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Homemaking help?

Sarah CB

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I'd like to do a better job at running the house - meal planning, cleaning, laundry, organization, etc.  I like some parts of FlyLady and will likely try to implement some routines (I still have a firm entrenched morning routine from doing FL about 11 years ago).  However, I'd like to take a look at other blogs or sites that have helpful posts about home organization.  


Does anyone have any favourite places to go for inspiration?  


I'd like to create a household binder, but I'm not sure what to put in it.


I'd like to have some sort of coherent cleaning plan.


I'm going to start another Whole 30 on the 7th, so anything related to W30 would be great as well.



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Check out Motivated moms www.motivatedmoms.com  She has several different formats from one chore list a day, to one a week to 2 weeks on a sheet and then apps for your smart phone.  On sale now for $6.  It really is quite doable and while not everything fits every situation---like I can't weed while we have 2 feet of snow yet, but it is easy to cross off those that don't apply to you and add those that do.


She has sections for exercise and things you do daily.  She also includes those few time a year chores like putting new batteries in the smoke detectors, cleaning the furnace filters, etc.  I signed up for her email newsletter and blog but that was just today so I don't know how many email I will get.  Fly lady was just way too many emails/notices for me and I found her annoying ;-)

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Ok, I've really gotten into this topic over the last month or so.  Here's what I've been reading:


Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson  This book has been recommended here on the forums several times.  I haven't read it all yet but so far, it's very good.


Scrumptious Treats for Vintage Housekeepers by Alison May.  She has a couple other books as well and a website called Brocante Home.  I have not looked around her website much and it is currently down due to some changes in the EU laws.  Hopefully she will be back up soon.


Down to Earth blog at http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com.  Pretty sure I learned about her blog from the WTM forums, too.  She also has at least one book that was very good.


I looked at Motivated Moms last night and thought their chore lists looked nice.  I can see why a lot of people like them.


My household binder was put together loosely based on Flylady's Control Journal but I've adapted it over the years to work better for me.  I have chore lists, completed crochet project lists, gardening lists & notes, medical info, financial info, contact info, and then a section for misc stuff.


Also, I think I'm going to follow, at least loosely, the decluttering chores from http://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/declutter.html.


Hope some of this helps.  I'll post again if I think of anything else.  Like I said, I've become very interested in this topic lately so there are likely more resources floating around that I'm forgetting :)



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I have been using a program called Mind Organization for Moms for about a month now, and I really, really like it.  It's based on the book Getting Things Done, but modified for moms and family management.  You can look at the program at www.powerofmoms.com. 


They also have a really good article on cleaning routines- Keeping a Clean House with Mom


I am not at all affiliated with this website or its products, but because I sent them an email asking about it, they are going to let me give away a free e course to one person.  I should be holding the givaway in a week or so, and you'll be able to find it at my blog- www.homeschoollaboratory.com - there isn't much there yet, but if you subscribe you'll see the announcement for the givaway.  I'll do either a photo or video tour of how I'm implementing it. 


The other BIG name for getting laundry and meals under control is Like Mother Like Daughter!  Leila's helpful posts got my laundry and meals under control, and if I stay on top of things, I don't ever stress about these two aspects of home life.  I can't say enough good things about her blog in general, but for specific answers to your question, look in the menu under the header for "The Reasonably Clean House". 





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I second Home Comforts by Joy Mendelson. That is the book that I bought when I was first married. I grew up in a bit of chaos and that really helped me understand things I'd never thought about before.


I also like the Side Tracked Home Executive- it's an older book but helpful.


I tried Fly Lady and Motivated Moms and realized that I didn't need them. I think this is mostly because of Home Comforts. It's worth the read.

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Ok, I've really gotten into this topic over the last month or so.  Here's what I've been reading:


Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson  This book has been recommended here on the forums several times.  I haven't read it all yet but so far, it's very good.


Scrumptious Treats for Vintage Housekeepers by Alison May.  She has a couple other books as well and a website called Brocante Home.  I have not looked around her website much and it is currently down due to some changes in the EU laws.  Hopefully she will be back up soon.


Down to Earth blog at http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com.  Pretty sure I learned about her blog from the WTM forums, too.  She also has at least one book that was very good.


I looked at Motivated Moms last night and thought their chore lists looked nice.  I can see why a lot of people like them.


My household binder was put together loosely based on Flylady's Control Journal but I've adapted it over the years to work better for me.  I have chore lists, completed crochet project lists, gardening lists & notes, medical info, financial info, contact info, and then a section for misc stuff.


Also, I think I'm going to follow, at least loosely, the decluttering chores from http://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/declutter.html.


Hope some of this helps.  I'll post again if I think of anything else.  Like I said, I've become very interested in this topic lately so there are likely more resources floating around that I'm forgetting :)


Thank you!  I have Home Comforts sitting on my shelf - haven't looked at it in about ten years.  I think I'll pull it down.I'll check out the blogs and decluttering sites today.

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Have you read Sidetracked Home Executives? It's a fun read. It might be what got Fly Lady started, but I can't remember. It's a quick read and your library probably has it.


I remember that book!  I read it back when I did the FlyLady (dh says those were the best three weeks of his life) however many years ago.  I'll see if my library has it.

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I have been using a program called Mind Organization for Moms for about a month now, and I really, really like it.  It's based on the book Getting Things Done, but modified for moms and family management.  You can look at the program at www.powerofmoms.com. 


They also have a really good article on cleaning routines- Keeping a Clean House with Mom


I am not at all affiliated with this website or its products, but because I sent them an email asking about it, they are going to let me give away a free e course to one person.  I should be holding the givaway in a week or so, and you'll be able to find it at my blog- www.homeschoollaboratory.com - there isn't much there yet, but if you subscribe you'll see the announcement for the givaway.  I'll do either a photo or video tour of how I'm implementing it. 


The other BIG name for getting laundry and meals under control is Like Mother Like Daughter!  Leila's helpful posts got my laundry and meals under control, and if I stay on top of things, I don't ever stress about these two aspects of home life.  I can't say enough good things about her blog in general, but for specific answers to your question, look in the menu under the header for "The Reasonably Clean House". 


Thanks - Like Mother Like Daughter looks great!  I read a bunch of her posts and will check out the other links today.

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I actually bought the Motivated MOms checkllist, then found www.theconfidentmom.com and I like her checklists better. And they are free! You can even edit them before printing them out!


She has a whole bunch of forms for making a binder, which are for sale, but I'm not a binder kind of gal. 

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