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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's kinda chilly this morning....

- dishes- done

- fold Mt. Clean clothes- just have Dh's and I's clothes and socks and undies. I went through all the girls clothes and have posted outgrown/ unwanted clothes online to sell

- tidy house- done

- nap- done, I fell back to sleep with dd2, dd1 was still sleeping :)

- read/crochet/Pintrest/nurse research/work on math (hope to accomplish at least 2 of these)

- dinner- pulled meat to thaw

- bedtime routine


I would take dd1 to booked for lunch today but it's supposed to be windy and the program takes place at the beach so it will really windy and probably too chilly and windy for dd2.

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Good morning everyone!


Morning chores all done.


Heading to Walmart and grocery store with oldest for fo she can eat and pillows.


Fair maybe tonight, weather depending....


water the gardens


try to get Rowan to sit outside for awhile, need to bring chair from living room out on deck so she will be comfortable

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Good morning!


My in-laws arrive this evening. Dd's play opens tomorrow night, and she attends her college orientation Saturday for her dual enrollment classes. It's going to be a busy weekend, so I may not be on here much. I hope it's good for all of you if I'm not able to check in. 



Clean the entire house



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Good morning! I hope you all have a great day! I'm still practicing baby steps with flylady and hoping to transition to SHE system.


Done: dressed to shoes

Finished cleaning master bath

one load of laundry washing

everyone ate breakfast

facetime with grandparents for anniversary

started soaking beans for dinner

garbage and recycling out to road


To Do:

Make bed

reload laundry, also did another load

play with DC

HWT, read aloud, reading, sight words

start chili in crockpot for dinner

papers from kitchen to office

possibly declutter office x 15 min only did 10 min of shifting to a better room, but was upstairs and heavy, so good enough!

vacuum bedroom

unload dishwasher


ETA: maybe get some basic school supplies -- went bulk shopping instead

Maybe clean kids bathroom -- nope

Started working index card system for SHE


Also cleaned sink and got bag ready for early am appt!

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Good morning!


I will!  I'm feeling rather energetic this morning.... You know, as I'm still pregnant and all. :P ;)


What I'd LIKE to do today:

Consider giving birth



What I WILL do today:

Make breakfast  - done - smoothies & baked oatmeal

Pay bills this afternoon.

Paint the hall or possibly another wall in the living room?  I really like the Vintage Mauve I used on one wall and  I'm thinking of painting one wall at a time until it's too much, lol.

Finish painting the dining room - 1/2 of one wall left from running out of paint.

Plan which lit books the middle girls are starting on this AM - running to 1/2 Price Books this afternoon.

Eye appointments - three of them today for three cute little girls, all of whom desperately want glasses.

Plan supper. I'm out of wood pellets so I'm actually going to have to cook.  Sigh.

Plan Costco trip for tomorrow night so the children don't starve when I actually DO have the baby.

Trip to the PO

JoAnn's for fabric for a blankie for a dear friend who had a cute little girl.


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Sending labor thoughts your way, Kelly :D


Jean, I'm so sorry your dad is in declining health :grouphug:


So I really don't know what I'm going to do today :lol: I was going to pick blueberries this am, but everything is saturated from storms last night!


So maybe:

--exercise (that's a definite but I'm not sure what form it will take---humidity is wicked, wicked high now)

--clean some stuff

--start working on chemistry plans (my incoming history library holds posted to my account 20 minutes before the library closed last night :rolleyes: and the library is closed today :rolleyes:)

--write discussion questions for tomorrow (leftover from yesterday)

--make sure dd does whatever work she needs to do

--paperwork also left from yesterday


Well, better get started! I hope you all have a great day :)

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May I join in?


I've got a cup of coffee and a few moments of quiet before the hoards storm downstairs. ;)


Kids laundry

Downstairs floor

Finish history plans

Bake muffins

Make dinner

Clean master bathroom

Take kids to swim lessons

Welcome Hubby home. ;)

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Good morning!


I have to take ds3 into his last practice before state this morning. Ds1, dd1, and dd2 will be headed out this afternoon for the relay session. State starts in earnest tomorrow (we have 3 sessions everyday, but it is our last lc state with a 10&U!). Kelly, surely all that painting will send you into labor today!


To do:

order some books

work on the syllabi for kids

clean the kitchen

oversee chores

pick up study


Have a great day!

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My 81yo MIL is having hip replacement surgery right now. It has taken years to get her to this point (many delays due to mild sickness and infection) and we are hopeful this will help relieve some of her pain. If you are so inclined to pray...her name is Joan and she is in Albany, NY. My FIL could also use prayer for strength as he cares for her.

Math is done, and the littles are organizing their toy tubs - on their own volition! I am almost done with the kitchen. A few things to bring downstairs and one more counter to clear.

My older 2 are helping run a summer day camp for the children of Kurdish families while their moms take English classes. Today is the last day and after cleaning up they get to go out to eat at a Kurdish restaurant. Wish I could be there!

For Today:
Email - lesson schedule - done!

Clean microwave - done!

