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Overrun by drain flies


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We've been dealing with them here too.


Everyone I know has had them REALLY bad this year for some reason.


I pour boiling water in the drains, flush the disposals every night and finally feel like I am making progress.


Also, I had to make sure that all wastebaskets were emptied regularly. A gremlin was leaving stuff like apple cores in wastebaskets all over the house which was a problem

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Apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap. It's amazing!


Yes, this!


Dh let a huge swarm into the house when he put the yard waste bin out to the curb for pickup.


I put out a glass of apple cider vinegar with a bit of dish soap last night.  Now it has loads of dead fruit flies... YAY!


Also I tried putting some dish soap in the bottom of our food scraps container.  Then I filled it with a full blast from the faucet, creating lots of tiny soapy bubbles so they almost overflowed the container.  Then I added a splash of apple cider vinegar.  The fruit flies just couldn't resist.  LOADS and LOADS of dead fruit flies.


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We bought some gel that is supposed to eat the organic matter in the sink. Did nothing. It's also complicated by the fact that we are on our sailboat, so I can't just pour Draino down the sink. It goes straight into the ocean. We're not even sure where they are coming from! Gah!

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Is there some way to flood the whole tank, then?


Do you mean the fresh water tanks? We don't use the tanks in a marina. The water is coming straight from a hose into the boat. My husband just took apart the kitchen sink and said it was clean as a whistle. They seem to hover mostly in the kitchen and sometimes the kid's bathroom. We are really stumped as to where they are coming from.

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