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Exercise Thread ~ February 15th - 21st


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Not much time to walk today - had to be at work early and couldn't walk at lunchtime.  Managed five miles in all though, so not too bad.


I forgot to say - last night I was feeling a bit low and didn't want to walk the dog, then I realised that the reason I felt low was that I needed to walk......



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Did Zumba last night.

Found out we have 2 more classes in the Wed eve set & then it breaks for 5 weeks.  A bunch of us were all  :scared:  How will we survive for 5 weeks without a Wed night class?  We're talking with the programmer & some instructors to see if we can fill up that break. I can see why people end up joining expensive gyms because I'm tempted by the ones that run year round, no exceptions.

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90 minutes of Ashtanaga yoga this morning, then 3 hrs of driving this afternoon.  It was quite exciting trying to get down the hill by my house.  There was about 5 ft of ice.  I slid for a bit, but could regain control by the bottom.  I was sure I would not be able to get back up it, but thankfully, the sun came out, and despite the 15degree temp, enough of the ice melted that I could get back up. 

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Gym with the trainer this morning, followed by 30 min on elliptical. I didn't go as fast or as hard as I usually do on the elliptical, out of concern for the healing/ed Achilles.


The weight workout was awesome :D He upped my weights each set for four of the five exercises! The exception was the reverse fly (5 lb each) because of my past shoulder injury. Hey, I couldn't even do 2lb a year ago, so that's progress :)

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Workout with PT. My calf was gnarled up again- but feels better now. My PT suggested that I need to back down on my calf intensive workouts- but at the same time wants me doing more calf oriented weights to build strength. I've already backed my running mileage way down for the last few months. I think he was suggesting backing down on martial arts. Grrr.


Feeling frustrated.

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Negin, are you swimming at the place of your avatar?  Le sigh....


Close, but not exactly. Most of my swimming is in our pool. About once a week or so (if I'm good and disciplined), dh and I head to the beach (but not the on in my avatar, a better one, actually) across the street from us. 

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I think he was suggesting backing down on martial arts. Grrr.


Rieshy, those sound like fighting words.... :boxing_smiley:



here was about 5 ft of ice.  I slid for a bit, but could regain control by the bottom.



Kim, driving on ice is scary!     Yikes!



How will we survive for 5 weeks without a Wed night class?


Hornblower, hope you can find a way to fill the slot.  It's no fun to get your schedule whacked like that.




I forgot to say - last night I was feeling a bit low and didn't want to walk the dog, then I realised that the reason I felt low was that I needed to walk......


Laura, there's just something about exercise, right?  Hope you had a great walk.



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So sorry for all you still freezing. We had 2 days of below 30 (at night) and below 50 during the day. I froze my tushie off. Today is a glorious 74. 



I did one of the epic 1000 calorie videos. Although I'm sure I didn't burn 1000 calories even though I kept up with Kelli and didn't take any longer breaks than in the video. 'Tis the unfairness of the fact that the smaller/thinner one is the fewer calories burned when doing the same workout as others. Totally unfair. ;)  My oldest did the HIIT and weights portions before stopping to go do his math. Not sure if he just really wanted to get his math assignment done so he doesn't have to worry about it later, or if he really wanted to quit working out. Maybe both.


I think I'll throw in an extra stretch session later and tomorrow. I'll need it.  Has anyone read Move Your DNA? I just finished it. A lot does not apply to me because I don't lead the typical "sit all day" lifestyle. One thing she discusses is the difference between exercise and movement. I'm always looking to throw motion into my day. I squat when I take laundry from my machine to the dryer, for example. I do all sorts of movement while doing lessons with my kids. I pace, I balance on one leg, I sit on the floor in different positions a lot, I balance on our balance cushion, I throw in jumping jacks with my kids when they recite math facts (or memory work etc), I sit on a physioball, I usually stand while on the computer, and so forth. So I don't think I'm the author's typical audience. However, I do (unfortunately) spend a lot of time driving. No way around it as we live far from everything. So I try to balance that out.


She has a lot of stretches in the book and on her site. I was looking at her site and it looks great for my dh and I think anyone would benefit from it. I might give her free video a try.  

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I've run out of likes - consider yourselves liked.


Strangely busy day that ended up fitting together well.  Gorgeous crisp, sunny day: 3 degrees C and no wind.  Dropped off Hobbes so that he could take what should have been about a fifteen mile hike, but which turned into more like eighteen (I think) because he had to make a massive detour with the dog around a nature preserve.  He was walking from 10.30 to 5.30 including breaks.  When I met them, the dog ran towards me, then ran away, because she knew that I would be taking her home.....


While Hobbes was walking, I had my hair done, then walked from a nearby town over the hill to the next village; had lunch then walked back; went to the supermarket; went home and made supper; drove off to get Hobbes, then put in some more steps while waiting for him.  


Then off to see a play in the evening.  Didn't drink enough.  Otherwise a good day - 19,000 steps.

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Made it to the gym 5 times this week, which was my goal. I'm able to do a few things now that I was unable to do a week ago and it's exciting to be able to point to real progress! 

Bought a longer and thicker yoga mat for home use, so I can do some work at home on days I don't hit the gym.


Took our bikes to the shop today for the annual tune up before cycling season begins.  So glad we went today- it'll take 2+ weeks before our bikes are ready because EVERYONE is taking them in now. And we're a solid month from it being warm enough to even think about riding, so the timing was right.  

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Did Zumba this morning so that's 3 for the week. I consider myself well wiggled. Instructor brought an older song back which is always fun.

in case you want to jump around a bit LOL .

that book Move Your DNA sounds interesting Mom-ninja.  I'm going to put a hold at the library.. thx   I randomly poked around a few minutes of the 90 min/1000 cal workout - whoa.  Do you put music on or something?  I hate the man's voice already & I'm not in pain yet... LOL
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