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Where Should We Relocate


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The idea of taking my kids away from their cousins, aunts, uncles.... ugh... I feel like such a jerk.  But, I really can't stand it here.  And it's never going to get better because the majority of people - at least in the Bay Area and parts of LA -  are stuck in a mindset that feeds the dysfunction. 


See, Mr. Ellie and I were quite happy in California. Mr. Ellie was born in San Diego, we met and were married there in 1974, and moved to San Jose in 1987. We had wonderful friends, and good churches, and activities we enjoyed. We only came to Texas to be with my mil (long story), and it turned out to be a good thing (another long story). Do you truly, truly find California to be so unbearable?

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Stay away from WI, Minn and Michigan. Winters are too long for a native Californian!

No way! DH and I lived for many years in Minnesota and loved it! Wonderful winters, it was the summer heat and humidity I couldn't take. We've moved a lot since then but never left the north, and can't imagine ever doing so. I'm kinda jealous my son gets to grow up with real seasons as his normal. :)

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Keep me in the loop!


Will do!  Be thinking of places where we might want to meet and when the time comes (meaning after the holidays), we'll have to put a post on the chat board to see who else is near enough and would be interested.  I've yet to put anyone on ignore, so as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to meet anyone who wanted to show up!


For us, we're near Gettysburg (east of it), but I'm easily willing to travel an hour or two to meet.  The weather isn't likely to be good enough to want to meet on the battlefield and do our own reenactment of Pickett's Charge.  ;)

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No way! DH and I lived for many years in Minnesota and loved it! Wonderful winters, it was the summer heat and humidity I couldn't take. We've moved a lot since then but never left the north, and can't imagine ever doing so. I'm kinda jealous my son gets to grow up with real seasons as his normal. :)


Not to mention that, thanks to (most likely) climate change, we've had some truly bizarre winters over the last few years.  It's two days until Christmas, and I'm looking out the window at green grass.  :huh:  


Of course, if you (OP) don't want to live in a place where people talk about things like climate change, MN probably wouldn't work for you. ;)  But it's a great place to live.  Unemployment is something like 3.9 percent, we have a one billion dollar surplus, and we're usually in the top five of any "best of" list for things like health, happiness, etc.


But there's lutefisk.  We will make you eat lutefisk during the holidays.

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Not to mention that, thanks to (most likely) climate change, we've had some truly bizarre winters over the last few years. It's two days until Christmas, and I'm looking out the window at green grass. :huh:


Of course, if you (OP) don't want to live in a place where people talk about things like climate change, MN probably wouldn't work for you. ;) But it's a great place to live. Unemployment is something like 3.9 percent, we have a one billion dollar surplus, and we're usually in the top five of any "best of" list for things like health, happiness, etc.


But there's lutefisk. We will make you eat lutefisk during the holidays.

Eh, my brother in California talks about climate change (incorrectly, like most people--and yes I know it's real) more than anyone I know. But yeah, a green Christmas in MN would be weird. I loved having snow on the ground from Halloween to April. :)


I recently emailed my mom that we'll be having the first non-white Christmas I can remember as an adult. Right after I sent it we went for a walk, and I realized that even though there are some bare patches, there's still quite a lot of snow cover and huge snow piles in the lots. I guess I'm so used to the landscape being white, I didn't even realize that it would be considered snowy to someone else. What I had really meant was that it wasn't supposed to actually snow *on* Christmas. Lol

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Nevada (Reno) is also a possibility.  Anyone know anything about Carson City?  I really love Tahoe, and it would be nice to be so close to the lake.  Plus, we'd only be a few hours from family.  Of course, at the moment we're 5 minutes or less (in any direction) of a sibling, in-law, cousin, or parent.  But, still, a few hours is manageable.  


If I had to move somewhere in-state,  I think it would be the Carson City area. It has a nice feel. The valley in between Carson City and Reno is gorgeous (though a bit of a smog sink), and gives you the advantage of a quick commute to either place. Carson City seems a bit more conservative. Reno has more employment opportunities and more going on as far as homeschooling and activities for kids, but both have local groups, and it's pretty easy to get to things in Reno from Carson City.


There are also more rural communities within commuting distance of both, if that's something you'd want.


I don't know if you really need to move out of California to get what you want, unless you have problems with the state government specifically (this is the case with my DH, and the main reason we're unlikely to move back even though I'd like to - I'm a liberal heathen pining away for my old excessively PC town/homeschool group, personally). The Bay Area is an anomaly in pretty much every way. Most of the state is much more conservative and, if not super low cost of living, at least lower than the Bay Area. 

