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Exercise Thread ~ January 18th-24th


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JM and Jackie Warner this morning. Yesterday was a feast on junk food. Poached eggs, hash browns, bacon, burger, fries, sangria, ice cream, and chocolate cupcakes with butterscotch frosting. The reason for the junk feast was my son's birthday. I was busy in the kitchen making said food. 

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Today is a rest day for me. It's a good thing, too, because the little blister on the side of my foot is now the size of a quarter or more and covering it with a bandaid isn't going to cut it any longer. So, it's looking like New Shoes for me tomorrow!

Moleskin bandages are way better than bandaids for blisters. You can get them from Rite Aid or Walgreen until your foot heals. I highly recommend them.

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I'm so tired and want to go back to sleep, but I've drunk too much water and know that my sleep will be interrupted by bathroom trips. Never mind the fact that I'll have to be up in a few hours anyway. I'll just nap later today. I do nap most afternoons - love it and need it, especially in the heat here. About to do Joyce Vedral's Bathing Suit Workout. 

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Yesterday I ended up doing a Fitness Blender Pilates whole body workout. It was good but I think I prefer Blogilates. A dude talking through the exercises isn't as interesting as some background music :lol:


I'll definitely use FB for non-Pilates, though!


Today: gym at mid-day, cardio of some flavor(s) plus core

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Yesterday I ended up doing a Fitness Blender Pilates whole body workout. It was good but I think I prefer Blogilates. A dude talking through the exercises isn't as interesting as some background music :lol:


Easy fix. Mute or down the volume down on the video and play your own music in the background. 





I started a new 8 week schedule. This was day 2

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I'm feeling extra empathy for you Negin! Our smoke detectors go off in high winds- they went off all night; I didn't get to sleep until after 3 a.m.


I ended up walking 3 miles with dh yesterday.  I woke with either a charlie horse in my right calf or a strain.  GRRRRRR!  I'm not sure what to do.  I'm tempted to call the PT that worked me through my left calf level 2 tear.  I hope it's just really sore and nothing more.  

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I'm jumping back in.  It's the first official week of my half training plan.  Mondays are either short, easy runs or cross-training.  I have karate with DS tonight, and as soon as I can get my children to clean up their mess of books and toys in front of the TV, I'm going to do the Monday workout of the "Wedding Workout" DVD I got at the library. I'm doing the workouts for strapless dresses to get ready for a black-tie event DH and I are going to in just over a month.  My dress zips, but it could look bit better.


I hope everyone has a good week  :001_smile:

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Saturday we spent the entire day biking as a family. The pace was leisurely, but the distance was challenging. Today we did another ride that was extremely challenging to me. DH was off today so we still went to the gym this afternoon. I'm completely wiped out, but it was a great day.

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Woke up and picked up a kid and my back went out. I was determined to go to the gym anyway. After stretching it out, it felt sort of fine. I just walked around the track at slow speeds and stretched on a few of the machines that stretch the muscle around the mid spine. I have been icing it all day. The less mobile I am the more stiff I become and the more painful it is to move, but everyone says rest. I would keep moving but the pain is making me tired. School was cancelled for the day. Oh well this week is a wash. I will have the leisure to do some reading without any guilt. That is a plus.


Work hard everyone.

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Will be doing 4 Miles of Leslie & a Classical Stretch for the legs & hips. I absolutely love CS. I wish I had time to do 3 sessions (25 minutes each) every single day. I know people who do and they notice a difference in their overall shape and in how they feel. Some days I can do 3 sessions, but on other days I get to do one or two and that's still good. I'll take what I can. :)





DH is telling me to get a fitbit.  Any opinions?  I have an amazon gift card, so that isn't a consideration.


I shudder to find out how few steps I take, lol.

Did you see the article that I posted on last week's thread? Not telling you what to do or anything, just thought it might be interesting. 


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DH is telling me to get a fitbit.  Any opinions?  I have an amazon gift card, so that isn't a consideration.


I shudder to find out how few steps I take, lol.


I like my jawbone for 2 reasons:


1. The alarm feature. It wakes you within a half hour time period when you are in the proper stage of your sleep cycle so you wake up feeling more refreshed.


2. I get a very accurate count of my calories burned so that I can ensure that I have a 500 calorie deficit everyday (I'm fat).


Negin posted an article that most people lose interest in their fitness bands after 6 months, and I'll bet that's true, but mine was a simpler and more accurate version of what I was already doing, so I don't think I'll be over it that soon. The benefits I've noticed are that I eat better, am more active, and have realized some really bad habits in sleeping that I'm working on correcting. We've also finally proven that I am still sleep walking, and I do it A LOT, which could explain my chronic exhaustion.


