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I'm contemplating what to choose this year.  I might glean from some of your ideas as I'm a little bit stuck.


I'm content with our spending habits.


I'm content with our eating habits.  They could be better, but it's not worth a resolution.  There's nothing I feel I should give up - or add.


I could lose weight, but I don't know that I feel like making that a resolution.


I have no desire to increase house-cleaning time.


I keep in touch with my relatives.


I keep in touch with friends.


Hubby and I have a great relationship.


I'm content with my relationship with God.


Maybe reading more?  But that's not super easy with my schedule at times.  Ditto that with exercise.  We already try to get a couple of miles of walking in daily barring weather or scheduling issues.  And that's on top of normal exercise at school or whatever.


If I stay stuck, reading more might end up "it" by default.  But I'd like other options.

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I found my post from this time last year:



My goals for 2013 were to

--make exercise a habit

--bake a perfect baguette

--meal-plan consistently

--enter all books read into my Goodreads account


I did very well with the first three goals I exercise 4.5 days per week on average, I now have the baguette recipe memorized, and I plan all our dinners every week.


Alas, keeping up with Goodreads was a partial fail. I enter physical library and purchased books as I read them, so that's progress. But I have 15 pages of uncategorized ebooks on my kindle (library and purchased)------148 books to add to my account


For 2014, my goals are to

--up my weekly exercise by one day per week, to 5.5 days on average

--learn how to make bagels

--only wear clothes that make me feel fabulous

--not sweat the small stuff

--keep up with Goodreads! (end of quote)


So for 2014...

--my weekly exercise average was 5.75 days--yay me!!!!

--did not master the bagel but the English muffin :)

--I only wear what makes me feel fabulous, including workout clothes

--I have gotten much better at not worrying about little things and at not letting my fil tick me off :D

--Goodreads has been a massive fail :eek: According to my kindle I still haven't categorized 200+ books :eek:


I'll think about my goals for this year and return to share :)

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I am in the midst of purging and organizing and my house needs to be completely done in 2014, probably by this summer.  I am on a roll so it could be done even sooner.


Keep the house clean and organized and on a schedule.  It won't be perfect, but it will be much better.


Read the Bible through in a year, even if I have to listen on my iPhone while cleaning to do it!


Stick to my new eating regiment to stay allergy free and healthier.


Get back to where we were financially.  Somehow 2014 was the year of spending and we just went with it!  We are fine, but I need to get back on track.



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These aren't necessarily mine but ideas for resolutions....


-learn something new (musical instrument, how to cook something/a cuisine, artistic skill, how to quilt/knit/crochet, how to garden, a new language)

-deepen a pursuit in a hobby (gardening, birding, writing, drawing, cooking, baking) 

-study something (time period in history, language, science, art history)

-travel (pick a day trip each month that you can do with your husband) 

-volunteer/give (find an outlet to volunteer time or money or a skill) 

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So far my goals for 2015 are:


1)  Finish the big house organization project (the end is in sight and I'll hopefully finish it this week while I'm off work - so I'm not sure it should be a 2015 goal)

2)  Get the garage organized once and for all - we do a big clean-out about once every six months.  Each time there's more progress made but there's always more to be done.  Dh wants to wait until Spring to tackle the massive pile of camping equipment and I'm hoping that will be the end of it.

3)  Get a routine to keep the house clean without having to spend the whole weekend doing it.

4)  Goes along with #3 - once I don't have to spend the whole weekend cleaning, we can get out of the house more and do things as a family.  I also want to start doing some "weekend school" - geography (we're participating in a postcard swap), art, music and nature study.  Fun Stuff since I miss being the teacher sometimes.

5)  Exercise regularly - dh bought the whole family a Y membership for Christmas.  The kids were already members and I have to pick them up there three days a week after work , so I'm hoping this will be easier since I have to go there anyway.

6)  Get the whole family eating healthier.  Dh and I aren't awful but we're going to work on getting the kids to try more fruits and vegetables in particular.  Ds has sensory issues but seems to be open to trying more things as he gets older. 


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I only have one goal this year, no more sissy push ups by the end of the year.  I've been doing taekwondo for two years now and it's time I get off my knees and do some real push ups.  So far I am up to 15 at the end of this year.  My goal is 50 by December.


My wishful goal is a dragon belt by December.  That's one step away from solid black but it would take testing and passing every time this coming year.

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These aren't necessarily mine but ideas for resolutions....


-travel (pick a day trip each month that you can do with your husband) 



This would decrease our travel time, so is definitely out of consideration!   :D


The others are interesting to consider.


It's amazing how many "typical" resolutions are based upon cleaning, eating, or exercising.  I wonder if it's always been that way throughout resolution history.

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I only have one goal this year, no more sissy push ups by the end of the year.  I've been doing taekwondo for two years now and it's time I get off my knees and do some real push ups.  So far I am up to 15 at the end of this year.  My goal is 50 by December.


My wishful goal is a dragon belt by December.  That's one step away from solid black but it would take testing and passing every time this coming year.


I love that one!

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I have lots for 2015, some will most likely roll into 2016

1. Declutter and organize house (52 week declutter challenge)

2. Exercise (learn yoga and walk though the walking will have to wait for warmer weather since it's too cold right now to take dd2 on walks with me and it's dark when dh gets home from work)

3. Meal planning and freezer meals

4. Quit smoking (Ok this should be #1 but I have to slowly wean my self because the gum makes me sick and my doctor doesn't think I would do well with Chantix)

5. Eat healthier and drink more water

6. Improve math skills, learn basic chemistry, review anatomy and physiology and medical terminology and learn more about the nursing profession (I have the tools to this already. I have Algebra for the clueless, Rays arithmetic, Intro to Chemistry, Medical Terminology, and a few nursing books)

7. Be more organized in general

8. Save money :)

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Mine big one is Arabic. I'd like to get back to the point I was at 20 years ago after minoring in it. I haven't needed it much since, but it's so much easier to return to a language than start with a new one.


I also need to perfect tamale-making so I can make them anywhere in the world.


I have lots of other plans for the year but they're not really goals or resolutions.

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I'm toying with going fun/easy and making it travel/hiking related, keeping it easy, but good for the brain and just adding more reading, or making it difficult (not fun), but something I should do, and picking cleaning out the closets/cabinets.


I guess I have a few more hours to contemplate before I make something official.

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I resolved years ago not to make resolutions for New Years.  I've stuck to that for years so I'm thinking that was a really good one.




I'm in a "fun" mood tonight, so I'm sticking with the fun resolution (thanks Alice!).  I'm resolving to do at least one 4+ mile hike each month and it can't be part of our regular route for walking.  It has to be a real hike.


It's a resolution I'm looking forward to.


And I'll probably still keep in mind cleaning out those closets and cabinets sometime or another.


Reading will happen as it has before - sporadically at school (during our reading time) and at home when I have some free time.


Life's too short to have hard resolutions!

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