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Do I want a miniature schnauzer?!?


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I've been putting off getting another small dog after losing our last one a good while back. I HAVE thought about the type of dog I'd like if I were to have another inside (not super tiny, but not big, non-shedding, smart and easily trainable).


A friend has some purebred mini schnauzers and has posted pics and they are SO cute. It's the first time in a long while I have remotely considered having another dog in the house.


So - go for it, or no?

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I've been putting off getting another small dog after losing our last one a good while back. I HAVE thought about the type of dog I'd like if I were to have another inside (not super tiny, but not big, non-shedding, smart and easily trainable).


A friend has some purebred mini schnauzers and has posted pics and they are SO cute. It's the first time in a long while I have remotely considered having another dog in the house.


So - go for it, or no?


I say yes, but I could have written this same post for myself....AND I don't have to clean up the poo.  :)

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We have two Schnauzers, male/female litter mates and a decade before that, we had male/male litter mates - so obviously we love them.  All four Schnauzers have been/were the sweetest dogs. 


Yes, all four dogs were typical barky dogs (it is actually called a reactive disorder or something like that), but if they don't see other dogs, they are fun to walk.  We did agility training with our current dogs - high energy and super smart, so they excelled in agility.  

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I wouldn't, but I have small children. 


My neighbor has a couple and they do not like children.  Those things barked and growled whenever my kids went in the backyard to play. I finally asked her if there was anything she could do and she must have come up with something because the growling has mostly stopped and the barking has mellowed some, but at first she told me the kids should come over and meet the dogs and the dogs could see them and they could pet them. 


Uhhh, your dogs growl at my kids.  There will be no petting.

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Yes! Especially if you can obtain one that has not been cropped. There is no absolutely benefit to this practice, and schnauzers are very beautiful with their complete ears and complete tails. I have not had a miniature, but our best-loved family dog for fourteen years was a full-sized schnauzer. (Mercifully, he was not cropped.). He was the most loving dog I ever have known. I would describe him to people as a loving, powerfully beating heart wrapped in fur. Any family would be happy with a schnauzer, I think.

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I've owned 3 minis and I absolutely adored them.  They were easy to train and good around my children.  However, I probably won't have one again due to the incessant yapping and barking anytime they saw, heard or smelled something that they felt interested in or threatened by. I even tried obedience training for two of them to no avail.  They just could not help themselves, the noisy little dears. 

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I have one and he's great with the kids, very sweet. His manners could use some work but I fear that's owner error, we did try obedience training but didn't keep up on it as week as we should have. But he's a great dog, just a little barky and likes to be in others' personal space. I would probably have one again, like I said he's very sweet. I love that he doesn't shed too.

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I am in love with my sons mini schnauzer. The only thing that we have had to be strict with is that they are a mouthy breed which means when they play with their people they are not soft with their mouths. That ceased to be a problem with him by around 3 months though. We were pretty strict. Otherwise, super friendly, very bonded with his family, very smart and easy to train, and just an all around adorable personality. My son chose the breed. My cousin also has a mini schnauzer and they have said pretty much the exact same thing. LOVE the breed almost as much as I love my cockers. I have put them on the maybe list for dogs I might get when my dane starts getting old and feeble.


We have not had a yappy problem with him, but we put a stop to that pretty early on. The dogs here get a 'good girl/boy' when they first bark because I want them to let me know when soemone's here, then I tell them to go lay down. If they keep barking after they've been told to go lay down I spray them with a spray bottle. If you catch it before it becomes a habit I don't think it would be a problem. They are too smart of a dog not to catch on quick. Or perhaps my cousin and I just got lucky with ours when it comes to the yappiness.


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Our dog is just perfectly gentlemanly, blending into all situations and doing well with anyone.  


Downside to miniature schnauzers?  They're famously stubborn.  Even the quiet ones *will* bark and take over and be opinionated if you don't draw the line.  I continue to crate him occasionally to make sure he figures out his place in the world.  At one point he wanted to be particular about food.  


Miniature schnauzers are considered a high maintenance dog.  If you don't want to groom him yourself, you're going to need to send him out.  The timing of that will vary with the person, but every 4-6 weeks wouldn't be unheard of.  I bathe my dog at least once a week (mild dog allergies) and I groom him in some fashion every few weeks.  I groomed him completely two weeks ago for a party, so now I'll just do something to his feet and touch up his legs and ears.  I enjoy grooming.  If you don't want to comb the dog, groom the dog, or have the money to send him out, it's really not the right breed for you.


Really, I recommend you look on the animal planet breed selector.  That's how we ended up going miniature schnauzer, and it was really spot on for us.  It might be the test there would pop up some dogs you had never considered.  HIGHLY recommend doing it.  Just takes a few minutes.  Dog Breed Selector : Animal Planet


Btw, the animal planet breed selector asks a lot about the energy level and exercise needs you want.  Although our dog *can* up tempo and do things, he fits in well in our very down-tempo house.  If you want a constantly up tempo dog or a dog who enjoys being exercised a couple hours a day, well I guess see what Animal Planet suggests for you.  To me it's very noteworthy, because the poodle would have needed 1-2 hours of exercising a day and this dog is content just to play fetch in my house and do laps then take a nap.  He's really a very low key dog, lol.

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My experience with miniature schnauzers is mixed - absolutely devoted and sweetly loving dog - and yappy and seemingly dumber than a fencepost (but I sort of think it was a farce and he was working the system).


If you really want a little dog and you don't mind the barking, they are quite sweet and absolutely adorable.

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I object to the high-pitched voice, but then, I think all dogs should be huge...  :lol:


I'll send you our dane then. She really is a lovely girl, but her size gets tiring to deal with. I never realized until I had to live with it every day. As for a high pitched voice, I can't handle shelties (although they can be fun dogs) and pomeranian for that very reason.

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Stacey, I googled quickly for miniature schnauzers in LA, and honestly none of the breeders that popped up is breeding a dog like what we have.  That's probably going to explain the reputation.  Parti and the weird color combinations are not standard. Toy is not recognized. The thin fur and not being stocky.  Here's a website for a breeder with very good dogs.  This is what they should look like.  This dog is not going to be yappy and the stuff you're hearing.  They'll just come into your house and be perfect gentleman.






That's what my son calls his boy. His bearded gentleman. When we first went to look at pups he thought it would be funny to get a girl. He said then he'd call her Lady and she'd be the bearded Lady. I'm rather thankful oddly that it was a boy that stole his heart.

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We had a miniature schnauzer when I was growing up. He was the sweetest dog. He loved coming with us when we went camping. He was never nippy to us kids (and we were pretty young). He and the cat used to lay curled together to nap in the sun. He was very yappy, though.


The yappy part was a negative for me when it came time for dh to get a dog so we got a Golden. I still love schnauzers, though.

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That's what my son calls his boy. His bearded gentleman. When we first went to look at pups he thought it would be funny to get a girl. He said then he'd call her Lady and she'd be the bearded Lady. I'm rather thankful oddly that it was a boy that stole his heart.

That is TOO funny!!!  But it's SO true!  :D

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