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It's been a long day. Anybody have a hug to spare?


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Nico had round 1 of his dental procedures today. I was so nervous when they weighed him before sedation - and so relieved when that "30" showed up on the scale - if it had been any lower, they wouldn't have done the procedures.


He had some problems while sedated... heart rate was leaping up to 230+, oxygen going down. It was a lot of stop-go, stop-go.


Just a vent. I feel like there's no "normal" sometimes. Arguing with the DMD when, with only one more 5 minute procedure to go, she suggests that this may be safer to do with another sedation appt tacked on... because that would make things better? No, it'll just add more time onto this, there is NO ideal for him. Or that it would be safer in the hospital... no. Nico can't seem to go near a hospital without picking up pneumonia or a secondary infection. The child only has one fully functioning lung and seems to end up sicker than any of us when he's down - pneumonia with him is scary (and potentially worse than just "scary").


I probably shouldn't have argued with the doctor. I know. It just feels like there is never an ENTIRELY safe way to do these things with Nico. It seems like every option presents a risk sometimes.


Sometimes I feel like I can't win. If I say "yay" or "nay" to something, and Nico ends up paying for it, I would never forgive myself.


I know it's trivial, relative to all that goes on in the world. I'm just not in a good place right now. I just want a normal dentist visit. Normal. I want to comfort him while he's being numbed, or make silly faces for him when he gets anxious... instead of us all sucking in our breaths watching the rate monitor and arguing about what to do next.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


That is all the computer will let me send to you, but I will happily give you what I've got to give.  :0)

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Dental procedures involve hospitals and scary stuff for us, too. I'm sorry. I know what you mean when you say you just want a normal dentist visit.


Funny thing is, we chose this dentist because he's a DMD who specializes in medical special needs children - trying to avoid the hospital if at all possible. I mean, we did avoid it, but only after arguing mid-procedure for longer than the 5 minute last procedure would have taken.


Given, somehow the dentist ended up overbooked, and we ended up with another dentist, who is super young, so I think she was frightened by the heart rate and ox levels, because the main DMD peeked in and seemed pretty okay with it <---- Main DMD knows Nico's medical history, clearance, etc, and this poor woman didn't have the luxury of going over that with us first. I probably overreacted.

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