I recommend a fitness band, specifically a jawbone. This is mine.



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Today I did Couch to 5k week 3, and then walked on the Treadmill for 65 minutes and did some arm and core stuff.


Yesterday I didn't make it to the gym, but did go to the auto show with DH and my four boys, so I did get over 10,000 steps for the day.


My best thing to report is that I got new running shoes yesterday and my feet are very happy today!


Edited to add: I have a new Fitbit Charge HR and it is very motivating to me. Of course, I have only had it for about a week, but I can see how this is going to give me some good motivation to keep going!

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I love that, "I can't move" feeling.  I don't love it so much, though, when I have to workout.  LOL  Today was upper body and that's definitely my weakest area.  I can do lower body all day.  Make me do anything upper body and I realize just how weak my noodle arms are.  :)

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Thank you, Slache! Stupid auto correct!


Good, because I'm Cherokee and highly offended.


Side story. I dated a Blackfoot in high school. When I met his dad he looked me right in the eye and said "You're Cherokee." He then looked at his son, said "huh" in a disproving way and walked away. He didn't speak to me for months. I'm blonde, by the way.

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I should prob get one.  And when I said that DH is 'encouraging' me to get a band, I don't mean that he came up with the idea, lol.  I was whining that all my friends seem to have one and I want to be like the cool kids.


I've been using MFP on my phone for years and before that I used sparkpeople to track my calories and exercise.  I manage to weigh myself every day as well.  So once I get into a routine I keep using something. Part of it is just comparing what they do and what I want. I would LOVE something that could give me an accurate calorie count. Even just roughly accurate would be great.

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Planned on running at the park while younger kids played and oldest had piano. I made it one mile before I stopped. Turns out I should make sure I go to the bathroom before heading to the park to run. Running with a full bladder was not very comfy. After we got home I immediately jumped into my workout. Day 3 warm up and upper body. Still using light weights for shoulder work but my shoulder is getting there. 

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I should prob get one. And when I said that DH is 'encouraging' me to get a band, I don't mean that he came up with the idea, lol. I was whining that all my friends seem to have one and I want to be like the cool kids.


I've been using MFP on my phone for years and before that I used sparkpeople to track my calories and exercise. I manage to weigh myself every day as well. So once I get into a routine I keep using something. Part of it is just comparing what they do and what I want. I would LOVE something that could give me an accurate calorie count. Even just roughly accurate would be great.

I almost bought one and then talked myself out of it for your reasons. I use MFP, my phone counts steps and I'm a champion sleeper. I just kinda wanted to be cool. The new gym in town is still " hot" and all the cool middle aged ladies have one : :p :

It was sleeting this morning so I did 5 miles on the elliptical. Tonight I ( in my attempt to branch out) did something called Zip which was Zumba w/weights and then did an hour of yoga. We shall see how my arms feel in the morning.

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my phone doesn't count steps and I am a lousy sleeper, lol.  DH found out his new iphone 5 does count steps and now I get the step report every day. La di freakin da! :rolleyes:


I did a 45 min tonique cardio workout and then a 15 min Tracy Anderson butt workout. One goal for the week was to get 2 of the Tonique Premiere workouts in, and that was my second. I am So Glad I don't have to do that dvd for a few days, lol.  It is fun but it is hard...and I can see it getting boring. I don't want to get super bored of it.  DH says he thinks it is helping his running.

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I just set up my new Fitbit Charge HR. Interested to see how much walking I do in WDW starting Thursday :D

My sisters and I went to Rome and one day I walked more than 25,000 steps and climbed 50 flights of stairs. I was SO glad to have my Fitbit to confirm why I was exhausted at the end of the day. I bet you'll do even more at Disney!! Come back and tell us!

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My sisters and I went to Rome and one day I walked more than 25,000 steps and climbed 50 flights of stairs. I was SO glad to have my Fitbit to confirm why I was exhausted at the end of the day. I bet you'll do even more at Disney!! Come back and tell us!

On our Great Wall day during our China trip last year, my old Fitbit One told me I climbed 89 flights of stairs :eek: :lol:

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Went to bed later than I'm supposed to but not my fault. Got up late but still did my workout. Day 4 and there is a short afternoon session scheduled. Need to take kiddo to his math class and library and maybe I'll get it in sometime between cooking/eating dinner before I have to go to my class tonight. 


On that note, I may be one of the oldest students in the college class, but I'm probably in the best shape. :D

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