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Denise in PA

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    Everyday I praise God for His grace bestowed upon me and my family.
  1. We used TOG for over five years - excellent, rigorous high school curriculum for history and literature.
  2. I am not familiar with the other two history curricula, but am with TOG. We love it! For my teens - one avid book worm and the other an avid math geek - learned strong independent study skills. For most, TOG teaches and encourages children and teen students to think, to organize time, to orally discuss, to write and read many classics, and to discover God's incredible HIStory (not to mention outstanding literature selections and geography). The world view studies for the high school population alone is fantastic. Time doesn't permit us to utilize all the curriculum available, but have stayed the course with the weekly geography, history, world view, some art, and literature assignments. The revised TOG recommends outstanding history core readings that I purchased used online. Students often read from the core books for several weeks (+5 or more). I didn't utilize the local public library much which saved me time. I do assign the questions and readings every Monday - sometimes I tweak them to accommodate our family's busy schedule. Then, every Friday morning we sit in the family room or at the kitchen table and discuss. TOG provides wonderful teacher notes for me to lead enriching discussions. If you stay the course your children learn history and literature analysis tools very effectively. My one teen passed a early civilization CLEP exam last June quite easily having studied TOG year 2 (reviewed some of year 1). Well, this is just one more take for you. Wishing you much success!
  3. Hi Denise- I am just wondering if everything is ok. I haven't heard from you and its been almost a month.

  4. I just found an interesting web site that may be helpful: http://www.historians.org/pubs/free/careers/index.htm It is the American Historical Association, the Professional Assoc. for All Historians.
  5. Hi, I second the TOG recommendation! Tapestry of Grace prepared my son well for college in terms of reading primary history books, researching, writing and preparing for oral discussion with mom once a week. He is NOT a history major, pursuing engineering. But he learned a lot of wonderful, enriching history! My sixteen year-old daughter loves to study history (TOG rhetoric stage) and excels at it. For now she plans to pursue a history degree in college. I suggest TOG - all four years. It is a very flexible study program. Read it over and tweak it to your children's learning styles. This past fall my daughter and I sat down with a college professor (college visit) to discuss the history program. You should have seen the prof's eyes open wide when she rattled off the history books she read, many were primary sources. They had a wonderful conversation. Learning how to read and research are very important skills for any major, but especially history. TOG fit our needs perfectly. You may also want to encourage your child to compete in the National History Day program. This is a wonderful, national venue available to home school students as well as public school ones. Check the web site out: http://www.nhd.org/ As your child progresses I also suggest CLEP testing. There are four CLEP tests available (US History I, II and Civilization I and II). Your child can pass a CLEP test in history and receive college credit. Blessings, Denise
  6. I also chuckled reading your post. About three years ago my teen age son (age 15) announced his interest in mechanical engineering as well. And yes, I saw it coming with his keen sense to build with Legos. Gotta love Legos. Hmm... I think his kinetic skills emerged before taking his first step! Take a deep breath, there is a plethora of excellent math and science curricula available. And from reading the posts there is a lot of support too! I learned the importance of being honest in assessing my academic skills when teaching my teenage children. I felt confident teaching geometry and algebra II with my son, but pre-calculus and calculus ... forget it. So, I found help. For my son's math needs we found an excellent math tutor nearby who actually teaches upper math to many homeschool teens. Her math knowledge far exceeded mine. She prepared him well, much better than I ever could have. I loved how she held him accountable. The text for pre-calculus was a local high school text (you may want to ask your school for one) while Saxon was used for calculus. Oh, we also implemented Forester too. As you already surmise, it is prudent to provide the best math curriculum that fits his learning needs. I am not familiar with MUS, but if this fits his learning style then use it. I also found an excellent chemistry and physics teacher for my son. A retired electrical engineer with a teaching degree taught my son alone with five other home school teens every week. Excellent instruction! Get creative. There are so many talented people available to step in to prepare your son. Another suggestion you may wish to consider is investigating engineer summer camps at a college. The summer before his junior year my son attended one week of engineering camp at Cedarville University (Ohio). He flew there on his own, learned about three major engineering fields, met with several professors each day, participated in fun labs, and decided right there this was the school he wanted to attend. This camp really opened his eyes to the engineering profession and motivated him to work diligently with his studies the next two years of high school. My son just finished his first semester at Cedarville and survived! His calculus I professor challenged John, but learned so much. Thankfully he felt prepared and actually breezed through the chemistry for engineers class. If you are not able to send your son to an engineering camp then make appointments for your son to sit down with several engineers in your locale. By asking questions about their job responsibilities he will grow excited. I also suggest researching college requirements for engineering majors on-line, with your son. Reading the suggested four-year engineering tract opens your eyes as to how to prepare him. Lastly, be grateful for your wonderful son's engineering aptitude! Blessings!
