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How many days per week do you do history?

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I know that WTM schedules history for 2 or 3 days per week in the Logic stage. I have always done history 5 days per week, but it would be nice to be able to take 2 days to pursue other studies.


What kind of schedule does everyone follow here?


Thanks! :001_smile:

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- 3-4x/week, 20-30 minutes/day = for elementary ages

- 2x/week, 45-60 minutes/day = for middle school


This year we're trying "block scheduling" of one topic for the afternoon (and then any "finish up" items from earlier in the day) That one topic is once a week for 2 hr 15 min. to 2-1/2 hr. This is helping me be realistic is counting hours for transcript credit (150-180 hours = 1 credit). Since we're creating our own history course from a variety of resources and counting several things towards doing history, this way I don't try to assign too much for 1 credit of history. (Science will count as 1 credit when we finish the textbook, whether it took more or less hours.)


Mon = history

Tues = science

Wed = logic and geography

Thurs = elective

Fri = finish up any of the above


I *think* this is going to work; we seem to make more connections this way by going deeper, though doing it less frequently. (Ask me again at the end of the school year -- lol!) BEST of luck! Warmly, Lori D.

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We do it 5 days per week, typically. This yr my rising 9th grader is taking history online, so I will start off by letting her try to manage her own schedule. If she is successful, than however many days she paces herself will be what she does. Otherwise, I will break down the assignments into daily chunks.

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I know that WTM schedules history for 2 or 3 days per week in the Logic stage. I have always done history 5 days per week, but it would be nice to be able to take 2 days to pursue other studies.


What kind of schedule does everyone follow here?


Thanks! :001_smile:


We do history twice a week, alternating with science. It has worked very well for us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are on a 4 day school week and history gets done 4 days as does science, math, and grammar. Lit and geography and other studies get done two or 3 times a week depending on what is going on. That all written my boys are falling in love with lit and that is fast becoming an every day subject. History was the fav of my oldest but lit is replacing history.

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because most of them love it. Another idea I would toss in here, though, is to reserve one very large chunk of time (our dc take every Friday) to allow them to write longer papers, dig deeper into any library books, just sit and dig into the actual hist. book itself ... whatever they want to do. This was actually our dc's idea because they said that the hour or two per day was not enough time to sit and think and write and read, etc. About the time they were just getting into it, it was time to move on to another subject. They've been doing this for about 9 months and it's working wonderfully.




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we use Ancient World from Trisms, so it combines history and language arts/literature...so far, it's working. We do Trisms from 8:30 to 11, then a period of German, then lunch, then algebra, Latin, and Abeka biology. So far, so good. We've made the transition to temporary Arizonans (for my son's hockey), so we're settling in.

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We schedule each subject every day at the same time. I do this because that is how my boys like it. We schedule an extra 4 hours of schoolwork on Saturdays because the kids need to get accustomed to not having weekends off from studying. If they were all in PS, they'd have homework on the weekends, and certainly in college they will have to study on weekends. So, I'm getting them accustomed to it starting now.



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We do history every day (five days per week). I added readings form Spielvogel's Western Civ. to my dd's Omnibus studies. She isn't covering the entire textbook (just the middle ages/Rennaissance section) so that means she only reads about two pages per day. I am adding in homework from the study guides, but I'm also spreading that out too. Hopefully she won't spend over an hour per day. I decided to do this since dd can't possibly cover all the books suggested by Omnibus. She will go back and forth between primary and secondary books (skipping all of the LOTR books since they've already been studied last year). This is more than you want to know! LOL!!



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Monday mornings my children and I sit at the kitchen table - where else - to discuss our history reading schedule and foci. For the remainder of the week my teens read their assigned books selections on their own and answer assigned questions, typed answers. Fridays are discussion day. By Friday their reading and answers need to be completed. We meet on that Fri. and discuss history. My teens do study history throughout the week, but only corporately with me on Fridays. Tapestry of Grace is our history/literature foundation.

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