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Yeah, it's kinda fun, huh? I always thought I hated soccer. Thought it was boring. But I'd never watched a real game. It's great. I startd watching a couple years ago, picking up games when I could on the Spanish language channels. Those guys are good! I'd rather watch soccer than football any day, now!


Soccer is WAY better.  Their games are 90 minutes long, and *might* go into OT.  Do they use OT at the WC?  I haven't seen the matches that are tied.  Also, as I said before, the guys are HOT!  A lot of American football players are fat.  


Speaking of fit, have you seen this?  *wipes drool from keyboard*

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Spain lost to Chile!!!! Has a World Cup Champion ever got knocked out in the opening round before? How humiliating for them.


I KNOW!  Can you believe it?  I'll bet Germany is thrilled.  Spain beat Germany in the finals of 2010.  I don't think Germany has gotten over it.


To answer your question about defending champions:


1950-Italy knocked out in the first round


1966-Brazil knocked out in the first round


2002-France knocked out in the first round


2012-Italy knocked out in the first round


And now Spain.  Poor, poor Spain.

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Soccer is WAY better. Their games are 90 minutes long, and *might* go into OT. Do they use OT at the WC? I haven't seen the matches that are tied. Also, as I said before, the guys are HOT! A lot of American football players are fat.


Speaking of fit, have you seen this? *wipes drool from keyboard*

Oh mercy! Yeah, those guys are pretty hot. I'd like to know why Ochoa didn't make that list! I've been crushing on him since yesterday. I spent all yesterday evening watching highlights of the Brasil/Mexico game.


And to change the subject entirely, i'm not sure whose uniforms are more hideous - Croatia or Cameroon.

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Indy is pulling for Germany all the way.  He's a die hard Deutschland supporter.  He says he was born there, spent most of his life there, thus far, so they are HIS team.   ;)


We're going to be in Disney World when the US and German play, and he wanted to know if we could go back to the hotel to watch the game that day.  Um...I don't know.  It's an awful lot of money to spend to stay in the hotel and watch soccer.  Maybe we'll go to Germany in EPCOT and see if they have the game on in one of the pubs.   :D


We were at Epcot late last week (Thursday).  One of the buildings between the area with the rides and the country pavilions is 100 percent dedicated to soccer.  It is called the World Cup Lounge or something like that.  We did not go in it so I cannot tell you if there are TVs in there or what have you but you may want to check that out.  Or at least send the DH :lol:

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Well, crazier things have happened.  My husband would be excited either way.  So for him he can't lose that one.


I must admit I'm feeling a little burnt out by the soccer.  LOL


Crazier things have happened.  We'll see!


How can you be burned out on soccer already?  You know what's good about the WC?  It all happens in a month, and then everyone (in the US at least), seems to forget all about it for 4 years.  It's not like football season, basketball season, and baseball season, which go on FOREVER and come back every year.  Blah.

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We're going to be in Disney World when the US and German play, and he wanted to know if we could go back to the hotel to watch the game that day.  Um...I don't know.  It's an awful lot of money to spend to stay in the hotel and watch soccer.  Maybe we'll go to Germany in EPCOT and see if they have the game on in one of the pubs.   :D


If I had to go to Disney World (not my cuppa), I'd survive by hanging out at the World Cup Lounge ~ someone mentioned it in a post above.  So yes, you can definitely watch there ~ no doubt with a fun collection of people from various countries.


 I'd rather watch soccer than football any day, now!


To everything there is a season.  When the leaves are turning and fall is in the air, bring on football!


Do they use OT at the WC?  I haven't seen the matches that are tied. 


Regular season soccer games often end in ties and the same is true of games played in the Group Stage of the World Cup.  Post-regular season (or post-Group Stage in this case), a tie is followed by two more halves of 15 minutes each.  If, after that, the score is still tied, a penalty shoot-out takes place.  


Speaking of fit, have you seen this?  *wipes drool from keyboard*


Oh, dear.  One (wo)man's trash is another's treasure, but much as I love Lionel Messi, he isn't a hottie.  Including him (and a number of other guys) in that collection is just wrong in so many ways.  On the other hand, there are some glaring omissions.  Take a look at a calendar of Italian players some time and you'll know what I mean. ;-)


Spain beat Germany in the finals of 2010.  


It was the Netherlands that went down to Spain in the 2010 final.  And I loved every minute of it. : )  


I'm in mourning today.  Sad that Spain is out.  So many of the guys played together on Spanish teams.  They really WERE the face of Spain ~ and best of all, they were humble, always took time for fans.  Here's looking at you, Iniesta, et al.  You'll be sorely missed these next few weeks.


And to change the subject entirely, i'm not sure whose uniforms are more hideous - Croatia or Cameroon.


Oh, I don't know.  They're original, and that's a good thing.  The U.S. uniforms are among the worst.  Absolutely no style ~ look like they came straight from Target. 


