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Can a kid with a learners permit have other people in the car beside one grown-up????

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I believe in VA the rule is once the child gets his license he cannot have more than one passenger, if all the passengers are not adults.


In other words if adult is riding with the teen the one passenger rule doesn't apply. I would think it would be the same for learner's permits.


Your dmv should have the rules published on this.

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I'd better check my own dd's learner's permit! We're in Missouri, though, not Illinois. I'm glad you brought up this topic! So far we're having her drive us all as a family, except she hasn't done highway driving yet. I'm not ready for that. My dh, the man with the nerves of steel, will have to take over that job!


I think, but am not certain, that this may be the official website for the State of Illinois for DMV. Search that and see if they show the driver's license book online. Good luck!

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It looks like it is perfectly legal for a permitted driver to have minor passengers. Here is the information from the Illinois DMV Parent-Teen Driving Guide:


Permit Phase — Drivers Age 15

• Parent/legal guardian consent required to obtain an instruction permit.

• Must be enrolled in an approved driver education course, and must pass vision and written tests.

• Nighttime driving restrictions — Sun.-Thurs., 10 p.m.-6 a.m.; Fri.-Sat., 11 p.m.-6 a.m. (local curfews

may differ).

• Permit must be held for a minimum of nine months.

• Must practice driving a minimum of 50 hours, including 10 hours at night, supervised by a parent or

adult age 21 or older with a valid driver’s license.

• Must not acquire any driving convictions during the nine-month permit phase.

• Number of passengers limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back


• All occupants under age 19 must wear safety belts.

• Cell phone use while driving is prohibited for drivers under age 19, except in the case of an emergency

to contact a law enforcement agency, health care provider or emergency services agency.

• Permit is valid for up to two years.


Here is the link to the page with this guide and other information.


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It depends on how old he is--what stage of the license phase he's in. For example, at age 15: "supervised by a parent or adult age 21 or older with a valid driver's license." and "Number of passengers limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat."--in other words, if you have 3 seatbelts in the back, he can have 4 passengers, including the adult.


At age 16-17: "For the first year of licensing, or until the driver is age 18, whichever occurs first, the number of passengers is limited to one person under age 20, unless the additional passenger(s) is a sibling, step-sibling, child, or step-child of the driver. After this period, the number of passengers is limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat."

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I don't allow the younger kids to be in the car with *any* brand-new driver including my own older dc.


It's an unpopular viewpoint that I've taken some criticism for over the years, but I think it's best for new drivers to not have the responsibility (or possible distraction) of younger kids in the car, even if it takes a bit more effort on my part to provide drive time when we're not already going somewhere with the family. I would also never allow my younger dc be a passenger in a car driven by a driver with that little experience, either. :scared:


Of course, ymmv! :)

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I personally would set aside time for driver's ed.


It is unfair to expect a new driver to deal with the issues of too many other people in the car.


However, my big concern? That new driver would have to deal with more than reasonable should something happen. They shouldn't have that responsibility or pain on their shoulders.



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Once our teens are driving well enough that we feel safe, we allow them to have other passengers during the permit practice stage. In Illinois, it's almost a necessity since dd has to have 50 hours of behind the wheel practice and ds will need 100 hours. In addition, they need to learn how to drive with others in the car...once they are confident enough that it's safe. So yes, your teen can have others in the car while racking up those practice hours. I NEVER let my teen drive with another person in the car unless I have made sure it's ok with the parents, though.

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Oldest dd got her permit at almost 17. She needed to have it at least 6 months before she could get her license. She had her permit nearly one year before she got her license--then she had a 6th month 'probationary' period where she could only take family and/or 1 friend.


The first 3-4 months while she was earning the minumum required learner hours we did NOT allow our other dds in the car. By the time she had her permit for 6 months and was VERY comfortable she started driving our family to church, dropping her sister off at pre-school and other errands. By the time she had her license she was VERY comfortable with driving in a car with her sisters. I think the day after she got her license she picked them both up at school (they attend PS). She just turned 18 and is a confident driver and FINALLY without restrictions (we take/bring middle dd's friends home a lot!).


Middle dd will be 16 this December. Our plan is to start her on her learner's permit in December--and we MIGHT consider letting her get her license next summer with extra 'family rules' restrictions (only driving herself and maybe her little sister to/from school)... she is in Band and needs to be at school by 6:45am!

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After this period, the number of passengers is limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat."

Does this mean I can't use the third set of belts in the front seat (Yukon has nine belts)? :confused: Ever? Or only after 17?

For the first year of licensing (age 16-17), they can only have one person under the age of 20 (unless they're siblings, step-siblings, children, or step-children of the driver). After that first year, if the driver is not yet 18, then passengers allowed is limited to one in the front and the number of seat belts in the back.


Then, at the age of 18-20, there are no restrictions unless the driver has not moved from the Initial Licensing Phase to Full Licensing Phase (perhaps because of moving violations?).


That's how I understand it. http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/drivers/programs/gdl.html

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