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Can I just say how much I *adore* Leapfrog Letter Factory?


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DS2, Marco, has some pretty serious speech issues. He's 27 months old and can only speak in mono-syllables, and even then can't string two together. So far he really only says "ma", "da", "dah" (dog), "dow" (down), and a couple more "half words".


DS2 and DS5's favorite dvd to watch in the car is Leapfrog Letter Factory.


Last night I purchased an adorable download from Catholic Icing (an Alphabet of Saints). DD13 and I stayed up until after 2 am putting them cutting them out and gluing them on toilet paper rolls. My only plan was to introduce the saints and to satisfy his recent obsession with books and letters.


Marco is at the dining room picture window, where I put them to finish drying, pointing at the letters - saying the letter names, and sounds! He knows half of them! I'm thrilled for him. I hope this can, in some way, help his speech. I'm ridiculously happy just to see him TRYING TO TALK. 

This certainly isn't a brag on my end - I did nothing. Total plug for The Frog, though, lol :D

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Letter Factory is what got both my older kids so really know their letter sounds.  We love it so much we gave our copy to a friend to share our love of it.  Then I realized I have an 18 month old and no Letter Factory!  Luckily last week I found an unopened copy at a thrift store for $3.  He'll be getting it for Christmas.

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I know. I think, from now on, when a family member or friend hits age 2 or 3, that is what I'll buy as Christmas and birthday presents, lol. The adorable flashcards they come with have been just as great - my 5 year old has long since learned his sounds and letters, but STILL loves that movie and those flashcards! 

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I do have Netflix, but I have to say - none of them have had quite the same effect as the Letter Factory. I have no clue why. My 5 year old does love Math Circus, but still - something about that Letter Factory, lol.

We have had the same experience. When my kids noticed the ones on Netflix they got very excited and asked to watch one. No interest after a few minutes. But later they watched others and still nothing. They enjoy them once but don't ever want to see them again. Letter factory is a while different story though. They'd watch it all day if I let them

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We have had the same experience. When my kids noticed the ones on Netflix they got very excited and asked to watch one. No interest after a few minutes. But later they watched others and still nothing. They enjoy them once but don't ever want to see them again. Letter factory is a while different story though. They'd watch it all day if I let them

I kind of DO let my 2 year old watch it as much as he wants (*hangs head in shame*). That dvd has done more for his speech than I've been able to do for his speech, lol. 

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I saw it recommended here and started letting DS watch it at 18 mo. while I cooked dinner.  Within a month he learned 19 letter sounds and the rest followed shortly thereafter.  He still enjoys it (and sequels) at almost 5.  I picked up 5 copies at Walmart for $1 each on clearance and have given them to friends as gifts!

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It's popular in this house as well. My son has no identifiable issues, he is just a lazy enunciater, but the letter factory and the Doodling Dragons book have helped him so much with his sounds, so when we ask him to speak more clearly or help him say the sounds a word properly he actually gets what we're talking about. Yay!

What does Doodling Dragons actually teach?

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My son struggled with learning letter sounds, so I took the advice from the forums here.  I went to my library and checked out Leapfrog Letter Factory - and kept renewing it and checking it out again.  It made so much difference.  Now he is reading so well.  We just needed to get over that hump.  I strongly recommend it.

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I love the frog, too. And, I really enjoy teaching phonics even after 20 years, but saying the basic sounds a million times is better outsourced to a cute talking frog that never gets tired of saying the same thing over and over. He packs a lot of repetition into that movie, too, it is impressive.


My husband and the kids love the letter N, my husband laughed every time he heard N.


It helped my son with his speech. My daughter was already speaking clearly when she watched it.



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