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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Jean....hoping you get an appointment asap!   :grouphug:


I've been awake since 4am... :confused1: ...I'm going to be tired today.  Everyone is home for the day, but asleep.  I hope they all sleep late!


Today is our grand babies 4th birthday....I can't believe she's 4 and oh how I miss seeing her. 


Today I'll accomplish:

  • school--lots to work on with ds...hope he's feeling better.
  • tidy of the house and something hot for all meals--it's cold and will be getting even colder in the days to come.
  • we got beautiful snow last night, so I hope to go for a walk and take some pictures.    I miss living away from people where you could just pull on your boots with crazy hair and go for a quick walk.    I'm sure here they would be all  :scared: .
  • work on some craft stuff and embroidery 

Have a good day everyone and hope all who are under the weather are feeling better soon!

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It's still snowing lazily :) Dh is out with the snowblower---if he didn't have an appointment w a client, he would work from home today. Poor dh.


So up ahead:


--school (I do chem, math, history, AP Human Geography w dd)

--gentle stretching/exercise because my left Achilles is sore; icing

--house things as usual

--make a fun dessert for Fat Tuesday :D

--edit dd's scholarship essay if she wishes; have her edit for a second draft

--some emails

--research for next school year

--no ballet tonight because the school district is closed (the studio follows that closing schedule just for simplicity's sake--kids come from a wide radius)


:grouphug: Jean :grouphug:


Tammy, wow, four already!

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I hope you get in Jean! :grouphug: :grouphug:


Everyone is sick here now and it's snowing and I've got to get to the infusion center with Oldest for a 10:00 appointment.

I have no idea what it is we have, but dh was literally sweating in puddles all night and I shook with chills for 3 hours.  I've never experienced anything like this.


Hang in there everyone!

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I hope everyone feels better too!




Send some emails to foreign branch [done]

Get kids up and out (incl. quick review work & breakfast & lunch) [done]

Wipe down bathroom, clean kitchen, straighten kids' area some [done]

Work from 8am-6pm [done but not very efficiently]

Yoga routine and some exercise, on breaks during the work day [done]

Make kids do their homework & piano & get ready for tomorrow's school [done]

Family TaeKwonDo [done]

Quick grocery stop [done]

Laundry [done]

Dinner [done]

Readaloud [done]

Put kids to bed [done]

Work from 10pm-12am [or play on the internet ....]

Try to get to bed on time, ha!  [Ha!]

Stretch goal:  Assemble some donations to nieces and/or to community collection truck.  [Ha again!]


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Good morning

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- stalk mail person for my books and stupid letter from IRS (I really hope the letter comes today so that I can fix whatever and get my refund)- didn't get my books but I did get free tampons (I know TMI) for product testing and after I submit the survey, I will get $40.00 :) and got the IRS letter (see Stupid IRS thread for more details)

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed tonight

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to get done- finished my mom's taxes, packaged up chicken

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Coughed until about 4 am before I was able to finally get some exhausted sleep for a couple of hours.  

I am not going to talk at all today.  The pain and swelling is too great if I try.  I'm trying not to sound dramatic but honestly if the throat swells even a bit more I'm facing a tracheotemy I think, to be able to breathe.  Dh wants me to keep the ER in mind (and it is, sigh.)  Once the kids are up I'll have ds call the ENT's office but if memory serves me right, today is a surgery day and not an office day for him.  Dh wants me to skip the ENT for my primary if that is so, but I'm on the fence about this.  I get his reasoning from a "this will be faster" perspective but even though my primary is an internal med guy and very competent, he's not an ENT. . .   What to do, what to do. . . . I hate this sort of indecision.  (Sorry - I know this thread isn't normally used for such musings but you all are my "daily peeps" and I'm doing a stream-of-consciousness thing here.)  

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Jean  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

Lizzie  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Everyone stay warm and safe today.  


Did banking with my mom, other errands

Barnes and Noble trip (new copy of Bullfinch's Mythology, thanks Mom!)

was called to pick up dd, couldn't make it through the school day again...sore throat, cough

going to library later to pick up some research books 

no dinner plans, I'm thinking it's every man for himself with leftovers 


I hope that everyone has a lovely evening!  

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Went to the primary.  His nurse was really worried about me and kept patting my arm going "You poor girl."  The primary, though (who normally is a top-notch doc) said "It's a virus.  There isn't anything I can do for you,"  


So I went to the next thing which was dd's dental appt.  I just got there and dh texted that the ENT agreed to see me after his surgeries.  I am so glad that I went to him.  He looked at me with scopes and mirrors that the primary does not have and said, "Did you know that you have a kind of tonsil that is at the base of the tongue?  (Lingual tonsil).  It's infected.  I'm putting you on antibiotics."  Then we spent five minutes figuring out what antibiotic to try since last year I started to react to EVERYTHING because my immune system was just shot.  We chose one.  Then he wanted to put me on pain meds because I've been in so much pain but after ten minutes of having to shoot every option down because I'm allergic to something in it, I told him to skip it.  If I know the cause of the pain is being treated and there is an end in sight for the pain, I'm good.  Or at least good enough.  


I'm exhausted.  

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