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Lady Gaga Sound of Music Opinion


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I thought she was surprisingly good. Says the lady who couldn't carry a tune if her life depended on it.



This is me! LOL  The part of my brain where music might happen, never happened. LOL  But I enjoyed Lady Gaga's performance.  My DD plays the viola and is in symphonies and such, and she had a comment or two on the notes Gaga was carrying, or not.  


I was clueless as to the quality and gave her HUGE HUGE props for attempting to follow in such big footsteps, especially since JA was RIGHT THERE.   That's a big, big deal.

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I thought she did great.  Now the song Adam Levine sang- not so good.  


I  knew she had a lovely voice and often wondered why she resorted to things like auto-tune and visual gimmicks. After watching that performance (I had to look it up b/c I didn't watch the Oscars) I know why she needs a schtick. Yes, she has a nice voice, but her performance was dull. There was nothing in it that made me go, "Wow!" If that's normal for her, then that's why she has to be Lady Gaga and not just Stefani Germanotta. Even so, I don't hate any of her songs. I don't love any either, but I'll sing along if one happens to come on the radio.



As for Adam Levine, OMG. His voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. I cannot listen to more than a few seconds of his false falsetto without wanting to scream.

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I liked her performance with Tony Bennett at the Grammy's much better. 




I don't think Sound of Music is in her wheelhouse but she has a good voice that is well trained, it just wasn't trained for that, it was trained for singing with Tony Bennett and she did it brilliantly. She was professionally  trained but  as a jazz singer.

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I don't listen to Lady Gaga and can't name any of her songs. I love Julie Andrews. I was pleasantly surprised, because I thought she did well.


She was fine.  I didn't have a strong opinion of it really . They had a lot of pop artists doing songs that weren't "theirs"- Maroon 5, for example.


Adam Levine actually sang that song in the movie, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't be his song. Kiera Knightly also sings a version of it in the movie, and I MUCH prefer her version. Don't like his much. And actually, in the movie, Kiera's character doesn't like his version, either.

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1) I was pleasantly suprised in this age of autotune that Lady Gaga was not horrible. Perhaps having low expectations helped?


2) I heard some very accomplished classically trained singers sing popular music in a fashion that was beyond embarrassing (Yes Placido Domingo, I'm thinking of you).


3) My favorite singer is Bob Dylan :D


4) I was so creeped out my the tattoos it was hard to focus on anything else. Goodness gracious, what a mess.



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1) I was pleasantly suprised in this age of autotune that Lady Gaga was not horrible. Perhaps having low expectations helped?


2) I heard some very accomplished classically trained singers sing popular music in a fashion that was beyond embarrassing (Yes Placido Domingo, I'm thinking of you).


3) My favorite singer is Bob Dylan :D


4) I was so creeped out my the tattoos it was hard to focus on anything else. Goodness gracious, what a mess.




1) Yes. True.


2)  Ha!  touche   (But I know plenty of people who can sing an Italian Aria with perfection one minute and the next minute nail a pop song. Classical voice training is about crafting a skilled art, not learning one narrow style.)


3)  That's b/c you rock!


4)  No kidding.  That kid did NOT come from Nonnberg Abbey.

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1) I was pleasantly suprised in this age of autotune that Lady Gaga was not horrible. Perhaps having low expectations helped?


2) I heard some very accomplished classically trained singers sing popular music in a fashion that was beyond embarrassing (Yes Placido Domingo, I'm thinking of you).


3) My favorite singer is Bob Dylan :D


4) I was so creeped out my the tattoos it was hard to focus on anything else. Goodness gracious, what a mess.



I so know what you mean by this.  My sister has a classical voice and had classical training.  She *thinks* she can sing pop and jazz really well.  It is not "well" by any means, but I don't have the heart to tell her.  Also,I know a phenom trained classical singer.  She can NOT do contemporary music to save her life.  She can't even stay in key when she tries.  It is odd to say the least.  I agree about the autotune thing and respect Gaga for not going down that road. 

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1) Yes. True.


2)  Ha!  touche   (But I know plenty of people who can sing an Italian Aria with perfection one minute and the next minute nail a pop song. Classical voice training is about crafting a skilled art, not learning one narrow style.)


3)  That's b/c you rock!


4)  No kidding.  That kid did NOT come from Nonnberg Abbey.

I know what you mean, but sadly, I only know a couple who can do any genre well.  I know a few who can only do one and not any others.  

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I was impressed because it was Lady Gaga (who I am NOT a fan of) and she did surprisingly well.  I guess I was more surprised at who it was.  I didn't think she was better than a lot of others they could have gotten, it was just a novelty because she wasn't an obvious choice.


Here's my big question - was she lip syncing to her own previously recorded voice?  I keep watching it and I think she was not singing live.  What says the Hive?

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I was pleasantly surprised by how good her voice was.


Her presentation made me cringe -- now we wave the right arm around, now we pick up the skirt and wave it around, now the arm, now the skirt, again and again. I stopped noticing her singing due to horrified fascination with what she was doing with her body.


I kept waiting for the skirt to be pulled off to show something more Lady Gaga-ish. So glad it wasn't! I agree the movements seemed somewhat mechanical.

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Once I realized that there wasn't going to be a Lady Gaga-ish stunt, I wondered if she wasn't just really nervous.  

At the end of the performance, as JA came onstage, I read LG as exhausted and very nervous.  Those are big shoes to fill.  She has a very different voice than JA so I think it must have stretched her quite a lot to pull that off.


To a PP, I wasn't examining her closely, but I did not have the impression that she was lip syncing.

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Once I realized that there wasn't going to be a Lady Gaga-ish stunt, I wondered if she wasn't just really nervous.

I eventually decided that she doesn't have a very big "vocabulary" of things to do with her body that aren't outrageous stunt-type things. I know high school students who are the same way -- they have a limited repertoire of gestures and expressions, mostly because they're young and somewhat inexperienced.

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I eventually decided that she doesn't have a very big "vocabulary" of things to do with her body that aren't outrageous stunt-type things. I know high school students who are the same way -- they have a limited repertoire of gestures and expressions, mostly because they're young and somewhat inexperienced.

This was what I thought, too. She doesn't know how her gestures and body should be for that type of performance. "well if I'm not going to tear the skirt off to reveal the weasel bikini, I really don't know *what* to do with myself."

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Her quote makes sense. She's a business minded artist, not an ARTist artist that got a lucky break.



A Classically trained singer can do Opera, pop, folk, Broadway, whatever. A switch in genre doesn't mean dropping trained skill. Ex. I'm not expecting to hear big vibrato (like in opera) b/c the genre requires a straighter tone, but I am expecting to hear those high notes floating in powerful brilliance from her head....not blasted as if through a potato shooter from her throat. Granted, she's talented at the potato shooter approach, but ...

That is not Lady Gaga in quotes but my interpretation of her attitude from reading music and mainstream magazines.


I don't know she would be so crude actually.

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