Sweep and mop kitchen floor (twice) - done!
More orchestra arrangements/repertoire decisions
Start going through boxes in the Dining room (misc. school things from last year)
Drink water

Drink more water

Lunch - egg sandwiches, peaches
Dinner - ham and veggie casserole

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Good Morning, everyone!

Haven't done one of these for a while!

** take kids to VBS - this is their third one this summer. They've had a multi-denominational VBS summer - Mennonite, Presbyterian and now Lutheran.

** get my allergy shots

** come home and try to rest. After 2 weeks of Bactrim for a sinus infection, I did a pounding week of directing VBS last week and now I think I have an inner ear infection, which I am trying to kick on my own.

** get ready for Convention

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Good morning!


I will!  I'm feeling rather energetic this morning.... You know, as I'm still pregnant and all. :p ;)


What I'd LIKE to do today:

Consider giving birth



What I WILL do today:

Make breakfast  - done - smoothies & baked oatmeal

Pay bills this afternoon.

Paint the hall or possibly another wall in the living room?  I really like the Vintage Mauve I used on one wall and  I'm thinking of painting one wall at a time until it's too much, lol.

Finish painting the dining room - 1/2 of one wall left from running out of paint.

Plan which lit books the middle girls are starting on this AM - running to 1/2 Price Books this afternoon.

Eye appointments - three of them today for three cute little girls, all of whom desperately want glasses.

Plan supper. I'm out of wood pellets so I'm actually going to have to cook.  Sigh.

Plan Costco trip for tomorrow night so the children don't starve when I actually DO have the baby.

Trip to the PO

JoAnn's for fabric for a blankie for a dear friend who had a cute little girl.


You're so funny!  And, you have too much on your to do list!  I think you should stop after paying bills.  :)


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My 81yo MIL is having hip replacement surgery right now. It has taken years to get her to this point (many delays due to mild sickness and infection) and we are hopeful this will help relieve some of her pain. If you are so inclined to pray...her name is Joan and she is in Albany, NY. My FIL could also use prayer for strength as he cares for her.


Math is done, and the littles are organizing their toy tubs - on their own volition! I am almost done with the kitchen. A few things to bring downstairs and one more counter to clear.


My older 2 are helping run a summer day camp for the children of Kurdish families while their moms take English classes. Today is the last day and after cleaning up they get to go out to eat at a Kurdish restaurant. Wish I could be there!


For Today:

Email - lesson schedule

More orchestra arrangements/repertoire decisions

Start going through boxes in the Dining room (misc. school things from last year)

Drink water


Lunch - egg sandwiches, peaches

Dinner - ham and veggie casserole


GL with your MIL.  I hope the hip replacement really helps!

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School is all on my agenda today, and I've already finished my actual teaching time. Big boy still has independent work to get done. I've got mastitis again :( This is miserable. I love breastfeeding, but I just want to cry at the thought of a year or more of this again. I didn't have any problems at all with my first son. With my second son, I got clogged ducts a lot, but I made it to two and a half years before I couldn't take it any more. But mastitis is way worse.

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Praying for your MIL, Susan.


I've already been into the big city and talked yet another technician through how to get blood from a turnip. After a couple of tries he was successful.

Stopped at the grocery store and got some peanut butter since we've been out for days. That's almost an emergency in my house!

Thank you! We just got word that the surgery went well and they will have her try to put some weight on her hip tonight. If her recovery is going well, they will do her other hip in 2 weeks.

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School is all on my agenda today, and I've already finished my actual teaching time. Big boy still has independent work to get done. I've got mastitis again :( This is miserable. I love breastfeeding, but I just want to cry at the thought of a year or more of this again. I didn't have any problems at all with my first son. With my second son, I got clogged ducts a lot, but I made it to two and a half years before I couldn't take it any more. But mastitis is way worse.


Sorry to hear you're going through this :(

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Signed dd1 up for the ACT

called dr and vet


overseeing a few chores


saw the swimmers off


and the big one: cleaned out the garbage cans. Really gross. I should do it more often. How often do people do it?


Next up, clean up downstairs, shower, and library.

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Phew!  The kids and I did a 1 hour cleaning round robin.  


1st 20 minutes:  Dd's choice of  music - OneRepublic, Maroon 5, etc.


2nd 20 minutes:  Ds's choice of music - Pink Floyd, the Boss (aka Springsteen) etc.


3rd 20 minutes:  my choice of music - Weird Al Yankovic!


Oh, you want to know what we actually did?  One big shelf in the kitchen pantry was gone through, tons of expired stuff thrown out, the shelf washed and then restocked.  Three kitchen drawers emptied, gone through (some stuff tossed and some put in the Goodwill pile and others sorted to put back), all washed (I found actual mold in a corner of one drawer   :ack2: ) and disinfected, and then restocked.  Laundry folded and put away, washed and dried.  I actually should have stopped after the 2nd 20 minutes but we were on a roll and I had happy kids (or at least resigned kids) helping me so I finished out the hour.  Now I'm in mucho pain but hey, we got a lot done!  

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