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Gift for a gay couple where one partner is adopting


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My very best friends were married a few years ago. One has a biological daughter. Her wife does not have children .Tomorrow, her wife will be officially adopting her spouses biological child as her own. The daughter is 9 years old.


Anyone know what the etiquette is for this? Do I get a gift? A card?


I just found out yesterday that the adoption will be finalized tomorrow at the courthouse, so I didn't have time to order anything,


I am very excited for the both of them, and for their daughter who has two wonderful, loving parents.


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I would definitely congratulate them, maybe send flowers.  I probably wouldn't make a huuuuge deal over it, only because the reality of the family situation (other than legally) has not really changed.


Speaking as an adoptive mom.  I like to keep things low-key rather than send the message to my daughters that being adopted is a big deal.

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Yay!  I think giving a family gift would be awesome...you've already been given some great ideas!


I wanted to add:

At the back of your 2014 calendar jot down this date and when you get your 2015 calendar mark the date and send a card.  I like the term a pp used upthread: 'familyversary'!

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Love the name "Familyversary"!!!!!!


Wow, these are a lot of great ideas!!!! Actually, they are having a get together at a family pizza place after the final adoption. So, I am thinking flowers and a card is a definite. (I will get two bouquets, one for the parents and one for the couple).


I think I might want to do something personalized and give it them later.


We are very close to them. My husband and I were both in the bridal party when they were married. My DH was a best man, for one friend. And I was a maid of honor for my other friend. They were married on the beach in OC, MD. Beautiful ceremony.


It just boggles my mind that I have people "praying" for this little girl because she is being brought up in a gay household. WHAT??? Ok, her bio father wanted nothing to do with her. I am a Christian. But I believe in love. I don't think God would frown upon two people who love each other deeply, and love this child with all of their heart and soul.


(But that is a whole other subject)


Thank you so much ladies!!! :hurray: :hurray: :lol:

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My 6 and 8 year olds are totally into Build a Bear right now. The options for animals/outfits range in age so I would think most 9 year olds could come up with something they like. Plus, it's neat because it creates an activity/experience rather than just being a static gift. We actually just discovered BAB because somebody gave us a gift card for our own adoption! 


A $25 gift card will buy just about any of the stuffed animals, or a basic stuffed animal and an outfit for it. $50 gives the kid LOTs of options. 


I bet experiential gifts would be much appreciated as they can go out and celebrate as a trio!

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