating stuff and cardio and weights etc all in one workout, plus a bit of jumping around is always good!  I will be doing that one again for sure.


I then did my 30 min tracy anderson beginner workout. and I could actually see a difference in my abs and my butt looked fantastic. I have never actually seen results like they say you will. 

First, the bolded....if you say fantastic but then negate that by saying you never see the results "they" say you will, then what kind of results are they saying you will have if NOT fantastic? Seems to me that fantastic is a great result. 


The tabata workout is 44 minutes and you added 30 min of Tracy to it. Are you working your muscles too much? Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. You will not see improvement if your muscles are overworked and do not recover/repair frequently and fully. 


I rarely work out for more than an hour. When I do I make sure I take one full rest day followed by a low impact/stretching day. Walking my dog is the extent of exercise on a rest day. 





Today was a bit of kickboxing which I love. This one was fun in that you did kickboxing moves and then ab moves. Followed this with upper body strength. I think I did great! Of course my shoulder is protesting just a twinge. So I'll need to be careful for a bit. Anyway, I did all 3 sets of push ups (with feet on a chair) fully extended, I did 2 unmodified sets of the 1/2 military push ups and the last set off my knees on the chair like Daniel shows, and 2 sets of fully extended legs for tricep dips and the last set with legs at 90 angle. 


Those military push ups things are hard! By the end of the 2nd set my bum shoulder was telling me to ease up so that's why I did the last set off my knees which made it so much easier. Amazing how much a difference it can make to simply decrease range of motion. 


And now I am craving.....eggs. So, I guess my body knows I need protein to repair the muscles I worked today. 

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Wait, you did the 1.5 hr tabata and then TA?   What?  That sounds crazy.




First, the bolded....if you say fantastic but then negate that by saying you never see the results "they" say you will, then what kind of results are they saying you will have if NOT fantastic? Seems to me that fantastic is a great result. 


The tabata workout is 44 minutes and you added 30 min of Tracy to it. Are you working your muscles too much? Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. You will not see improvement if your muscles are overworked and do not recover/repair frequently and fully. 


I rarely work out for more than an hour. When I do I make sure I take one full rest day followed by a low impact/stretching day. Walking my dog is the extent of exercise on a rest day. 





lol, you guys have a flattering picture of what I am capable of.  The Tabata workout was 40 mins, only 30 of which was cardio. The last 10 mins, which I did, was a 'yoga inspired stretch'.  So, just 30 mins of cardio.  I said the Tracy Anderson workout was 30, but it is actually only 25..and it is from her 'Beginner Mat Workout' DVD.  I am doing the first one. It is pretty mild. She talks you through everything and there are only 4 lower body exercises with only 20 reps each. I don't actually break a sweat with this one.


So, 30 mins of cardio, 10 mins of stretching and 25 mins of waving my arms around and some leg lifts. Not a huge challenge, really.

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I did a 30 min kettlebell workout and a 30 min TA routine.


I need to find a new kettlebell routine, lol.  The beginner one is too easy and the next level on fitness blender is too.... I don't know. But dh sighs every time I suggest it, lol. He clearly dreads it and that is not good. I think it is because there is the part where you keep doing those whatever russian stand up things with the kettlebell and it just goes on and on and on and on and then it's done...only now you do your other side and it goes on and on and on.  He may have a point.

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Oh, I'll have to look for these threads! I signed up at Sparkpeople a few months ago and am a wee beginner and need ideas. It's been negative temps here for so long that the mild weather now makes me want to walk outside. Otherwise, I've been doing a 30 min. step aerobic routine 3x a week  to start. Today I did a 1 mile walk on the bikepath. I had a hypertensive crisis a few months ago that accompanied two miscarriages in a row, so it kind of shocked me into looking for a lifestyle change. I'm stuck with what is free or at home (vids, handweights, yogamat,  and step) for now though! The kettleball looks like a good investment.

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Sleep, glorious sleep.  I want me some more of that.


Enjoy your sleep Negin, its more important.

Thank you both.  :grouphug:



Negin, how do you intend on working out 90 minutes a day with a sleep problem?

Slache, not sure if I'll be able to workout for 90 minutes a day. I'll take it one day at a time, since things so often come up. That'll be my goal for a while until I see how I feel. I have found that when I exercise, I tend to sleep better. Regardless however, my sleep is generally awful. Makes no difference either way. I figure if I''m going to be awake, it's more productive to workout than to complain about it or whatever. Obviously, that only works when I'm not excessively tired. When I'm "that" tired, nothing works. For the most part, I seldom stress about sleep anymore. As my dh's aunt once reminded me: when you're really and truly tired, you will sleep. 