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the mind-numbing political correctness that leaves me afraid to say or do anything for fear of offending someone and being labeled an _____ist (racist, ageist, sexist... ).  For a freethinking state, true freedom thought isn't really encouraged. 


My dream location would have four distinct seasons, low unemployment, low to moderate cost of living, easy homeschool laws, be politically moderate to conservative, and near (or in) an area of natural beauty.  




For those who say Minnesota - we don't have four seasons.  We have getting ready for winter, winter, getting over winter, and then BAM! summer.  This year has been thankfully mild which has made up for last winter when sub zero temperatures and hazardous to life road conditions were the norm.  


As far as freedom of thought and being able to say it--be careful where you land if Minnesota is the place for you.  There are places where liberalism abounds and even the liberals admit Christians are the only ones who they can insult on a regular basis without anyone calling them on it.  It gets draining to be honest.  I'm tired of peace protests where they yell at you and the local community theater often putting on plays that involve R rating material because theater is meant to expand people's minds.  I can live in peace with my neighbors and those who disagree with me, but sometimes, you just need a break.  We are trying to move from this eternal winter where it's "never Christmas" because Christmas is exclusionary to those of different faiths.  Holidays people - never Christmas .  Stay away, stay far away.  

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Isn't there any place in Oregon or Washington that appeals to you? You would still be close to family. Or is that the land of political correctness? And lots of taxes? Expensive housing?


I am in Texas and I want to be in Virginia, in the very area a few people have mentioned. Seasons that actually go by the calendar and are called winter, spring, summer and fall, are awesome to experience; you don't miss it until you don't have it anymore. I miss the scent of the east coast woodlands and I miss the beach.

I hope you find what you're looking for with a satisfying outcome.


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For those who say Minnesota - we don't have four seasons. We have getting ready for winter, winter, getting over winter, and then BAM! summer. This year has been thankfully mild which has made up for last winter when sub zero temperatures and hazardous to life road conditions were the norm.


As far as freedom of thought and being able to say it--be careful where you land if Minnesota is the place for you. There are places where liberalism abounds and even the liberals admit Christians are the only ones who they can insult on a regular basis without anyone calling them on it. It gets draining to be honest. I'm tired of peace protests where they yell at you and the local community theater often putting on plays that involve R rating material because theater is meant to expand people's minds. I can live in peace with my neighbors and those who disagree with me, but sometimes, you just need a break. We are trying to move from this eternal winter where it's "never Christmas" because Christmas is exclusionary to those of different faiths. Holidays people - never Christmas . Stay away, stay far away.

Yeah! I love Wisconsin, but our long winters are tough. For a native Californian looking for seasons, I think it's too much. Spring doesn't exist here. 😀


Madison is nearly very liberal, but I'm assuming other parts of the state are more conservative (just based on the fact that the Rep governor who everyone hates in Madison got re-elected)

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Will do! Be thinking of places where we might want to meet and when the time comes (meaning after the holidays), we'll have to put a post on the chat board to see who else is near enough and would be interested. I've yet to put anyone on ignore, so as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to meet anyone who wanted to show up!


For us, we're near Gettysburg (east of it), but I'm easily willing to travel an hour or two to meet. The weather isn't likely to be good enough to want to meet on the battlefield and do our own reenactment of Pickett's Charge. ;)

Cool. I'm just about an hour south of Gettysburg. After Christmas/New Years would be great!

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For those who say Minnesota - we don't have four seasons. We have getting ready for winter, winter, getting over winter, and then BAM! summer. This year has been thankfully mild which has made up for last winter when sub zero temperatures and hazardous to life road conditions were the norm.


As far as freedom of thought and being able to say it--be careful where you land if Minnesota is the place for you. There are places where liberalism abounds and even the liberals admit Christians are the only ones who they can insult on a regular basis without anyone calling them on it. It gets draining to be honest. I'm tired of peace protests where they yell at you and the local community theater often putting on plays that involve R rating material because theater is meant to expand people's minds. I can live in peace with my neighbors and those who disagree with me, but sometimes, you just need a break. We are trying to move from this eternal winter where it's "never Christmas" because Christmas is exclusionary to those of different faiths. Holidays people - never Christmas . Stay away, stay far away.

I'm confused--is it too liberal for you, or not liberal enough?


