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What are you learning this year?


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I am learning about writing, and about how the book publishing industry works. :) Actually, this is taking up a LOT of my time recently. Just when I get one stage sort of figured out, I find myself smacked in the face by the next one...lol. 


Along those lines, I am currently: 

* blogging about what I learned last year about basic story structure

* learning about different narrative formats for telling stories--currently learning about epistolary short fiction, and have recently written a short story in a "frame story" format. 

* just finished (yesterday) the latest round of edits on my first novel, and sent it back (this morning) to my agent. Am waiting for instructions on the next stage, which I think involves writing a charming synopsis of the thing, but I'm not starting on that until she tells me I have to...lol. 
*waiting for my new author business cards to arrive (so I can appear more professional...heh...). According to Fed Ex, they're currently touring California. I am watching their progress along with the progress of the MUS workbook I just ordered for dd, which is having a similar tour of PA. Must be a lot of holiday deliveries still happening out there. 

Anyway, it's been a very educational pursuit so far, and I can tell I'm just hitting the fringes. Much, much left to learn, and I'm finding I don't have a lot of time for other self-educational stuff right now. I even find myself evaluating the structure and dialog of the TV shows and movies I watch for fun and relaxation. Poor dh has been a very good sport about it. :)

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I'm learning a lot about the Reggio Emilia philosophy of pedagogy.


I'm also experiencing/learning about how to do hard things--I've really pushed myself, esp WRT accomplishing things that need to be done within a certain time. I 'm working harder in that area than I ever have and seeing I really can do more than I thought.


I'm also learning more theology. I'm in the last year of a 4yr course and will graduate in June.





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I'll be learning to homeschool 3 for high school.  This will involve my picking up Shakespeare and Spanish again, plus various translations of ancient Greek and Roman texts, in addition to continuing to knock cobwebs from my brain in the math and science region.  


The scariest thing that I'll be learning is how to be a mother-in-law.

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Well, I don't participate in the book-a-week threads, but I do aim to read at least 50 or 60 books a year. In 2012 and 2013, I read around 70, but I came in right around 55 for 2014. (I've been working a lot more hours.) I'm hoping to do better in 2015.


At the moment, I'm in the midst of my annual "What religion do I want to be?" research, which is resulting in me learning more about Christianity. 


For Christmas, my husband gave me family tree software, along with a six-month subscription to Ancestry.com and autosomal DNA testing for both of us. So, I plan to spend quite a bit of time playing with that.


I have no specific plans other than that, but I'm sure I'll go off on at least another two or three episodes of what we call "total immersion learning" at some points during 2015. This is when I get interested in some subject or idea and go on a kick of reading and watching everything I can find that relates. 

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