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Exercise Thread ~ January 25th-31st


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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!

(((Hug))) I have a couple friends with MS who do quite well. But still ((((hug))) you will get through this but I say be sad, be angry. Don't fake this is easy. Come here and vent.
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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


Oh, I'm so very, very sorry.  :grouphug:   :grouphug:   :grouphug:

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(((Hug))) I have a couple friends with MS who do quite well. But still ((((hug))) you will get through this but I say be sad, be angry. Don't fake this is easy. Come here and vent.

I love this advice. I really don't appreciate what seems to be a new trend of faking difficulties to be easy. Drives me nuts. Joyofsix is right. You should feel free to come here and vent. 

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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!


:grouphug:  I'm sorry.




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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!

I'm so sorry. Yes, allow yourself to go through all the stages of emotions. Exercise can help keep you sane and give you something to focus on. 


When I was diagnosed with 2 autoimmune disorders (within weeks of each other) I spent about a week crying everyday. Then I was sad/depressed for a couple more weeks. I didn't exercise much at that point. Well, I was also still really sick. After that first month anger set in. I was ANGRY. I threw myself into exercise (mostly kickboxing) and used it as an outlet for my anger. I developed an attitude of stubbornness. I would NOT let my disorders take control of my life any more than I could help it. Exercise is one area that I *am* in control of. It can give you that essential feeling of control that we need to some extent in our lives. There are many things I can't control or change (like my confused immune system) and being able to control my body through exercise gives me joy. 


Hoping for the best for you and your dh. 

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I have a gym night scheduled for when DH gets home. I'm going, but I'm so exhausted from hanging out in the er last night with dd. She had a mystery allergic reaction. Very scary. Today she has been miserable and the meds are making her very unhappy.

Geepers, that is scary. Any clue at all as to what gave her the reaction? 

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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!


Hugs to you.  I found after my son's diagnoses that crying in the shower was really, really wonderful, not to mention I came out clean and good smelling.

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Yesterday was yoga in the city.  That woman is a miracle worker.  I hope I can continue taking her classes for a long time.  I'm learning so much about correct body positioning.  She's been fine tuning all of my postures.  I feel so good when I come out of her class.  


Today I ran 3 miles, then kettlebell.  I did a ladder of reps 8, 4, then 2, increasing my weights each time.  I did 1 arm rows, deadlifts, clean and presses, then swings, squats and push-ups.  It was a nice and fairly quick strength routine.  

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The last link I sent for handstands I ended up hating because I couldn't understand most of the jargon- but I really like these handstand links: part 1, part 2.  They made me realize that my handstand weakness is all about my shoulders- not core or balance.




Today- I hope for a nice recovery run if the temperature doesn't drop (I'm too much a wimp for frozen eyelashes, unlike others in this group) and have my kettle bell challenge, katas, thai combos and core workout to do at home today.

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How was it?


I was tired and decided to go back to bed and when I woke up John was very sick (he's better today) and needed my full attention. By the time we got back from the doctor I was toast and it never got done. Now I'm PMSing and we don't have any chocolate cupcakes and we don't have any money for chocolate cupcakes and I really can't be too concerned about anything else right now. I'll do some weights later, but that's about all I'm willing to deal with today.

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Opinions please:


CAP Barbell 110 Pound Weight Set


I need to go up in weight again and I don't want to spend $50 on weights I'll just replace in 2 months. Besides, our tax return is coming and I need to spend at least a little on myself.


I think that is a good idea. They look nice and solid. Can you add on more of the same later if you need to?


I always buy myself one fitness thing with our refund. I think this year I might get a jawbone. I just can't decide between the 50$ or the 100$.  It seems like I should just go for the cheaper one, but it is a clip on/put in your pocket. I think the bracelet kind might be more practical for me. I am afraid I will forget to put stuff in my pocket, or put it through the wash. So a bracelet might be more expensive, but be around longer, lol


Yesterday was nada. I was super tired after getting up to take dh to the airport at 4:30 in the morning. And then my day was extra hectic with him gone. But today I finagled 60 mins to do a Tracy Anderson workout. I pretty much railroaded my kids out of the house and to the ballet school, lol. 


Tomorrow (saturday) I am just going to do the best I can to find the time.  But, hey, I got a friday workout in and that is always a challenge for me so woohoo!

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I did some cafe mom workout yesterday. Today I started some other video and my ds2 said can you stop exercising I hate you exercising... So I stopped. Hmm motivation wasn't too high obviously. I need to get going before the kids are up. Dressing in gym clothes straight away helped at first but yesterday I just walked around in gym clothes for half a day before I got to it.

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Nothing today. Woke up early, but I was so tired that I went back to sleep. Had to make it to the grocery store early before everything runs out (very common in this part of the world). I have an aromatherapy massage in half an hour :D. Wish I could treat all of you ladies also. 

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I got my run yesterday- 4.7 miles in actual sunshine.  Then a nice 2 mile walk with dh in starlight.  Everything else I intended workout-wise fell right off my list. 


Today- I get to go to a weapons seminar.  I have no idea what it will be like- the weapons are cane (as in a wooden curved handle old-fashioned walking cane), flashlight and other handy regular things. I hope we work up a bit of a sweat because I have to miss open mat for the seminar.

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I think that is a good idea. They look nice and solid. Can you add on more of the same later if you need to?


I always buy myself one fitness thing with our refund. I think this year I might get a jawbone. I just can't decide between the 50$ or the 100$.  It seems like I should just go for the cheaper one, but it is a clip on/put in your pocket. I think the bracelet kind might be more practical for me. I am afraid I will forget to put stuff in my pocket, or put it through the wash. So a bracelet might be more expensive, but be around longer, lol


Yesterday was nada. I was super tired after getting up to take dh to the airport at 4:30 in the morning. And then my day was extra hectic with him gone. But today I finagled 60 mins to do a Tracy Anderson workout. I pretty much railroaded my kids out of the house and to the ballet school, lol. 


Tomorrow (saturday) I am just going to do the best I can to find the time.  But, hey, I got a friday workout in and that is always a challenge for me so woohoo!


I got a $50 bracelet. It's not bluetooth, but it's seriously no hassle at all to manually plug it in.




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No planned workouts for us on the weekends.  Hard workouts five days a week is a stretch for us both schedule-wise and stress on our bodies. So we take weekends off.  But dh and I walked laps at Walmart and Menard's this morning to get our steps in, and will go to a bowling party this evening.  

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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!




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6 miles today.  I was able to get outside, it was cold, but sunny, and it felt good to be out there.  I was struggling with my last mile thinking the whole time, how on earth did my dh run 16m this morning??:D  


I came back home and had a good long rolling and stretch session, now I need to get some things done around the house and I want to nap. :) 

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