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What books will you be giving this Christmas? (Any age! :)


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I'm getting dd2 3 touch and feel books (don't remember the names, may edit later after I look on my Amazon order) and dd1 is getting a Frozen book and maybe a couple others.

I want to order some nursing books and the new Laura Ingalls Wilder one but won't have the funds until probably after Christmas (if anyone has any old nursing books they want to get rid of, please think of me :) )

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DD: Signed copies of "Percy Jackson's Greek Gods" by Rick Riordan and the first Amulet book by Kazu Kibuishi (So excited for her to open these!) 


Me: "Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography" by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Pamela Smith Hill


DH: "The Shell Collector" by Hugh Howey and "The Innovators" by Walter Isaacson




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Whitehawk, love the book of the month club! Are you going to read the Wind in the Willows illustrated by Robert Ingpen? It is so gorgeous!


No, I was more concerned with making sure it was an unabridged version and didn't really consider illustrations. (I bought all the books online.) I went with the Oxford Children's Classics version.

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This has been the hit of the month with ds14 around here! He read it from cover to cover more than once.

          Randall Munroe, What If?


So many people getting Unbroken this year... that was one of the toughest books I've ever read.... ranks right up there with Kite Runner for me. All I can say is, prepare yourself. :( The torture he endures and witnesses is heartbreaking and very hard to read about. The coincidence of the popularity of Mr. Zamperini's story (with the movie release) and the release of the report on the CIA has been very thought provoking for me.


I am sending When Books Went to War: The Stories that Helped Us Win World War II to my grandmother and father.


My daughter (17) has requested a keepsake edition of Little Men.


Still on the hunt for more books for this year.

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DH: "The Shell Collector" by Hugh Howey 




You win Christmas!  I was thinking about buying this today for myself (since it was just released today) but sad because I have no time in the next couple of weeks to read it.  


I just now mentioned to dd how cool it was that you were getting it for someone, and she suggested she'd get it for me for Christmas, except that she'd have to use my Amazon account so I'd have to get it.  But, you know, it would be a gift.  :lol:

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The kids get Christmas gifts from my parents.  

They got the complete set of Harry Potter books and the complete set of Harry Potter DVDs.


DS1 also got the first four (I think) Percy Jackson books.


Both boys are getting the Star Wars Origami/Origami Yoda book Art2D2.  They've loved the entire series.  



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None, but I wanted to share this. I said in another thread somewhere that our agency adopted a family for Christmas. The coordinator for this made tags for each family member, sort of like an angel tree. Our deputy director didn't take a tag, but came in with 3 bags of books from B&N for the kids. I didn't see all the titles, but I thought that was very very generous of him. :)

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