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RANT: People who discard pets on the highway


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I know this happens in the USA too and there are laws about this here in Colombia as there are in the USA. Yesterday, my Stepson and his wife were on their motorcycle, on the highway, about 5 miles South of the city of Cali. There is an intersection, where another road splits off, going to another town. There's a stoplight at that intersection.  


A pickup truck had an adult Rottweiler in the back that was looking out to see what was going on. There was also a puppy, I believe approximately 6 or 8 weeks old, trying to peek out over the side like the adult dog was doing. Apparently, there was someone in the truck bed with them, who pushed (or threw)  the puppy out of the truck. The truck didn't even stop...   It was moving when this happened.


Expletives deleted...  I hope God will punish the people who did that. Several vehicles honked, included a tractor trailer, but the people in the pickup apparently did what they did deliberately and they did not stop. 


My Stepson and his wife picked up the dog, who was still alive, but had an injury to his nose and they took him to a vet and brought him home. I had been out for about 6 hours with my wife, to go with her while she shopped for things for her trip and to get a Samsung Android phone that was locked to one operator unlocked so she could use it with our operator. (that took far longer than the 1 to 1.5 hours we were told when we left the phone to be unlocked).   When we came home, we found my Stepson and his wife sitting outside, near the front door, with the puppy.


So, the puppy is alive and well and his new name is Gabriel.     A  Rottweiler puppy wasn't on our radar.  He is in the house and he needs to be housebroken!   He will eventually need to live outside and he will be good for protection.


My Stepson and his wife were surprised by what happened and their effort went into getting the puppy, so they did not get the license plate data for the police and those guilty will go unpunished by the government.



I believe this is my first “rant†here. We now have eight (8) dogs. 3 medium size, 4 toys, and this puppy who is going to be gigantic when he is fully grown. We also have one cat and one parrot.

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There just aren't enough bad words to describe people who do that.


Our sweet little French Fry the Wonder Dachshund was a throw-away dog. The people who gave her to us observed her being thrown out of the window of a moving car and rescued her from the side of the road.


:cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

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I'm not really a pet person. I barely keep the humans in this house alive. I have no houseplants either. We do have one small (bichon-poodle mix) rescue and he is well cared for (and all I can handle). Seamus is a member of our family. Poor little guy would not know what to do on his own--he gets frightened if his leash comes off when we are outside.


While I don't consider myself a pet person, I consider people who throw animals away despicable. You took on the responsibility you have to see to it that the animal is loved by someone. You cannot abandon it.


My neighbor is part of a guinea pig rescue network and my dd has helped her for years. The lucky ones are found abandoned outside vet offices (no matter what the weather). Many are found in dumpsters. Dumpster?! Who does that. What kind of person puts a live animal in a dumpster?


There's been a few cats abandoned in my neighborhood recently. People move away and leave their cat. People clean out their deceased relative's house and leave the cat behind. What do they think will happen to an abandoned domestic animal.


Throwing a dog from a moving vehicle--disgusting!





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Good for stepson and his wife for stopping, and good for you for taking the poor puppy in!  Related rant:  People who don't control their dogs.  I have picked up the same boxer twice in the middle of the busy highway.  The first time I had to stare down a semi (the dog was running up to every approaching vehicle, apparently trying to get them to stop.)  The second time I think she recognized me. I pulled to the side, opened my door, and she jumped up on my lap.  If it happens a third time, I may just lack motivation about seeing to it that she gets returned home. :glare:

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The worst thing is that the person likely dumped the rest of the pups elsewhere. Average litter size for rots is 6 to 8. Of course just 1 is possible but I wouldn't be surprised if they dumped more along other roads.


My cousins came home from school once with 2 pups wrapped up in a blanket and left on their porch. Luckily that person had the heart to force a home upon the dogs rather than just tossing them out a car.

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It is terrible. I am glad Gabriel is having a happy ending. Like your new dog and French Fry (mentioned above), we ended up with a dog who was abandoned on a highway. My husband brought him home without me knowing.


He was our family dog for 13 years.  We put him to sleep last month.  He was the best dog that ever could have happened to us.  :wub: :wub: :crying:

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Hopefully when he is an adult Gabriel will be a good watchdog for our family and a good member of our family. I need to order 25 kilos of dog food, so I will add some puppy food to that. I'm not even sure he is old enough to begin housebreaking. We need to ban him from "the office" because dd saw him chewing or wanting to chew on the power cord for my laptop. That is perfectly normal for a puppy to do.


That this happens really displays something horrible about a percentage of the humans who are alive. The Colombian National Police have an Animal Protection unit. Sometimes I see one of their trucks near where we live. If we had the license plate number they could be contacted but we do not have that.


We had just adopted, on August 31st a stray dog who was near the house of one of my wife's nieces. My wife adopted him, so she could get the Parrot. Want the Parrot, take the dog... She told her Niece the dog would need to be Neutered before they brought him here because we have Female dogs. He was inside the house while recovering from the surgery.. He is still inside. He doesn't look like much but he is the only dog who lives inside our house.. His previous owners obviously trained him very well. He must have gotten lost and he was homeless in the street. He rarely barks and if he does it is because he need to go outside or to alert us to something. He is a great pet!


I don't know what kind of a Parrot it is. They are protected legally and are not supposed to be in captivity, but this one is too old to release and would probably not survive if we released it. There are approximately 50 species of birds that live in our huge rural subdivision. There is one flock of approximately 50 Parrots. If they fly nearby or rest in/near our backyard they make a lot of noise! In the nearby mountains to our West there are approximately 500 species of birds.

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