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Yoga and Mutu finished, tried Short and Sweet #2, which I haven't done in ages. It is challenging in a different way.    My sleep was wretched( stressful meeting last night) so I went ahead and did it before I crash. I had planned to do some bodyweight exercises today but I'm just going to have to play it by ear and see if I'm up for it. eta- I did get in a walk yesterday afternoon- forgot to post that Went ahead and did my first round of bodyweight exercises- pull-ups(negatives), pushups, rows with kettlebell, dips and squats- aiming for 2 more sets through the day

eta- second set done

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Holy sweat fest today. I need a head sweat band ala 80s style. :D  Cardio/abs which was not bad except those (insert adult adjective here) jump squats. Followed by yoga/toning and this was challenging for me today. My arms/shoulders/neck are sore from yesterday's workout so all the negative push ups in this yoga video were killing me. I did them though. On the last tricep push up my left elbow let me know that enough was enough and bit me. 


What's good for fighting inflammation? Tumeric, right? Last night I took Motrin because my neck was very sore. I need some serious anti-inflammatory, anti-stiffness foods. Remind me what cause I can't remember! 

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I did a 30 min kettlebell workout and a 30 min TA routine.


I need to find a new kettlebell routine, lol.  The beginner one is too easy and the next level on fitness blender is too.... I don't know. But dh sighs every time I suggest it, lol. He clearly dreads it and that is not good. I think it is because there is the part where you keep doing those whatever russian stand up things with the kettlebell and it just goes on and on and on and on and then it's done...only now you do your other side and it goes on and on and on.  He may have a point.


Are you talking about the Turkish Get Ups?  I usually only do 5 on each side.  They are meant to be grind type exercises- so can you up your weights?  My instructor has us do really heavy loads with perfect form but low reps.  Just an idea anyway...


This site has great articles on kettle bell: http://www.strongfirst.com/start/


Oh, I'll have to look for these threads! I signed up at Sparkpeople a few months ago and am a wee beginner and need ideas. It's been negative temps here for so long that the mild weather now makes me want to walk outside. Otherwise, I've been doing a 30 min. step aerobic routine 3x a week  to start. Today I did a 1 mile walk on the bikepath. I had a hypertensive crisis a few months ago that accompanied two miscarriages in a row, so it kind of shocked me into looking for a lifestyle change. I'm stuck with what is free or at home (vids, handweights, yogamat,  and step) for now though! The kettleball looks like a good investment.


I'm so sorry for your losses!  And good luck on your lifestyle change:)  This thread has been a real help to me; it has lots of ideas and always great encouragement.


Holy sweat fest today. I need a head sweat band ala 80s style. :D  Cardio/abs which was not bad except those (insert adult adjective here) jump squats. Followed by yoga/toning and this was challenging for me today. My arms/shoulders/neck are sore from yesterday's workout so all the negative push ups in this yoga video were killing me. I did them though. On the last tricep push up my left elbow let me know that enough was enough and bit me. 


What's good for fighting inflammation? Tumeric, right? Last night I took Motrin because my neck was very sore. I need some serious anti-inflammatory, anti-stiffness foods. Remind me what cause I can't remember! 


I put a small chunk of raw turmeric root and then a small chunk of raw ginger through my garlic press, add it to a small pot of piping hot tea with half a lemon and then strain before I drink.  It's spicy and very filling.  But inflammation is my bugaboo...  this and drinking lemon water before bed really helps me.  Some people add honey- but I don't like sweet drinks.  


This morning: training session doing HIIT with PT, followed by katas.

This afternoon: kettle bell: Simple and Sinister.


Merry Friday everyone:)

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I think turmeric paired with black pepper for inflammation.      I think it's totally placebo but I do use magnesium spray after a hot shower on irritated muscle areas.  It does sting a little for a few minutes upon application.    I try to have some bone broth daily (I make the broth with turmeric and black pepper).   It's my kryptonite.       That said, there seems to be no cure for DOMS resulting from trap work. 



Today:  same old.  I'm also sore, tired.

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I'm *so* going to try this right now.  Running to kitchen...


If you have cherry tea- not the flavored crap-tea but good black tea leaves with real dried cherries it makes it even better- and it makes me feel like it will help my arthritis too.  Probably placebo like you mentioned but I like it....

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I have fresh ginger but not fresh tumeric. I've never even looked for it. The tea sounds lovely and soothing. Unfortunately I don't have my car today so I'll have to wait. I just had a protein smoothie and blueberry pancakes. I hadn't planned on the pancakes. I am overly stuffed. 


Dear son,


I love that you love to cook and bake. You are becoming quite good at it. Maybe too good. When you place a platter of hot blueberry pancakes next to a bowl of fruit yogurt sauce in front of your mother, please understand that she has NO self control and will stuff those yummy pancakes into her pancake hole. Then she won't be able to move because she had previously consumed a protein smoothie.


P.S. What are you making for lunch?



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If you have cherry tea- not the flavored crap-tea but good black tea leaves with real dried cherries it makes it even better- and it makes me feel like it will help my arthritis too.  Probably placebo like you mentioned but I like it....


Don't knock placebo. It is very real and very effective. This is why doctors even try to use it to see if it helps. 

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Fresh tumeric isn't all that common in the stores, although I have been seeing it. It turns my smoothie a weird yellow colour, lol.  Not appetizing to say the least.


But, Dr Andrew Weil suggests using powdered tumeric in tea






He has that whole anti-inflamitory diet/pyramid thing you might look into.

