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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Regular school day today. 


Running some errands after lunch...Aldi, grocery store, pick up perscription, pet store, Maybe lowes or home depot


Kids are going to spend the night at the in-laws...I will tell them after lunch, it's easier that way (to be a last minute surprise to them)


Tomorrow is re-doing the hot water lines, it should go much better than the cold side now that we have our system down. And if there is time(over the rest of the weekend), installing front closet shelving and the putting the tub in

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Morning all! Muscles don't hurt much this morning but I'm still going to take it easy today. Gotta do some stuff I never did yesterday though.

- deposit checks
- grocery store
- entire family help clean up downstairs
- help kids clean their room m

- clean my room
- have niece and nephew over for an over night!

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Started with cat servant and more blood letting this morning (done - well - cat servant is never done, but...)


Came home annoyed that I hadn't done research on what the tests were actually for.  One test is one the lab folks had never seen ordered before and had to call about to get info on since I was there quite some time before the doctor comes in.  I'm supposed to be called about it later.  I've been letting down my guard and just going with "whatever" at this point - waiting for it all to be over - and now I'm regretting it.  Since they keep the paperwork and the tests are in medical terms, I can't even google about it now.


Then I've been catching up on the news both on TV and here on the computer.


Now I'm about ready to do breakfast.


The hand feels much better (pain free many times and no pain meds masking anything), but it's still easy to annoy it without thinking.


After breakfast?  Good question...  Next week life should get back to normal (school work and more), but I do need to finish this week first.

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Home from gym w dh :)


Up ahead:

--breakfast, shower

--motivate dd :rolleyes:

--my portion of school w dd (math, chem, history, AP HG)

--usual house things

--daily declutter challenge

--email trainer


And then the things I didn't get to yesterday (oops):

--totes into attic

--plan what we'll eat in WDW when not at a restaurant ; order groceries from service

--make two phone calls

--another email to WDW Special Diets

--have dd check to see if her shorts still fit

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Good morning migraine still there but not as bad

- dishes- done

- laundry- in dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- transfer $- done

- get money and a few groceries- done

- read

- treadmill- haha I got enough exercise chasing newly walking dd2 through Walmart

- dinner- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dd1 BB gun club with dh- dd1 and dh are at inlaws then going to the club- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to get done- chasing dd2

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Good Morning


I went to bed at 8pm last night and slept until 8am...I feel so much better and the sun is shining!



  • cook breakfast and feed everyone--done
  • clean up main floor and vacuum--done
  • laundry--2 small loads--ongoing 
  • vacuum upstairs empty trash and tidy--we will clean good up there this weekend
  • work on school stuff --printed off so material we needed
  • play with SG --ongoing and very fun :)

Have a good day everyone! 

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Friday!  The sun is shining and I'm feeling better today.


To do:

drop off dd and friend at community orchestra rehearsal


breakfast - don't stop at McDonald's on the way home

tidy up


bathroom wipe down

clean out fridge


pizza for dinner

have a cozy night at home


healthy habits:

run (skipping this week, but I will go on a walk)

water x x x x x x

no sugar day 16 (it is also day 16 without diet coke)

track food b l d


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Good morning! We are looking forward to a weekend without a swim meet and beautiful weather. Hopefully, dh's car will be ready today and we have complicated pickup routines tonight. Other than that, pretty normal day.


To do:

school for all

oversee teens

motivated moms

clean up master closet

read a little

PM practice/aikido

work out car and who does aikido pickup


Have a great day, everyone!

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Lets see

Light school day mainly wrapping things up

more classroom organization


finish read aloud book

watch a movie

eat a fun dinner

Change bed sheets and pillow cases

start my crochet project

remember to turn off my oxygen while I am not using it--dhua! 

find my eggs?? oat cookies, I need oat cookies


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One last daaaaaay One day mooooooore! (I can't help it. Les Mis soundtrack always comes out before travel.)


Of course I have a thing or two left no matter how early I try to start preparing. 








Do 1099s (may do on airplane...)

Get chamber music & concerto parts


Before Trip on Saturday TOMORROW!:

Pack & bring cello

School: prepare/bring the majors + music history workbooks, Bible curric?,

Empty Fridge

Packing: Special sunscreen, goggles, sunshirts, hats, water shoes, scuba gear, sunglasses, piano books, ipads

Change our sheets Meh, WHEN WE GET BACK

Bleach toilets

Get box to send trunki DEFERRED TILL WE RETURN

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:grouphug: Jean



Well everything but the grocery store trip has been accomplished.  By the time I got out of the house after my nap it was too late to get to the store and bank before my niece and nephew would arrive.  Bank trip was more important.  Dh will be home in a few minutes so I may run out then but my back kinda hurts so I may just wait till the morning.  We'll see. All 5 kids are watching Finding Nemo then we'll read to them and tuck them in for the night. Hoping I get some time to soak in the tub.

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ILs have been moved for the 7th time. This really really had better be the last. I vowed I wouldn't help with this one but . . . . I couldn't leave my SIL hanging. At least they paid for movers this time (though that was only because we all went on strike and said we wouldn't do the actual lifting.)

Wait, what? Out of the continuing care place?

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Wait, what? Out of the continuing care place?

Yes and no.  Out of the one we helped get them into that was centrally located for the family to one that is an hour away and is a PITA for all of us to help with.  I am royally P.O'd at FIL who refused to talk to any of us about it and who told us that he didn't need us anyway but then was startled when we didn't all jump when he said to jump.  The one good thing from all of this is that this place is 100% adamant that he cannot be allowed to drive - which he says he'll go with . . . and hopefully won't convince the BIL with No Brains to try and circumvent.  SIL said that we'd better quick sell the car so that won't happen.  (One more thing to do. . . . sigh.)

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