We are quite liberal and it didn't take us long to find a tribe, IYKWIM. It was also the first place I'd lived where people that I came in daily contact with were openly religious, so that was new to me. I'd read about the ubiquitous Friday Fish Fry, but had no idea what it meant until living there (we lived in Saint Paul if that makes any difference). Still, it struck me as a generally open minded place--we did help elect Jesse Ventura while living there, after all. Lol


The only faults this native Californian could find were that it's too far from the ocean (loved as I did Lake Superior) and the summer humidity. Otherwise I'd move back in a heartbeat, if I ever had to leave this other northern state I get to call home.

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Isn't there any place in Oregon or Washington that appeals to you? You would still be close to family. Or is that the land of political correctness? And lots of taxes? Expensive housing?


I am in Texas and I want to be in Virginia, in the very area a few people have mentioned. Seasons that actually go by the calendar and are called winter, spring, summer and fall, are awesome to experience; you don't miss it until you don't have it anymore. I miss the scent of the east coast woodlands and I miss the beach.

I hope you find what you're looking for with a satisfying outcome.


If California is too politically correct I would say that 90% of Washington and Oregon will be like poison to OP. This would be the last place she wants to move. I mean maybe Spokane, but they feel under siege all the time.


We do not have high taxes, though. Washington has no income tax and Oregon, no sales tax (and yes, the city on the border is doing quite well). A lot more gun freedom and way more pro-hunting--I'd say most liberals here raise, hunt or kill their own meat whenever possible.


People aren't politically correct in that they will tell you you're a racist.


People just will probably not bring up those topics at all. We are masters of silent judging of non-recyclers, jaywalkers, racist comments, etc.


Anyone who wants to move to the northwest should really watch all of these and see if they really think they'd fit in.




My mom fits like, 100% of those except the confused transplant.


Confused East Coast Transplant:







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For those who say Minnesota - we don't have four seasons. We have getting ready for winter, winter, getting over winter, and then BAM! summer. This year has been thankfully mild which has made up for last winter when sub zero temperatures and hazardous to life road conditions were the norm.


As far as freedom of thought and being able to say it--be careful where you land if Minnesota is the place for you. There are places where liberalism abounds and even the liberals admit Christians are the only ones who they can insult on a regular basis without anyone calling them on it. It gets draining to be honest. I'm tired of peace protests where they yell at you and the local community theater often putting on plays that involve R rating material because theater is meant to expand people's minds. I can live in peace with my neighbors and those who disagree with me, but sometimes, you just need a break. We are trying to move from this eternal winter where it's "never Christmas" because Christmas is exclusionary to those of different faiths. Holidays people - never Christmas . Stay away, stay far away.

I enjoy the different seasons here. Spring and summer are actually my favorites, and I enjoy winter, too. Of course, I spent the first eighteen years of my life in International Falls, so it takes some serious weather to get my panties in a twist.


I was born and raised in MN and have lived here all of my adult life except for my time in the Army, and I have never heard anyone- liberal or otherwise- say that it's okay to "insult Christians on a regular basis." Nor have I heard anyone say it can't ever be Christmas. I'm not even a Christian, and I think I said "Merry Christmas" to probably fifteen different people today. And I've lived all over the state, the liberal cities and the conservative small towns.


Minnesota has a long history of progressive politics, thanks to our borderline-Socialist Scandinavian ancestors, so if you're that miserable here, well, I hear Wisconsin is more conservative. ;) Of course, you'll have to deal with living in a state with higher unemployment and a budget deficit of over two billion dollars.

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If California is too politically correct I would say that 90% of Washington and Oregon will be like poison to OP......


I don't know that I agree with this fully.  I think you'll find a lot less political correctness (depending on which kind bugs a person) in the rural areas of Washington, of which there are many.  We live two hours outside of Seattle, across the Cascade Mountains, and the difference between the west side and here is pretty noticeable.  At least in my experience. We love where we live (definitely has an abundance of natural beauty) and appreciate that when we need a big-city "fix" we can just head over for the day.  When we need a "big water" fix, we can do the same, heading to Puget Sound (something I really missed a lot when we lived in Colorado). We definitely have four seasons here (the one that comes after winter is called "wind," though).

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Mergath this may not be the thread to point out the inverse relationship between social programs, economic growth, healthy environmental policies, strong schools, and then on the other hand a conservative social environment. Don't get me wrong, I've got conservative friends and I love them, but uh, would I want to live in an everyone-for-himself state? No.