You know what's good about the WC?  It all happens in a month, and then everyone (in the US at least), seems to forget all about it for 4 years.  It's not like football season, basketball season, and baseball season, which go on FOREVER and come back every year.  Blah.


I follow soccer year-round, but definitely am way more into it during the World Cup and the Euro (which will next be 2016 in France).  During June/July, I'm also really into Wimbledon and the Tour de France.  After that, it's time to get ready for pre-season football.  Woo hoo!

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It's not like football season, basketball season, and baseball season, which go on FOREVER and come back every year. Blah.

Isn't that the truth! DH and DS are into baseball and by the time it's FINALLY over for the season I'm so sick of it I could puke. DS likes football and basketball too so it's just never-ending. Does basketball even HAVE an off season? Sheesh!

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Another jaw dropper: Costa Rica beat Italy!!!!!


I didn't realize they were that good.


Costa Rica played a smart game and were much more aggressive than Italy. The Azzurri didn't create many opportunities ~ but Balotelli should have scored off that beautiful, long pass from Pirlo.  


This Cup is showing a new parity.  Used to be that players from smaller nations only played at home & had limited exposure elsewhere.  Now so many of them play in challenging leagues abroad and that experience translates to national team games.  Fun to see teams like CR and Colombia go through the group stage!  But in all likelihood, it will also make the path easier for the handful of truly strong teams.  


Those poor Swiss! They're really getting stomped on!


They were apathetic, while the French ~ it really pains me to say this ~ were stellar.  France attacked throughout and Switzerland didn't do a thing about it.  As for Benaglio, he can join Casillas in the "Great Goalies Off Their Game" corner.  


That's three blow-outs played in Salvador so far in this tournament:  Netherlands stomped Spain, Germany trounced Portugal, and France skewered Switzerland ~ though at least the Swiss guards feigned a valiant effort at the end.  The same, alas, can't be said for our Iberian friends!

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They were apathetic, while the French ~ it really pains me to say this ~ were stellar.  France attacked throughout and Switzerland didn't do a thing about it.  As for Benaglio, he can join Casillas in the "Great Goalies Off Their Game" corner.  


That's three blow-outs played in Salvador so far in this tournament:  Netherlands stomped Spain, Germany trounced Portugal, and France skewered Switzerland ~ though at least the Swiss guards feigned a valiant effort at the end.  The same, alas, can't be said for our Iberian friends!


Well, yeah, they didn't play well, and Benaglio, was pretty bad. I guess I just get embarrassed by players who don't seem to be playing well. Does that seem weird?


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I guess I just get embarrassed by players who don't seem to be playing well. Does that seem weird?


No.  It's akin to watching a competent actor stumble over his lines during a live performance.  Makes you squirm in your seat.  But it happens ~ even to the best of the best (as this tournament is proving!).

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Well, now I've got even more respect for the US team. Ghana played well against Germany and earned that draw. They aren't having an off tournament at all.


On another note, boy is Argentina lucky Lionel Messi pulled that game out in extra time. This is a very exciting tournament where even the "sure things" AREN'T!!!

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This is a very exciting tournament where even the "sure things" AREN'T!!!


Seriously!  This is the most unusual World Cup in my memory, for sure.  I always love the tournament, but most of the 2010 games were a hard sell for casual followers.  As with many sports, defensive games/matches don't always make for "exciting" games, and 2010 was rife with defensive play.  This tournament is much more offensive and that in turn generates more audience interest.  Plus, underdogs are always popular and right now there are quite a few underdogs still in the hunt.

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It hurt more because it came so close to the end.  We got busy and couldn't watch the end closely but we all paused what we were doing and glued ourselves to the screen thinking to watch the victory in the last minute.  And then...  Ouch.  There was no time to feel any sense of recovery. Earlier in the game, I would have been happier with the tie.

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And once again, this World Cup proves to be truly unique!  I've been watching WC tournaments for….eh, too long to admit….and this is unlike any other.  I kinda feel bad for newbies to soccer, as they may be lulled into the belief that games like this are the norm. Truthfully, they aren't.  Which is NOT to say soccer is boring, but if you don't appreciate its nuances, "standard" games with fewer goals and fewer nail-biting endings may leave you disappointed.  


Still, I'm very glad of the high entertainment value of this Cup!  Not only have there been fantastic matches, but it's fun to have more people on the bandwagon.  Like I said in another post, it's truly special how this one event captivates the world ~ not just certain socio-economic circles in certain countries.  People in refugee camps, in the Saharan desert, in the Amazonian jungle ~ people everywhere follow World Cup soccer.  Love it!

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...and that's why the game's not over until the whistle blows. We did a lot better than I thought we would. Germany is going to demolish us, though. :o


Indy is pulling for Germany.  We'll be in EPCOT when they play the US, and he's decided he's going to wear his Germany shirt to the WC Pavilion and root for them to win.  I told him he was a brave boy.  


