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What do you get your 12 yr old ds for his birthday?


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Ds is turning 12. I had a good idea of buying him a set of custard bowls. But then last week at IKEA he specifically asked and looked for and found them himself. I was glad my guess was right, but then we bought them for the family and I lost the chance of buying them for his birthday.

He loves baking cookies and pies.

He like playing Minecraft and writing Minecraft comics and also novels.

He does not like sports.

He is a home body and doesn't like to go out much.

what kind of presents do you get for your 12 yr old ds? I really need some ideas before we are too close to his birthday. Thanks!

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[quote name="heartlikealion" post="5971064" timestamp="


I'd suggest the Minecraft stories for kids but the writing/grammar is not so impressive. We have a hard copy and another one (freebie) on the Kindle.


Are you sure the freebie Minecraft story on Kindle is not written by one of my boys? Just kidding! Ds got one 5 star review on Amazon and one 3 star review. The grammar in both reviews are not glamorous to say the least. I don't really care about his comics grammar. He does it for fun. I am amazed people (mostly likely children) even in UK and Germany would buy his comics. I think both the authors and readers of Minecraft comics are mostly children like mine. :-) I love your cooking gift ideas. I will get a rolling pin and a pie pan and something else. Thank you!!!

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We bought my ds some of that kinetic sand that has been a huge hit. He likes things like that tho- thinking putty, playdough, clay.....




It seems the reviewers have younger kids. How old was your son when you got this for him? This looks really fun!

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My 16 year old is a baker, too. Over the years related gifts included:


aprons (some full, some half, some boring, some funny)

quality baking tools (mixer, rolling pin, silicone mats, oven mitts)

cookie cutters, frosting tips and bags,

sprinkles (high-end sugar ball things and low-end themed or colors)

dedicated equipment (his own measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls)

gifts-in-a-jar stuff (Bell jars, adhesive labels, paper tags, sharpie markers)

other give-away stuff (various bags/boxes/tins for cookies, cupcake carriers)

grocery store gift cards (sounds dumb but he really loves those!)


I've been trying to find a nice cake stand because he makes a lot of cakes, but in two years I've not found anything I like (and the price I like).


Does he have his own recipe box or book yet? My MIL made one for my oldest son years ago. It's kind of like a scrapbook cookbook. Pictures of her, of them, of people long dead but whose recipes were still in use ... It was part her recipes and she left plenty of blank pages for him to add to over the years. And he has. It's pretty neat.


That son made a recipe box for my daughter on her 6th birthday. Just a plain box from Hobby Lobby that he painted. We found some "fancy" recipe cards to fit it and he included some self-laminating pouches so the cards would stay protected. She's a messy cook LOL. She loves it.



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I think 12 is a lovely time to invest in something more grown up. It had been my plan to make over DS's room when he turns 12--perhaps take a trip to Ikea and really outfit it teen-style--but somehow this year we accidentally added a new larger dresser, bookcase and desk so it's sort of done. Darn--I was looking forward to that project! :). But I still think something transitional into teenage hood seems fun and symbolic.


Cooking ideas are awesome for a budding baker, or anything that respects his passions.


When DS turned 10, we gave him a book on puberty (he likes to be prepared), and I imagine we'll find something similar when he's 12.


A special trip somewhere would be cool instead of stuff. Maybe a camping trip with just dad, or somewhere he's been asking to go. I'm a fan of experiences over things when possible.

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We tend to do experiences...could you do a special baking/cooking class? Or maybe a meal out at a really high-end fancy restaurant? 


Last year for my oldest (turning 11 this year) we went a reptile encounter at the zoo that he loved. This year we're going to see Julius Caesar together. Second son is getting a trip to a (clean) comedy club. They get so much stuff from other people that we're trying to make birthdays from us more about doing something memorable, or something that is out of the price range for every day. 

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