However, OP does.


We could start a parallel thread... "Where should the hippies and socialists relocate?" And talk about how awesome our states are.


As for Christmas... Christians say Merry Christmas, Jews say Happy Hanukkah, and the rest of us tend towards "Happy Holidays". Around here that does make for only about 40% of the population saying "Merry Christmas" which I suppose would be antagonizing if you took other people's religions (or lack thereof) personally.

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I don't know that I agree with this fully.  I think you'll find a lot less political correctness (depending on which kind bugs a person) in the rural areas of Washington, of which there are many.


Yes, Eastern and Central WA/OR are less politically correct but OP can't find anywhere in CA she likes. That is what leads me to believe that the conservative rural areas of WA will not be good enough for her.


There are plenty of what I'd consider conservative bastions in CA. If that won't do it, I'm not sure what on the West Coast will.

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Yes, Eastern and Central WA/OR are less politically correct but OP can't find anywhere in CA she likes. That is what leads me to believe that the conservative rural areas of WA will not be good enough for her.


Why? I'm not following the thought train between these two sentences.  Maybe there was something said later in the thread, but in the OP she said, "My dream location would have four distinct seasons, low unemployment, low to moderate cost of living, easy homeschool laws, be politically moderate to conservative, and near (or in) an area of natural beauty.  Near means within an hour's drive."


What does "not good enough for her" refer to?


Her OP pretty much describes where I live (and I'm sure there are other areas similar in this way). Just not following ....

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Sorry that was not clear.


In my experience, rural CA is more conservative than rural WA in many parts.


So if she can't get what she wants politically in rural CA, I have doubts that she will be happy in rural WA--even Eastern Washington.


But you never know. We all have to compromise on our dream lists so perhaps I've misjudged where she's willing to compromise.


ETA, in light of your further post, you might actually like it in WA as you don't sound as conservative as many. We do have the death penalty here but there's a moratorium.


Perhaps it's more the culture of rudeness that bothers you in CA. I don't like CA culture either, and that has nothing to do with how liberal it is. It's liberal enough, but people are just really materialistic. Blech.


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Yes, Eastern and Central WA/OR are less politically correct but OP can't find anywhere in CA she likes. That is what leads me to believe that the conservative rural areas of WA will not be good enough for her.


There are plenty of what I'd consider conservative bastions in CA. If that won't do it, I'm not sure what on the West Coast will.


Sadly, OP still has to deal with our idiotic state government.  It drives OP crazy.  Your humble OP is waiting for the day when they attempt to legislate the boxers v. briefs debate and proceed to argue pro or con based on environmental impact and whether the phrase "whitey-tighty" is inherently racist.

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Sorry that was not clear.


In my experience, rural CA is more conservative than rural WA in many parts.


So if she can't get what she wants politically in rural CA, I have doubts that she will be happy in rural WA--even Eastern Washington.


But you never know. We all have to compromise on our dream lists so perhaps I've misjudged where she's willing to compromise.


A lot of the mountain towns are reasonably conservative.  They're an option if we can't get out of California altogether.  But even the mountain towns are affected by state-level craziness.

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Sadly, OP still has to deal with our idiotic state government.  It drives OP crazy.  Your humble OP is waiting for the day when they attempt to legislate the boxers v. briefs debate and proceed to argue pro or con based on environmental impact and whether the phrase "whitey-tighty" is inherently racist.


Sounds like you do have the same objections to CA as my DH does, in that case :)

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Sadly, OP still has to deal with our idiotic state government.  It drives OP crazy.  Your humble OP is waiting for the day when they attempt to legislate the boxers v. briefs debate and proceed to argue pro or con based on environmental impact and whether the phrase "whitey-tighty" is inherently racist.


LOL - living in a county that has legislated away plastic bags of any kind....so now we have to go BUY poop bags for the dog because we can't recycle the ones from the grocery store anymore. Now I pay $13/pkg to pick up after the dog, instead of doing it for "free". And I have to wash my grocery bags.


We moved from Orange County, CA to Sonoma County, CA....yep, there was a bit of culture shock. But our particular reasons for moving out of CA would be mostly economic.

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Count me in if there is ever a local IRLWTM get together! (A couple of my other local friends are also on here.)


PA totally wins for traffic. DH commutes down to MD, but on a different road. No traffic that way at all. ;)

I am in too for a meet-up! We should just pick a place and a date and make it happen.

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