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Cleaning out toys question


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Do you clean out kids rooms before Christmas?


Do you only get rid of junky/broken or toys they don't play with anymore?


I ask because I cleaned out my girls rooms last night while they were gone but not much fit the above criteria. I got rid of a bag of stuffed animals that they play with regularly. It's just that they have so many stuffed animals! And I cut dress up clothes in half but some are well loved outfits.


We don't have a lot of toys (purposefully) and yet they still make a huge mess. Plus with the holidays there will be a ton of new toys coming in. I don't know why I feel so bad.

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I don't see why you feel bad. Perhaps because you got rid of something that the girls use? But you left their favorite things to dress up in. Can you estimate how many more toys will be coming this holiday season? Can you ask/request alternative type gifts from the relatives? (Movie tickers, museum memberships, scout fees, storage solutions, etc)


Our son has plenty of stuff, not junky toys, but some higher quality toys and other stuff--clothes, puzzles, ride on, books (galore), toddler furniture and a few stuffed animals. He'll get gifts for the holidays too. We try and cycle his things--books especially--so that everything isn't out at once, more things get used and so that he can fully learn to use each item--the items he doesn't want/like/outgrows/wont use much will be given to family/friends who want/need/like/can-use them while they are still in good condition.


I am not sure if you did or didn't, but personally I wouldn't have thrown out things that are still good--I'd have donated or sold them depending on which was easier.

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I don't see why you feel bad. Perhaps because you got rid of something that the girls use? But you left their favorite things to dress up in. Can you estimate how many more toys will be coming this holiday season? Can you ask/request alternative type gifts from the relatives? (Movie tickers, museum memberships, scout fees, storage solutions, etc)


Our son has plenty of stuff, not junky toys, but some higher quality toys and other stuff--clothes, puzzles, ride on, books (galore), toddler furniture and a few stuffed animals. He'll get gifts for the holidays too. We try and cycle his things--books especially--so that everything isn't out at once, more things get used and so that he can fully learn to use each item--the items he doesn't want/like/outgrows/wont use much will be given to family/friends who want/need/like/can-use them while they are still in good condition.


I am not sure if you did or didn't, but personally I wouldn't have thrown out things that are still good--I'd have donated or sold them depending on which was easier.

I always donate things that are still in good shape.


I feel bad mostly bc of stuffed animals. One of my dd is crazy over them. She would be distraught if she knew they were gone forever.


I may just hold off on taking bags to donate until after Christmas.

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I always donate things that are still in good shape.


I feel bad mostly bc of stuffed animals. One of my dd is crazy over them. She would be distraught if she knew they were gone forever.


I may just hold off on taking bags to donate until after Christmas.


If you feel like she might miss the stuffed animals, put them in storage for a few months.  If she asks for a specific animal, go get it out of storage for her (don't let her go through the bag herself, or she'll want them all back!).  After a few months, donate what hasn't been missed.


Or create a toy library.  To check toys out, she has to put some toys into it.  

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In our house, the amount of mess is a constant. If I cut down on the number of toys, they find other things to use to bring the mess back up to an acceptable level.


We're pretty pared down on toys, but I wouldn't get rid of anything they do play with regularly, or I'd never see my potato masher, pitcher lids, socks, Kleenex boxes, or spare toothbrushes again.

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A twist on cycling toys: We kept a shelf in our laundry room that had clear bins with different toys in them. The kids could see into these and could ask to get one down when they were interested. It took quite a bit out of their rooms and added some variety on a rainy day. Then, when a bin was never used, I would get rid of that one and fill it with new things. These bins went back on that shelf after the day or two that they were played with.


For instance, one bin that stayed around for a long time held a little town setup that had small dolls and ponies. Another contained all those play dough molds that accumulate. I would just update the play dough every once in a while. 



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I don't clean out toys by myself, my girls are required to help.  They help decide what they don't play with anymore and what special toys they want to keep.  For stuffed animals or other toys that we have large amounts of, I pull out 2 or 3 and say, "Which one would you like to keep?" 


Our church has a toy giveaway before Christmas, so it helps to remind my girls that we are blessing someone else by giving away our toys.  And I make sure that everything donated is in good condition with no missing pieces.  We usually throw away happy-meal type toys.


