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I just had to deal with po@p water coming through my kitchen ceiling


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ick  :ack2: ick  :ack2: ick. :ack2:


Hostile removal of offending toilet, preferably out the window. Shower. Disinfectant. Full body decontamination. Tetanus shots. Followed by lots of practice plunging toilets by the offender, to make sure it never happens again.





We have a low flow toilet upstairs that clogs once a week or so.  Thankfully, it is due to lack of water pressure I think, so the thing has never overflowed.  I can't imagine sitting in my living room watching it drip from the ceiling.  ICK.   :ack2:  :svengo:

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:svengo:You may eat an entire cheesecake and drink your favorite comfort beverage because that is NOT fun!

Thank you for that permission. I might have to see if I can make that happen.

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I stopped up my  toilet the other day. I stood there watching the water get higher, I opened the door and yelled "PLUNGER! PLUNGER! PLUNGER!PLUNGER! "  My 3 youngest children came running.


Did they bring the plunger?





They said they came to watch the toilet overflow.


fortunately, my oldest dd came running, plunger in upraised hand! It was like a superhero show.  She should have been backlit with a cape flying out behind her.

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I stopped up my  toilet the otehr day. I stood there watching the water get higher, I opened the door and yelled "PLUNGER! PLUNGER! PLUNGER!PLUNGER! "  My 3 youngest children came running.


Did they bring the plunger?





They said they came to watch the toilet overflow.


fortunately, my oldest dd can running, plunger in upraised hand! It was like a superhero show.  She should have been backlit with a cape flying out behind her.


Normally, toilets overflowing are not funny but that's funny.


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Hey, can we console you with gross things that have come out of our kitchen ceilings?

We have a vaulted ceiling on that entire half of the house (open floor plan) and it's paneled with long beautiful cedar planking. (it's a west coast thing ca. late 60-70s). I don't even like cedar & I love the ceiling LOL.

A few months after we moved in, there was this constant sour milk smell that I just couldn't find. We were scrubbing cupboards, washing the floor & just couldn't find anything (but with dogs & cat & kids I wasn't too freaked). Finally one day when I had to get on a chair to reach something in a cupboard, I realized the smell was stronger up high.

So I got dh to get a ladder & sniff the ceiling & try to figure it out. He doesn't have a great sense of smell so he was sort of humoring me because he didn't smell much but finally I said, really, there's something there. He tried to get to it through the attic but it was way too far away from the unvaulted part & even stretched out & pulling out insulation etc he couldn't get anywhere near the spot. SO after much mulling I said, we have to pry a ceiling board. Very gently & carefully & just a bit so we don't snap the thing.....

It was dead rat. Very very dead big fat roof rat.  

But it gets better.

The rat had been dead so long that it had acquired flies & maggots.  There was no way to get at all that - short of ripping apart the entire ceiling.  So dh oozed the rat out (we were all gagging) and then left the board kind of pried open & for about a week we had fat white maggots dripping from the ceiling, right onto the counter.  

It was a long time before we had rice after that.

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Hey, can we console you with gross things that have come out of our kitchen ceilings?


We have a vaulted ceiling on that entire half of the house (open floor plan) and it's paneled with long beautiful cedar planking. (it's a west coast thing ca. late 60-70s). I don't even like cedar & I love the ceiling LOL.


A few months after we moved in, there was this constant sour milk smell that I just couldn't find. We were scrubbing cupboards, washing the floor & just couldn't find anything (but with dogs & cat & kids I wasn't too freaked). Finally one day when I had to get on a chair to reach something in a cupboard, I realized the smell was stronger up high.


So I got dh to get a ladder & sniff the ceiling & try to figure it out. He doesn't have a great sense of smell so he was sort of humoring me because he didn't smell much but finally I said, really, there's something there. He tried to get to it through the attic but it was way too far away from the unvaulted part & even stretched out & pulling out insulation etc he couldn't get anywhere near the spot. SO after much mulling I said, we have to pry a ceiling board. Very gently & carefully & just a bit so we don't snap the thing.....


It was dead rat. Very very dead big fat roof rat.  


But it gets better.


The rat had been dead so long that it had acquired flies & maggots.  There was no way to get at all that - short of ripping apart the entire ceiling.  So dh oozed the rat out (we were all gagging) and then left the board kind of pried open & for about a week we had fat white maggots dripping from the ceiling, right onto the counter.  


It was a long time before we had rice after that.


Oh, no. no. no. no. no. no. Just no. I will never be able to erase this from my mind.

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We once had poop water come into our kitchen when we lived in the bottom floor of a two-family house. This was extra nasty because it was from a diaper pail that dripped all night, allowing the icky stuff to seep deep into the floor boards. Took a long time for the smell to go away. Moral of the story -- always rent or buy the upper apartment not the lower one.

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I love Consumer Reports! But dh is a Master Plumber, so naturally, that means our plumbing always needs attention.

Dh is is pretty much never available to fix things so YouTube and I have become fast friends. So far it's mostly appliance repair over here because the dishwasher is always breaking, but if I lived near by, we could totally tackle a toilet! ;)

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