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I am afraid I am coming down with shingles


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Oh, this would just be the cherry on the cake of my day.



I am feeling fine, btw.  But I ran to go to the bathroom and as I ran my hand along my waist to unbutton my jeans I felt a shock of pain.  It made me snap my hand back it hurt so much. It made no sense because why would that hurt, and it hurt a lot but just for a second.  When I ran my hand back over the area it didn't hurt at all.  I am wearing french cut underwear (so high waist) and it was right underneath the elastic. Prime shingles location.


I am now convinced that was a warning shot for shingles.


Please oh please do NOT let me have shingles during christmas vacation.  If I do I'll just... I'll just... Well, I don't know what I will do but it won't be good.


I have no fever, I feel tired but it was nutcracker weekend.


My BIL has shingles but that started right after Thanksgiving. Yes, I saw him, but I am under the impression that one cannot 'catch' shingles, that it is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus.  The poor guy has it in his EYE!!!!  :scared: :willy_nilly:

and it hurt so bad he had to go to the hosptial.  But, if one can catch shingles, then I am in the prime time, because CP has a 21 day incubation period.... OMG I am starting to panic


I have had chickenpox. I had it at least when I was 16. I say at least because when I was younger all three siblings had CP and I did not. The doctor told me that it was impossible for me to not catch it and I must have had a sub clinical case, but then I had a full blown case as a junior in high school.


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Is there meds for shingles?


I am convinced I now have a sore throat.  But I am also sitting here scanning my body, lol.  Was that a twitch? Is that an ache? Is the area tingling or is it just that I keep feeling it with my ice cold hands?


I will totally call the doctor if there are meds for shingles. I know the NP really well, I NEVER go to the doctor and she says she gets scared when I show up because I must be really sick.



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Yep, antivirals make a huge difference. But do you see a rash? I thought typical symptom, especially on abdomen, is a rash on one side of the body only. That's what I had. Saw doctor, took antivirals, never had any pain and recovered quickly. Oh, and my nursing infant did not get CP from my shingles---very, very hard to transmit it to someone else. If you have it, it's your own immune system acting up.


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No rash. I just had a weird bolt of sharp pain in a location that is very common for shingles to occur. It was so odd that I got worried and my mind went to shingles right away.  I am worried it was the beginning.


Ok, so I look for a rash in the next 24-48 hours and if I see one, I high tail it to the doctor for anti-viral meds.

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I am battling shingles right now. :thumbdown: I am on day 10. I received anti-viral on day 6. Mine started out as a couple of itchy spots on my back. I thought I had an allergic reaction. I went to the doctor on day 3 and she thought it was an allergy too. Only because it didn't hurt. She said it was shingles at my follow up appointment. The anti-viral has helped a lot and I wish I had gotten it earlier. It's basically the same as fever blisters, but all over my torso. Thankfully, my pain has been mild compared to what I hear it can be. I have not felt tired, fatigued, or ran a fever.

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this is all very good to read.  I can understand pulled muscle pain or like a bruise, that makes sense to me.  What I felt was a very almost electric jolt of pain, but it was fast, over in a blink. I might have just brushed my skin just right and hit a nerve. And maybe the skin is sensitive from the elastic in my undewear? 


I am keeping a very close eye on it and now I have a much better idea of what to look for. If it starts to feel itchy or I see a rash or I feel like I have a pulled muscle I will know to get anti-viral meds.


I feel so much better now I have a plan.


Thinks have been stressful around here lately. I thought this year's Nutcracker was going to kill me. Both my kids got sick, one missed a performance due to a flu, the dancers started dropping like flies with the flu, I was in the small overheated dressing rooms for four performances with all those sick people....And it occurred to me, as it does every year this time, that Christmas is next week and I have done nothing


Sounds like just the right time for Shingles to make an appearance, right?

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You literally cannot get shingles unless you have had the chickenpox, because it is the same virus that sits dormant in one's body and then remanifests as shingles. You can get shingles more than once because the virus never goes away and can pop up at any time.


HOWEVER. You can get shingles even if you think you have never had the chickenpox. If someone had a very mild case of chickenpox that went undiagnosed, or for younger people, if they had a failed vaccine that resulted in an extremely mild (read, unnoticed because there wasn't even a noticeable rash) case, this would be enough to store the virus and open the door for shingles later in life. This happened to me. 

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So now I want to know if you get shingles only if you had chickenpox as a child, or can you get shingles any old time and it's the adult version of chickenpox?


You have to have had previous exposure to the virus, which then remains in your body all your life. Shingles is a reactivation of the virus. I know some kids with shingles from the vaccine exposure, but most people at this time would be adults who had exposure as children.


Of course, if you didn't have chicken pox as a child and you catch it as an adult it's serious. This is why we vaxed my husband, who had no anti-bodies, as an adult. It was a long consideration, because we certainly introduced the possibility of shingles as he ages.

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I had shingles a few years ago...shooting pains in one arm pit on Saturday, then a burning, prickly rash on Sunday. On Monday I was in the doctor's office and started anti-viral meds that day. Instead of three weeks, mine lasted two weeks. I also took an amino acid recommended by an RN friend of mine, and vitamin C to help my immune system. The amino acid was L-lysine. You can ask your dr about it.


You can't catch shingles from another person. You get it because you have previously had chicken pox and the virus is already inside your body. However, if you have shingles you can pass the chicken pox virus to someone who has never had it. They would get chicken pox from you, not shingles.


I hope you will see your doctor ASAP!

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Shingles are awful. Get to the doctor. If you get on the meds right away the pain is not as bad.

The one good thing I got from shingles is the spot where I had it is an early warning system for stress. If I am allowing myself to be super stressed out the area starts to tingle and I know I need to slow down and relax. Contrary to popular belief, you can get shingles more than once.

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