I don't know if Germany will demolish us.  They will probably win, but if the US team plays the whole game the way they played the second half of today's game, it could be close, and will be exciting.  

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So I have a friend whose dad, Big Jim, was a professional footballer, back in the day, for Celtic. When my friend asked his dad what he thought of the World Cup this year, Big Jim's reply was, "The poverty in Brazil is awful." Yep, England is out of the cup and Scotland was never in.


I remember in 1990, I was working with a number of Europeans at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (That's a national lab, for those unfamiliar.) My English lab mate walked around singing Don't Cry For Me Argentina.


And speaking of Argentina, Messi has spent more of his life in Spain than Argentina. I wonder how strong his ties to his homeland are. Didn't he go to Spain when he was pretty young, like 9 or 11?


And you know how hard it is to go from watching World Cup to U13 soccer?

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almost like giving birth


LOL  Ok..not really quite that painful.  :laugh:


Oh yeah!  And we gave birth in the car.  


We were in the car driving home from an outing that went longer than planned.  We had to keep pulling over to watch it.  We watched the end pulled off on the side of the road, screaming our heads off.  

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Oh yeah! And we gave birth in the car.


We were in the car driving home from an outing that went longer than planned. We had to keep pulling over to watch it. We watched the end pulled off on the side of the road, screaming our heads off.

We were on the way to DS's guitar recital (dh had to pull me away from the tv, "we're gonna be late honey") and he asked, as we were driving, "well, can we get it in the radio?" It's one thing to watch a game when you can't understand the commentary, but it's absolutely useless to listen to a game in the radio when you can't understand the commentary. Lol!
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What is up Australia?  I thought they had a good team, but they seem lack luster right now.


They did/do have a good team ~ for Australia ~ but today they were missing Tim Cahill, their one truly brilliant player.  Then, too, I think they were rather deflated, having played such a solid game against the Netherlands only to come away with a loss.  


May I just say again how sorry I am to see Spain bow out so early?  It's been such fun watching these guys play together on national & club teams.  I don't want the era to end ~ but end it does.  Very emotional, seeing David Villa score his last goal for Spain and then end his career in tears on the bench.  


Meanwhile, Holland rolls on, unfortunately.  Not sure what happened to Chile in the second half, but if they'd kept up the attack and pulled out a win they could've nabbed first place in Group A. 

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Why "unfortunately" about The Netherlands?  What do you have against them?


Eh, nothing against them, but definitely nothing for them.  Maybe it's a subconscious reaction against my conservative Dutch community. ;-)


Mexico and Croatia. I'm cheering for Mexico and crushing on Ochoa big time! He is sooooo cute!


Sorta cute, but I can't get on board with that hair ~ and sadly, like most of these guys, he's young enough to be my son.  Now Niko Kovic (former Croatian player and current coach), on the the other hand, is only a couple of years my junior.  Doesn't have the emotional entertainment value of Mexico's coach, Miguel Hererra, but oh, my.  I do love to see him on the sidelines, if you kwim.


See, this is the beauty of World Cup soccer.  I know the sport & teams very well and can analyze games 'til the cows come home ~ but I can appreciate the sights along the way. :D 

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Eh, nothing against them, but definitely nothing for them. Maybe it's a subconscious reaction against my conservative Dutch community. ;-)



Sorta cute, but I can't get on board with that hair ~ and sadly, like most of these guys, he's young enough to be my son. Now Niko Kovic (former Croatian player and current coach), on the the other hand, is only a couple of years my junior. Doesn't have the emotional entertainment value of Mexico's coach, Miguel Hererra, but oh, my. I do love to see him on the sidelines, if you kwim.


See, this is the beauty of World Cup soccer. I know the sport & teams very well and can analyze games 'til the cows come home ~ but I can appreciate the sights along the way. :D

Well, yeah, I don't like the hair, but his cheekbones.....Croatian coach, yes, very good looking!
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That guy is psycho. That's all I have to say. What kind of person does that?

What kind of person does that for the THIRD time! I hope he us banned from the rest of the World Cup. I hope a decision is made before Uruguay plays Colombia on Saturday.

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It's really a shame, because he is one of the most brilliant, creative, and hardworking players in futbol. He just cannot seem to quit biting. I know Liverpool (his club team) has probably spent thousands on psychotherapy to help him, but it seems like once every few years he just cannot stop himself. It's very sad, because the entire Uruguayan team gas to pay the price, but then again, they all knew he was a biter going into the tournament.

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I have never heard of an adult biting another adult. Or even anyone over the age of 4. Generally violent impulses are expressed by punching or hitting. On the sports field, it's rough play - kicking, tripping, etc. I guess I'm just a little stunned by this. An article I read even called it "unnatural".

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