  7. I am researching books pertaining to the history and applications of our US Constitution to teach my high school daughter. A while ago I read a thread from this forum suggesting the following book, "The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution" by W. Cleon Skousen. Amazon reviewers raved this hefty read (888 pages), but would love to read your reviews. Anyone ever read this book and if so, have you implemented in your home studies? Thank you so much.
  8. I personally have not taught government from Notgrass, but would consider the following two books: A Familiar Exposition of The Constitution of the United Statesby Joseph Story and The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution by Cleon Skousen.
  9. I was able to borrow Michael Farris' text, "Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens" from a fellow homeschool mom. The one semester course introduces the historical overview of the Constitution and then proceeds to teach how to read Supreme court cases. Approximately twenty-six Supreme court cases are described and discussed. I like Mr. Farris' premise for the course, to enlighten students about the origin and purpose of the United States Constitution. Here is an excerpt from Mr. Farris' introduction: In short, after this course you will be an enlightened citizen. And I firmly believe that a determined group of enlightened citizens can work through the political processes given us by the Founders, challenging and modifying the Supreme Court to return this nation to the intentions and spirit of our founding. We can win this battle, but not without the right principles and not without the required knowledge. Originally this course was designed for high school students in homeshcooling. But it has become obvious in the intervening years that every citizen of this nation needs to become an enlightened citizen. It is my goal to have tens of thousands of teens and adults take this course. A small army of those who believe in freedom, are instructed in the truth, and are willing to work hard can reclaim this nation in the spirit of the American founding.
  10. We enjoy learning biology with Bob Jones Biology text and lab manual.
  11. I am considering Michael Farris' class, Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens (HSLDA), for my high school daughter. http://conlaw.hslda.org/cms/ Any thoughts and opinions on this on-line course? Thanks! Merry Christmas to all.
  12. Great thread Laura! I read the same book review in the Wall Street Journal and tried to order it on Barnes and Nobel and Amazon - all sold out. I then ordered a copy from the following site, http://www.NRBookService.com/products/SearchResults.asp The book coat is $17.95. Blessings, Denise
  13. My bright teenage daughter will be entering her senior year of high school next fall (gulp). I am already searching for one or two courses encompassing literature and writing for the fall 2011. Last year my daughter took an on-line AP Composition course and this year the AP Literature. What's next? She is a prolific reader and enjoys writing, especially the research process. One thought is to seek a literature course at a local community college, but I ask my fellow homeschool parents for a stimulating on-line suggestion. Any recommendations for taking a long distance college course? THANKS!
  14. Here is Tapestry of Grace's link for primary books used in Year 1, Dialectic Stage (grades 6-8): https://www.lampstandbookshelf.com/ZC/index.php?main_page=resources&step=2&year=1&units=all&LD=on&subjects=all&type=primary At the top of the page you can select any of the four years of curriculum and so forth to narrow your search. If you click on "Shop for Books" you will be directed to TOG's Bookstore. This link provides an informative write-up on each book along with the weeks used in the curriculum. Personally, I am able to borrow most of the books from my local public library or buy used on-line. I have been teaching my children TOG for over five years and absolutely LOVE it! Incredible curriculum that really teaches children how to think, not memorize historical facts with little meaning. The literature and history book selections are fantastic backed with though provoking questions to encourage the student to analyze, write, and then orally discuss with mom or dad. Every week my students (now in the rhetoric stage) read excellent primary sources, answer questions, research and then sit down with me to discuss. In addition to reading outstanding books and improving their comprehension TOG has taught them how to manage their time. They have learned to organize their days effectively and are held responsible — valuable assets for college. Last month my oldest daughter and I visited a college and met with a history prof. The teacher was utterly amazed to learn about our home history studies and vast array of books read. This is all because of TOG, I am only implement. Of course, I learn along with my children since I never experienced this quality education when I was growing up. It is truly a privilege to home educate and I dearly appreciate Marcia Somerville's commitment and time writing Tapestry of Grace. Wishing you a successful journey educating your children! TOG Bookshelf: http://www.bookshelfcentral.com/index.php?main_page=resources&year=1&units=all&LD=on&subjects=all&type=BSC
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