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For sore muscles I prescribe a stiff shot of Jameson whiskey. But I digress....


I went on some kind of exercise bender this morning. I felt great for some reason. I ran about 4 then went to the gym and did 4 on the elliptical and kettle bells and chin ups and stuff.  Oh, and I did a quick 20 minutes of yoga right after my coffee this morning. I undid all this by taking my girls to see Cinderella at 11:30 where we devoured 2 large popcorns in lieu of lunch. Oh well, maybe it cancels out? They enjoyed it but I have always felt Cinderella was such a doormat.  I'm definitely more of a Mulan/Merida type.  


I'm supposed to go to a sugar bush tomorrow. It is promising to be wet and boggy which will probably weaken my resolve not to eat a huge stack of pancakes with syrup. And of course there will be pi(e) later in the afternoon.  This is not going to help me when I get out summer clothes.  Have a great weekend all!

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joyofsix- I guess your body was screaming for a refuel, did you guys like the movie?


I've not seen turmeric root around here. I love ginger though. I just started an electrolyte drink today and it has creatine, taurine and some other things in it, I'm sure I'll be ripped in no time :)


I ended up doing 5 rounds and I pushed it today moving mostly to exercises that I could only do about 5 reps. I decided I needed to push it a bit more. I did my rows with my 26lb kb's and my squats(goblet style- new one for me), and elevated my feet for dips. I didn't push it too much with my push-ups, I just did it from my knees(I had been doing them elevated). I believe my tummy is really getting stronger and I've got some hope that it might eventually get back to where it was, although it will be awhile. I know in yoga I can sure tell the strength I've lost, some poses I could do with ease are impossible now but I can do more than I could.

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Hopefully I can get back into proper exercising from next week when the fast is over. Meanwhile, all of you ladies are doing wonderfully. I stretched and did several yoga moves. 


Dear son,


I love that you love to cook and bake. You are becoming quite good at it. Maybe too good. When you place a platter of hot blueberry pancakes next to a bowl of fruit yogurt sauce in front of your mother, please understand that she has NO self control and will stuff those yummy pancakes into her pancake hole. Then she won't be able to move because she had previously consumed a protein smoothie.


P.S. What are you making for lunch?

You are absolutely hilarious!  :lol:   :grouphug: I keep laughing at the pancake hole :D. 

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Dh and I have to cook all day for a St Patrick's dinner thing at church tonight---he and a bunch of guys are doing the corned beef/cabbage/potato/salmon thing while I get to make 18 or 20 loaves of soda bread.




Not sure if any exercise will happen today :lol:

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Grrrrr.... I tweaked my back muscles- lower back, doing a series of jerking power ropes during PT.  I knew that I wasn't doing it right- sure enough I was sore before I got home and cooking pies all day didn't help.  I didn't do yesterday's kettle bell because of it and now on top of that I have horrid horrid cramps.  


In case you don't know, peri-menopause is soooo much fun.


Today is open mat, my favorite day of the week and the last one of this month, now I need to figure out what to do there.  I want to grapple....  I have to go because my kids need me there so I can't avoid being there.  Let's see, what's more embarrassing: telling my all male grappling partners that I'm not going to grapple because it's a particularly bad time of month or I can't grapple because I'm so frail and old that I tweaked my back twitching ropes?  


I'm still hoping that in 2 hours I will feel magically better.

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You are absolutely hilarious!  :lol:   :grouphug: I keep laughing at the pancake hole :D. 

pancake hole a.k.a. pie hole, cookie hole, cake hole, brownie hole, etc. depending on what I am stuffing into it. ;) My kids think their mother is tragically weird.




Today is not a scheduled rest day but I am making it one. I am sore (in a good way) but sore enough that I don't think it would be beneficial to tax my muscles today with a workout. So today will be some stretching, chores, and errands. Oh, and walking the dog. He's sitting here staring at me as I type this. I'm sure he's thinking, "Come on already! Let's go!" At least that's the version I'm going to convince myself he's thinking. The reality may be a bit more profane for typing here. 

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Rieshy- I've had a taste of hormones issues after this last pregnancy, I have utmost sympathy, I never want to go through menopause. Hope your back is better soon.


joyofsix- What is sugarbrush?


Luckymama- Dh had to help with cornbeef and cabbage one year, he vowed never again. 


Yoga and mutu done(wk 2 of second round done). I'm surprisingly not as sore as I thought I would be, perhaps the drink did help. I don't hardly feel any soreness in my legs. I'll have to push them harder next time :)

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joyofsix- What is sugarbrush?



It's the best early spring tradition in the northeast forest! Maple sugar sap flows up the trees when the nights are still cool and the days are warm.  You visit the sugar shacks, feast on pancakes swimming in delicious maple syrup, maybe sample some maple sugar toffee or candies, and if you can still move, you hike in the sugar bush with the coloured plastic tubing that collects the sap in large operations, or buckets hanging from trees in smaller bush.


I'll be taking the dc this week, too. We love it.

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