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Should I hire someone to help?


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I preparation for the new baby, we have had to paint at least 2 rooms. Another two rooms have gotten switched around. I am 30 weeks this weekend, and 44 yrs old. I am exhausted. I take breathing treatments multiple times a day. I have upped my protein. But now my tummy feels so big that I can barely sleep. I have tried pillows between the legs and such, which has helped. But, I am sleep deprived now and have a very messy house.


Room 1 is done. Yay! It was totally cleaned, painted, we even cleaned the carpet. Furniture has been moved back in. You get the idea. Room 2 has had furniture moved out. It is partially painted. The floor is still full of junk. I have been working on this room for two weeks. I do have a 13 yr old and 10 yr old who should be helping. But by the time they get their school work done (which is minimal) and then they both have outside classes, it seems I rarely get any help. My 3 yr old loves to help....which creates more work. Everything she sees me do, she tries to do too.


Room 3 and 4 have had the furniture somewhat re-arranged. But one of those rooms belongs to my son who is in college and he left for college. His room can be ignored. I don't want to ignore the other bedroom down there because much of the stuff on the floor came from other people than the child who actually lives in there. And my husband wants us to paint that room too.


What would you do? Would you crack down harder on the middle kids to help get ready? We don't do fast food so I do not want to make more time by going through drive thrus. It takes time for cooking and cleaning and such too. I have had people offer to help me, which is sweet and all, but I do not want to take advantage. 


Would you hire someone to come in and help? Or would you stop worrying so much (I am sure "nesting" is causing this to bother me more)? I feel a little foolish for not being able to get this done myself, or at least being able to get more help from my own children.


If you hired someone..would you hire a cleaning professional, or a college aged person (she was a former home schooler and has babysat for us before)? Or both?

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Yes, hire someone to help.  Hiring help isn't an admission of defeat.  It's using your resources to do what needs to be done in the most efficient way possible.  Not sure if you were worried that it would feel that way, but in case you were - don't.  If you can afford to hire help - do it!


As for who to hire - I'd go with both.  The babysitter to do miscellaneous helper-type things (meal prep, errands, anything that will assist you), and an excellent cleaning crew to whip it all into shape.  Do you need to consider professional painters, to finish up any painting, as well?



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Any reason why this all can't wait six months?


I also wonder if there is something between home-cooked meals and drive thrus that could make your life easier.  Buy the big lasagna from the ready-made section of the grocery store rather than making it yourself, for example.


For hiring, a pro painter would be my first choice, since I'd be nervous about a hired babysitter not doing a great job with paint I have to look at every day for the next few years.  But a pro would expect you to clear the room (I think).  So it'd be more money and less time saved..... just have to pick what is important to you.

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Any reason why this all can't wait six months?


I also wonder if there is something between home-cooked meals and drive thrus that could make your life easier.  Buy the big lasagna from the ready-made section of the grocery store rather than making it yourself, for example.


For hiring, a pro painter would be my first choice, since I'd be nervous about a hired babysitter not doing a great job with paint I have to look at every day for the next few years.  But a pro would expect you to clear the room (I think).  So it'd be more money and less time saved..... just have to pick what is important to you.

My husband wants to do the paint himself. Since the college aged girl's (graduated from college, went in with 60 credits and graduated at 20) mom home schools pretty much how I do, and gives me advice from time to time when I ask, and helps her mom at home, she could help with the home schooling, maybe even organizing, and so on. I would not ask anyone to help paint. The actual painting is the smallest part of the job.


Can't wait 6 months because half the bedrooms are not in use and I have no place to put the baby clothes. I cannot even take them out of the closet until that big bed that cannot go back in to the bedroom gets returned to that bedroom. If we waited 6 months, I would have to buy all new clothes, crib, and everything for the baby and then have the baby live out of the clothes sitting around a room, with no closet to put it in or otherwise.

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No to cracking down on the middle children. There is nothing to crack down on them for, as you acknowledge they are busy with worthwhile activities. Save time by making easier meals or buying pre-made meals. Pre-made meals does not have to mean fast food. And HIRE someone to do whatever needs to be done so that it gets done in a timely manner. If your dh doesn't have time to do the painting, pay someone. We didn't have to clear the room for a pro to paint. They just wanted everything at least two feet away from the walls. And they moved the heavier stuff.

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If it really needs to get done and you dh and you are unable to get it done by yourselves in the time allotted then yes hire someone. If the reason it can't get done is because the added hassle of painting then I'd pass all responsibility to the person who wanted the painting done to figure out how it'll get done.

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No to cracking down on the middle children. There is nothing to crack down on them for, as you acknowledge they are busy with worthwhile activities. Save time by making easier meals or buying pre-made meals. Pre-made meals does not have to mean fast food. And HIRE someone to do whatever needs to be done so that it gets done in a timely manner. If your dh doesn't have time to do the painting, pay someone. We didn't have to clear the room for a pro to paint. They just wanted everything at least two feet away from the walls. And they moved the heavier stuff.

I feel like the kids go so slow, especially the one. I keep telling him to pick the Legos off the floor. But every time I look, he is building with the Legos. Not even sure how I would crack down on that. His computer has been taken away pending getting his work done. He is just a messy child. The 13 yr old does way more, but this was never his room in the first place so I do not feel like I should push him to clean this room. But he has helped some.

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Will the world end if furniture is moved into an unpainted or half-painted room?

Upon moving out all the furniture, they had Legos under the bed and everywhere. Then books were removed from the shelves. And so on. But..the painting will be done. I do not think it is fair for my little girl to get her first new bedroom, and be stuck trying to walk through a floor of Legos to get there. The paint part is not the issue.

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If I was in your situation and could afford to hire someone, I would do it!  Taking care of yourself & getting help with your responsibilities is taking care of your family as well.  Nobody benefits from a stressed out, or worse, ill, mommy.  It will minimize the stress and makes things go more smoothly for you and everyone.

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Set up a weekend that the entire family works to get the room cleaned up. At this point you can't really be sure who made the mess but you do know that the entire family is welcoming a new member so they can all chip in to get the room in order for her.

I like this idea. Clear everyone's schedule for Friday evening through Sunday night (unless you have church responsibilities). Spend Friday day doing some easy meal prep for the weekend. Have all kids get one room clean while you cook. Hubby paints Friday night while the rest of you watch movie. Saturday & Sunday everyone helps as much as able. Celebrate Sunday night with pizza & ice cream.


Then...hire both a cleaner & babysitter to help with all other nagging chores that just can't wait (I get the nesting! Been there!). Only do the things that you have to do-like cleaning out fridge, sorting out baby clothes, etc. let the help do the rest so you can rest!


I have a mothers helper right now & it's wonderful!! I have also hired pro cleaners before when big pregnant. It's awesome :)

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From what I understand - your husband is able-bodied, home, and wants to do this project? (Forgive me if I'm missing something big and important.)


If this is the case, then in my opinion, getting all of this done is your husband's job. Growing a baby is your job (on top off all the other stuff you normally do.)



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