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Please don't throw tomatoes

Night Elf

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but I dislike weekends. I am not a busy person. My obligations take little of my time so I spend time watching tv, reading, and hanging out on my computer. I'm not sure why, but my weekends are boring. DH is home, but we don't do much because he's relaxing from his work week which can be mentally taxing. Dd16 is either relaxing from her school week, or doing homework, so she doesn't like to do much. Ds18 just plain doesn't like doing much other than hanging out on his computer. DH likes to go walking with me, but that only takes an hour or so. I do housework during the weekdays, so I don't have much to do on the weekends. I miss the days when the kids were younger and we just had fun every day. I'm almost feeling like I'm suffering from empty next syndrome and I still have two in school.

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You could come to my house and hang out with my young kids while I catch on some much needed sleep. I don't like weekends either. Dh works every day but Sunday so his weekend is essentially nonexistent. We're both usually too exhausted to do anything fun.

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I got tired of waiting around for everyone to do stuff with me, so I started making my own plans. I started running and signed up for races. You could do whatever you like....just do it! No one wants to hang out with someone who is boring. Become who you want to be! Then, they will try to distract you from your plans!

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I would love to make my own plans but it's soo hard when my DH is on call for the weekend. I prefer to have the weekends planned. Just knowing what to expect helps even if they are going to be a stay at home  weekend. What is hard is the in and out of DH. My older kids want to spend time with him so they are constantly waiting around and my younger (3) becomes clingy. When I have made plans in the past it doesn't always work well with DH unless it's specific like removing wallpaper from the dining room or going out shopping... Now I just puttz around, I hate doing household chores but I tend to leave a couple so I have something to space my time with. 


Reading other replies I am thinking I need to create some place holders, some routines for the weekend that can work with DH if he is home but if not can still hold. 

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So take it as an opportunity to make some plans of your own.  Go into town and get your hair cut, and a pedicure, and a massage.  Go the the expensive, exotic grocery store and just wander around and make lists of ingredients you'd like to try sometime.  Look in the newspaper and see what sorts of festivals and events are being held in your area; it's probably a lot more than you expect (I live in a very rural area and there's always tons going on). Take up running and do long runs or 5Ks on the weekends (or some weekends).  Look around your house and see what projects you would do if you had 6-8 uninterrupted hours to work on them (paint a room?  paint your lawn furniture?  plant a garden?).  Take up knitting or quiliting or something and form a craft group of like minded women. 


You have a great opportunity to do some things that you would like. Grab it!

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I don't like weekends either. For some reason, I don't want to do anything when my dh is home. During the week, I can happily get knee deep in a project and work at it all day but come Sunday (his wknds are Sun and Mon) everything falls to the wayside. I really can't explain why. He wouldn't care if I started painting/cleaning/organizing or whatever it was I was working at just the day before but I just can't do it. He has this next week off so I'm going to be bored out of my gourd. What the heck is wrong with me?!

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DH and I went grocery shopping. We like to go to Walmart before churches let out because it's relatively quiet. I think I'll treat the kids to ice cream tonight as a bribe to watch a movie with me. :) We have The Sting out from Netflix and DH is positive the kids will like it. I've never seen it either.

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DH and I went grocery shopping. We like to go to Walmart before churches let out because it's relatively quiet. I think I'll treat the kids to ice cream tonight as a bribe to watch a movie with me. :) We have The Sting out from Netflix and DH is positive the kids will like it. I've never seen it either.

We watched The Sting as a family about 2 months ago.  It was a fun classic movie night. :)  Hope you all enjoy it too!

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