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Online French?

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My dd took 6 years of French with Madame S through The Potter's School. She loved the class and Madame! 


She even took the AP class with Madame and scored a 4 on the exam.


Madame is a great teacher and our online foreign language experience was a huge success!

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Even though my dd scored extremely well on the AP, she would not recommend Potters School.  She only took for one year (the AP class - senior year) but found Madame S to be disorganized and had to self study quite a bit.  This was 4 years ago so things may have changed.

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I don't know whether it's good, but thus far I've liked the communication with the teacher and the placement test: we are doing a class with AIM this fall.


ETA: We considered the Potters' school but preferred a secular option

What is AIM? I have not heard of that. Thank you everyone for the options you have given me. i am looking into all 3. 

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I, too, highly recommend Madame S. at the Potter's School. My daughter took her for French 1 in 9th grade and fell in love with the language. She worked very hard in the class, and learned so much. Most of her French II at the high school was a review because of the amount of material covered in French 1. Dd found Madame S. to be extremely organized. She was always quick to respond to questions via email, and she quickly returned graded papers. Had dd continued homeschooling, she would've continued with the Potter's School French.




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Potter's School with Madame S!!!


My dd took French 1 and 2 with her. She provided excellent feedback, diligent grading, and quick responses.  At college, my 16 yo dd (in Minnesota, you can do college for free during high school so we had her try some classes), aced the year of college French and they asked her to be a French major. She was tops in her class by far.


She was very well prepared by Madame S both in French itself, but also in how to learn a foreign language.  I give her 5 stars!!  Highly recommended. (tough class, though).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are any of the teachers in the above classes native French speakers?


I am trying to decide between studying French on our own with a native speaker Skype tutor and some curriculum for French 1 as a ninth grader, or signing up for an online class.  I like the idea of having it all taken care of by someone else.  But I did speak French at one point.  I am not fluent anymore but it is coming back to me.  I am most concerned about having exposure to a native accent because that is the main thing I cannot provide.  But maybe audio CDs and the like will be enough for that, and maybe I shouldn't be too concerned about that.  I guess my goal is for language fluency, not for just being able to score highly on an exam.  After four years of high school French, I couldn't have held a conversation with a French speaker, and that is just ridiculous to spend that much time not actually learning a language.  So, I want something different for my children.

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My boys did Middlebury French through Aventa (now Fuel Ed) and our public charter school.  They picked it up halfway through the year after trying another course and hating it for poor audio quality and organization (through another school in our state.)  They say Middlebury was lightyears better for those reasons...they could actually understand the audio and always knew exactly what they were supposed to do.  The course also provided good review, making testing easier, and the teacher was far more reasonable in grading. That said, its probably the equivalent of typical high school foriegn language...probably not enough to make anyone fluent in the language.  But its far better than I could do at home with no knowledge of the language!!  We're continuing with it.

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Another vote for Mr. G at currclick.  My daughter has taken French with him all last year and getting ready to start up with him again in the fall, and my other daughter took his German course this summer.  I wish he offered German all year long as well. 

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