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Pediatric Emergency-He's OK


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We have an appointment in 4 hours.

My son who never complains about anything is laying on floor because his stomach hurts. He's had the stomach flu before and did not act like this. He said that he threw up last night, keeps trying to throw up again because his stomach hurts, and his stomach hurts to the touch directly below his belly button, not to the right.

Ok, before I could hit post he threw up. It was watery. He called it a throw up fall. The pain does not act like appendicitis. Thoughts?

Update: We're done. He's ok. They don't know if it's an infection or the flu or what, but it's not a blocked bowel or appendicitis or anything like that.

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We have an appointment in 4 hours.


My son who never complains about anything is laying on floor because his stomach hurts. He's had the stomach flew before and did not act like this. He said that he threw up last night, keeps trying to throw up again because his stomach hurts, and his stomach hurts to the touch directly below his belly button, not to the right.


Ok, before I could hit post he threw up. It was watery. He called it a throw up fall. The pain does not act like appendicitis. Thoughts?


Appendicitis often presents with periumbilical pain initially.  It later localizes usually to the right lower quadrant (but there is some variability because there is some variability in the position of the distal appendix). Appendicitis in patients with other medical problems (like IBD, diabetes, leukemia, etc) can also present atypically.


Fecal impaction, strep pharyngitis, mesenteric adenitis (some is caused by strep but many viruses that inflame the mesenteric nodes can do this), and even gastroenteritis (although usually the pain will start only after the vomiting) can also cause similar pain.

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He's up and moving. I'm keeping the appointment, but I'm thinking the worst might be over. I was just really upset because he's never acted like that before. We joke that if he accidentally ripped his arm out that he'd bring it to us, tell us it's broken, and ask us to fix it.

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I just saw this thread and am hoping you are already on your way to the doctor, and that it turns out your ds just had some severe gas pains or cramps or something else that isn't serious.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Please update us when you can. You must have been so scared when he was lying on the floor in pain!!! :(

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I just saw this thread and am hoping you are already on your way to the doctor, and that it turns out your ds just had some severe gas pains or cramps or something else that isn't serious.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Please update us when you can. You must have been so scared when he was lying on the floor in pain!!! :(

My husband is almost home and then we'll be off. He's feeling much better and is watching Mickey. Yes I was very concerned, I almost called 911. I didn't know what was wrong but it felt really bad. Will update in an hour or two.

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My husband is almost home and then we'll be off. He's feeling much better and is watching Mickey. Yes I was very concerned, I almost called 911. I didn't know what was wrong but it felt really bad. Will update in an hour or two.

Praying that everything goes well at the doctor!!! :grouphug:

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No. He's better though. He wasn't super sick, just in a lot of pain.


Once when my ds9 was 4 he woke up in screaming pain at 11:30pm.  Was not a night terror. He was fully awake and was fully aware. He said that it was his stomach. He screamed for a solid half hour before I threw him into the car and drove like a  madwoman to the ER. There, he screamed at the top of his lungs while they made us wait for an hour with 3 other people in the waiting area.  People kept turning up the tv in the waiting area because of his screaming but they wouldn't get him in the back any sooner.  He then screamed at the top of his lungs for 45 minutes while waiting for the doctor in the exam room.  He calmed down when they xrayed him ..... annnnnnnd the never could figure out the trouble.  Best use of our ER co-pay EVER! Not.  He then did it again during daylight hours.  He was screaming so loud and hard he literally passed out on the exam table at the peds.  She woke him during her exam and he started in again.  Nearest she could figure was a hernia of all things.  


But since then, nothing. 


Moral of my story.... you may never figure out what happened. :grouphug:

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