I tried rotating toys when they were babies/toddlers, but now they have too many toys and I have no place to store them.



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I always donate things that are still in good shape.


I feel bad mostly bc of stuffed animals. One of my dd is crazy over them. She would be distraught if she knew they were gone forever.


I may just hold off on taking bags to donate until after Christmas.


I wouldn't get rid of anything a child would be distraught over losing.  Imagine that happening to you.


Have her pick some other things to donate.

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One of my girls loves stuffed animals, too, and I wouldn't get rid of those. It's always amazed me that she can ignore a particular one for months, lose track of where it is, then discover an urgent need for that particular animal and not rest until it's located. If you haven't actually gotten rid of things, maybe you can relent on the ones that are making you feel bad.


It's hard knowing where to draw the line sometimes. Maybe just sit on the decision for a while and see how you feel?

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I always donate things that are still in good shape.


I feel bad mostly bc of stuffed animals. One of my dd is crazy over them. She would be distraught if she knew they were gone forever.


I may just hold off on taking bags to donate until after Christmas.

I would not get rid of the stuffed animals. I still remember coming home from school to find my mother tossing the majority of my stuffed animals. I was hysterical and she would not let me bring them back into the house. I did not speak to my mother for 3 weeks. I only started speaking to her because my father made me. To be honest, here it is over 30 years later and I am still a little bit angry about it.

My point being, if you think she has too many make her part of the culling process.

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I feel bad mostly bc of stuffed animals. One of my dd is crazy over them. She would be distraught if she knew they were gone forever.

I have stuff animals in three 18 gallon boxes, some from my childhood which my boys love and some theirs. They have their current favorites on their bed. That way it is less messy and they get to rotate their favorites.


I have my kids toys mostly in stackable plastic totes. So when they get legos or Playmobil for their birthdays, it just adds on to what they have in the totes. When the plastic tote fills up, I just get more. I stack the totes in columns of five totes maximum so my kids can get the correct tore down to play easily.



I ask my kids which toys can be donated. Then I ask my neighbors if they want before donating to goodwill.

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Broken and non playing with is all that I will take out without their permission. I don't think it's fair to take things from them without their ok when it's stuff they love.


I do make them go through their rooms in the fall though and find some things that they would be willing to donate to a shelter or some place like that. I do that after I've cleaned out the junk though so that they are having to choose between the other toys. Then they are helping with the choosing and learning to give to others from what they have.

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In our house, the amount of mess is a constant. If I cut down on the number of toys, they find other things to use to bring the mess back up to an acceptable level.


We're pretty pared down on toys, but I wouldn't get rid of anything they do play with regularly, or I'd never see my potato masher, pitcher lids, socks, Kleenex boxes, or spare toothbrushes again.


This is true in my house too. I thought keeping toys minimal would keep the mess under control. Nope. They just use other stuff to make their messes  :001_rolleyes:

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This is true in my house too. I thought keeping toys minimal would keep the mess under control. Nope. They just use other stuff to make their messes :001_rolleyes:

Yes-same for us. I guess some kids are just mess makers. I tried to explain this to DH who always insist they have too many toys & that I need to throw some out. Well-when they empty the contents of their drawers or a wipes container or package of erasers-what do you do? Can't throw out those!

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Yes-same for us. I guess some kids are just mess makers. I tried to explain this to DH who always insist they have too many toys & that I need to throw some out.

My hubby is more tolerant of mess than me. My kids has a designated mess area/playspace. It helps keep the mess out of the rest of the house.

Now I have two elaborate marble run structures at their designated mess area :)

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I would not get rid of the stuffed animals. I still remember coming home from school to find my mother tossing the majority of my stuffed animals. I was hysterical and she would not let me bring them back into the house. I did not speak to my mother for 3 weeks. I only started speaking to her because my father made me. To be honest, here it is over 30 years later and I am still a little bit angry about it.

My point being, if you think she has too many make her part of the culling process.

I had something similar happen to me. It involved a large stuffed turtle, with his stuffing coming out, that I laid on almost every day to read. Sure, it was junky, but it was well loved. Like the pp, it still makes me mad that my mom refused to see how special it was to me.


If you think your dc will be sad about it, then don't toss them. Let them help make the decisions and then pack some away for another day.

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