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Exercise Thread ~ February 22nd - February 28


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Yes, your goal is to do MMA and not sustain injuries from being inadequately conditioned.    :boxing_smiley:   (I say as I'm all bruised up from last week's training)


That's a good goal. My ankles used to bruise from plyo. I was shocked the first time it happened.

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Got in 2 hours of mixed doubles tennis last night, which was awesome! I forgot to use the massage roller on my legs and I`m really feeling creaky this morning. 


Dh and I have 2 hours of mixed doubles tennis tonight, followed by the weekly wine. Should be a great finish to the week.  :hurray:


It`s -25C with windchildd of -30 this morning. Like a broken record. I`m really looking forward to spring.

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Haven't missed any WO this week but probably will miss all MA.  I'm feeling just under the weather enough to have no oomph and that could be a recipe for injury at MA.   




Being smart kinda sucks sometimes.... but still better than an injury- so good for you.


I got in a bonus kettle bell class last night.  I have a date with my dear love, Mr. Epsom, later today.


Frustrated with my lackluster push-ups I asked my Kettle bell instructor why I've not made progress and he sent me this article this morning: https://www.t-nation.com/training/best-damn-push-ups-article-period


It's really long but if you persevere to the end there are a series of logical progressions for women that focus on perfecting technique as you build strength.  You find your current level and start at that progression.

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after the car accident (I was sitting at a red light)  that twisted the bones in my lower leg making it very painful, and the virus that wouldn't go. away. (seriously.  SIX. WEEKS. and I'm still coughing.  my dr asked me if I was asthmatic. no.  gave me an inhaler.  Sudafed and mucinex worked better.)


I walked to day.  it actually helped my leg too. I could feel it loosening up.  my chiropractor says it's doing much better as well - but my foot still hurts if I haven't been moving as much as I should be.


now - to get back to yoga . . . .



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Lots of sleep again, nothing yet. I'm having a pedicure this morning, so no time to workout. Hope to either swim this afternoon or to do a Classical Stretch or two. I'm going through one of those crazy workout planning phases again. I may be posting here with questions. Bear with me!  :lol:


after the car accident (I was sitting at a red light)  that twisted the bones in my lower leg making it very painful, and the virus that wouldn't go. away. (seriously.  SIX. WEEKS. and I'm still coughing.  my dr asked me if I was asthmatic. no.  gave me an inhaler.  




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Friday I ended up resting.  I've been having a weird allergic reaction to an acne cream (at least I think that's what did it.  It's the only thing different this week).  My right eye and my nose were swollen like a balloon.  I ended up at the doctor's office for 2 shots and then I took benedryl.  I didn't even want to do yoga all day.  The swelling is going down, but I look like someone beat me up


Today I was able to run. I did 7 miles, which was enough time for 2 episodes of House of Cards (with my stretching included) :D  I'm hoping for some restorative yoga before bed.  

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Walked each day.  Did some yoga-type stuff in front of the telly tonight - I should do that more often, to make my yoga classes more worthwhile.  I have a lot of flexibility, but the strength is taking longer to build.


I remembered what I did last Monday - I had a hospital appointment, so rather than circling the inadequate car park, I parked a couple of miles away and walked over.  I couldn't pick up speed - I didn't want to be sweaty for the doctor or for work afterwards - but it was something.


Oh, and one afternoon this week both my colleagues were out, so I spent ten minutes running around the office....

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