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body odor....help


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My husband has being struggling with BO for a while now. I am not sure how much he notices it but it is driving me nuts. He is a clean person, showers daily, brushes his teeth, wears clean clothes everyday. When he arrives home i can hardly stand it. I am having a hard time describing the smell. It does have a garlicky smell I guess. On the days he eats out( about once a week) the smell is stronger so I believe food is an issue maybe? Is their anything we can do to battle the odor? He has been very accomodating before he crawls in bed at night but I feel so guilty asking him to clean up beforehand. This has not always been an issue.


Dh facts

He is HAIRY, extremely hair. He does not wax or shave his body but I wondered if his hair is hanging onto odor?

He is about 30 pounds overweight(he has lost 80lbs over the last year)

He works in an office so his job is not physically demanding.

Washing up does not always remove the smell and the smell is not in one location, smells to come through all his pores/skin

Pretty healthy- did have a flair of gout for the first time over the summer.

We have a busy evening schedule so eating/digestive tract is off at times.


I would love some input on how to improve this issue.


Thank you!

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  • He could try getting rid of all processed foods from his diet to see if it helps.
  • He may have some sort of skin flora issue. Some places online are starting to sell skin probiotic sprays.
  • Do his clothes smell after being washed?
  • Try adding digestive enzymes and betaine HCl to improve digestion.
  • Skip eating out and see if it goes away.



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I don't have any experience but just a thought that maybe with him having lost all that weight it's built up in his body? I wonder if some detox baths would help? I usually just use Epsom salt (about a cup) with water as hot as you can stand for 20 minutes. Drink a lot of water before and after! Hope you figure something out!

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Vinegar/Water 50/50 in a spray bottle in the shower works wonders. I've had tremendous success with this for my boys, who all start getting horrendous BO around puberty. 

Spray from head to toe, concentrating on underarms and groin area. Let stand for several minutes before rinsing. Some of my boys give their armpits one last spray before getting out of the shower, without rinsing. Yes, the vinegar smells at the moment, but the smell dissipates quickly. Vinegar neutralizes the bacteria, which is often the cause of the smell.

Also, you should consider routintely adding a vinegar to the rinse cycle of your laundry. If your husband kills the bacteria on his body, but doesn't deal with remaining bacteria/odors in his clothing, heat will reactivate that smell in his shirts, even if he sprays his body well. You've got to get the skin and clothing simultaneously.

I had a friend who borrowed a few of my shirts in college, and for the next year or so, every time I ironed one of those shirts, a deadly smell came out when I applied heat. I finally got rid of it by soaking the shirts in straight vinegar and giving several washes in a row with vingegar, baking soda, and oxiclean. 

I agree with other posters to look nutritionally at the cause. Changes in body ph, fungal levels, hormones, etc...can all mess with the bacteria levels on the skin. But I do think you'll get better success using a vinegar spray than just deodorant and soap.

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I agree that since it's new'ish & it's all over, I'd consider a medical check up.

Other than that, change diet. Red meat is a culprit. Certain spices, garlic & onion powder, but also coffee.

Is he eating a ketogenic diet by any chance? because low carb/high protein can cause this... body odor, gout & ketoacidosis can go hand in hand.

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All very good suggestions. Also, I don't think this was mentioned....

stop using the deodorant/antiperspirant and either use one of the natural solutions recommended or start using something more natural. I had a problem with body odor for a time and switched deodorants, laundry detergent, started using hot water on clothing that could stand it.

I don't use an antiperspirant and haven't in decades. I use tom's of maine. Is he drinking enough water and too much soda?


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You said he's lost 80 pounds recently - is he low carbing? As hornblower mentioned, that could be a factor.


When my kids went through puberty, I started buying Dial antibacterial soap for showering. I usually avoid antibacterial soaps, but this helped with BO. I also add vinegar to the wash, use warm or hot water, and sometimes stop the wash midway so the clothes can soak a bit.


I do think this sudden onset is something to investigate.

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I know some people don't like antibacterial anything, but I have to use antibacterial bar soap in the shower.  If I just use one of those pretty-smelling bath gels or something, I can't stand to be around myself half an hour later.  And I use deodorant. ;)  I agree that he should also see a doctor about it.  Hormonal issues can also cause body odor, in my experience.

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