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Even More Newer Update! Like to read romance? Shameless self promotion


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Wow!!! That's amazing to have made the semi-finals!!!!


See??? We told you that you were an amazing writer!!! :hurray:



Thanks! I honestly am totally overwhelmed by all this...it's surreal. Agent? Contest? Say what?


Stay tuned for more updates :)

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I don't think you're "way overthinking things." I believe you are striving to maintain your personal integrity. Challenging yourself to keep that in your writing will, in the end, make you a better writer.


Looking forward to good news from you in a few weeks!


10 days, for announcement of finalists. Not that I'm counting ;)

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This is you, right?  >>>>     :toetap05:


Yup! I'm NOT  a patient person. AT ALL. But I'm using this time to "build my platform". In fact, I'd love people to "like" my facebook "author" page. The more likes, the more legit it looks, supposedly. And in the future I'll be using it to communicate big updates, etc. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

So...I can finally share! I'm a Top Ten Finalist!!!!! Now it's just a popular vote, and the winner gets a two book publishing contract, plus a lot of other fun stuff. I have all the info on my blog, or you can check my facebook page, etc if you follow me on there. Thank you ALL for your support, encouragement, and words of wisdom!


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Wow, soooooooo excited for you!


I went and voted for your book today.

I will vote every day.

I will vote daily, as diligently as I enter the HGTV Dream Home Giveaway every day from January 1 to Mid-February, as far back as I can remember.


Have fun with this - in your shoes, I would have to say that one big rewarding element would be that, now, your family and friends will take you seriously when you tell them you're a novelist.


Well done, Katie!

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I voted today, but I'm not sure I'll remember tomorrow.  Are you posting reminders on Facebook?


yes! You can also sign up for email updates...there is a sign up link on my website. www.katiemeyer.net, and one on my facebook page www.facebook.com/katiemeyerbooks. I'll be posting updates, but facebook isn't always great about showing everyone all my posts, so the email list might be the best way. Oh, or I'm on twitter, @ktgrok

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