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Gifted? - Can I vent


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I still don't get the whole thing about being bored while driving because you are gifted. Is walking or sitting in the passenger seat more stimulating? Yes, sadly I've been thinking about this for several days since I first read this thread

I still don't get why she told us that her biggest problem was being bored while she was driving, when she doesn't actually drive... :rolleyes:


If you keep trying to make sense of this thread, your head might explode.


Be careful. ;)

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I frequently tell my children that their boredom is no one's problem but their own.  This leads to all sorts of shenanigans.  But they are rarely bored.  They did just rush out of the house saying something about putting a pony on a chicken.  Do you think I should check?



Where is the Kilt of Cupcakes?


It is time. 

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Maybe Jean can hide in you in an oversized suitcase? In that case you may not have to part with your scepter. :lol:  Jean is an honest looking woman (or at least I picture her that way), I am sure she is not getting searched anywhere she goes.

Um. . . I'm an honest looking woman because I'm honest!  Would Catwoman (aka Queen Letizia) be in her birthday suit?  I don't think I could harbor a fugitive in their birthday suit.  I've always imagined Catwoman in a LBD holding a jeweled clutch (to befit her royal status).  She could borrow some classy pumps from Heels, who I'm sure would come to the airport to see us off.  

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Um. . . I'm an honest looking woman because I'm honest! Would Catwoman (aka Queen Letizia) be in her birthday suit? I don't think I could harbor a fugitive in their birthday suit. I've always imagined Catwoman in a LBD holding a jeweled clutch (to befit her royal status). She could borrow some classy pumps from Heels, who I'm sure would come to the airport to see us off.

Works for me!


I also plan to be statuesque, so those heels are going to have to be really high.

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Um. . . I'm an honest looking woman because I'm honest!  Would Catwoman (aka Queen Letizia) be in her birthday suit?  I don't think I could harbor a fugitive in their birthday suit.  I've always imagined Catwoman in a LBD holding a jeweled clutch (to befit her royal status).  She could borrow some classy pumps from Heels, who I'm sure would come to the airport to see us off.  


:lol: You could do it if you put your gifted mind to it...but you needn't worry because she will be clad in her gilded robe, bejeweled with a polished crown holding a scepter. What she wears under the gilded robe is her own business. Oh, and if anyone is "fixin" to ask intrusive questions about the size of your luggage, Heels can pretend she just strained her ankle falling off those heels and needs immediate medical attention.

As you can see, I have it all figured out in my simple mind.

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I still don't get the whole thing about being bored while driving because you are gifted. Is walking or sitting in the passenger seat more stimulating? Yes, sadly I've been thinking about this for several days since I first read this thread

Driving can be boring for some people regardless of IQ scores. I don't have a drivers license. If I am not taking scenic photos from the passenger seat or reading WSJ, I'm likely to be asleep.


The difference between being the driver and being the passenger is that as the passenger I have the choice of doing sudoku or crossword puzzles to entertain myself. My hubby has to keep his eyes on the road and entertains himself by counting the number of red traffic lights from point A to point B.

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I frequently tell my children that their boredom is no one's problem but their own.  This leads to all sorts of shenanigans.  But they are rarely bored.  They did just rush out of the house saying something about putting a pony on a chicken.  Do you think I should check?


I'd be less concerned if they were putting a chicken on a pony. But, really, the chicken doesn't stand much chance of long term survival if they put the pony on it. I think you really do need to check it out....and then report back to us, because, if they succeed, you must let us know how it was done. I would include pictures if I were you. ;)


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I was trying to seek suggestions from gifted individuals but unfortunately I could only reach gifted brains.  Yep, too much to ask a gifted brain to be considerate of one's emotions and give the benefit of doubt. 


I'm reminded of an attitude prevalent among parents of "gifted" children where we used to live. All sorts of bad behaviour was explicable as the almost inevitable consequence of the child's being gifted. Parents presented this as a given result of the child's intellectual superiority to its peers and teachers. It was no wonder, they said, that a gifted child would be rude and disruptive in a class with its intellectual inferiors. Not my kids.


Not all negative behaviour is a result of being gifted. You say "Nothing to think, plan, analyze, challenge - my brain goes crazy" -- well, if one of my (yes gifted) children said that to me, I'd tell them that they were bright enough to figure out something to do and if they couldn't or wouldn't stick with it, then that was a problem not related to giftedness but to being lazy or having insufficient stick-to-itness. Can't relate to others? Try to understand them. See where they're coming from. Appreciate them for what makes them amazing. Not all my friends are intellectually gifted, but all my friends have something that makes them wonderful. I have a good friend who is not intellectual but has the gift of making friends. I've learned so much from her!


I would strongly suggest looking first at your own attitude and what you can change about this first, before sheltering behind a label. You might be happier in the long run.


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I still don't get the whole thing about being bored while driving because you are gifted. Is walking or sitting in the passenger seat more stimulating? Yes, sadly I've been thinking about this for several days since I first read this thread


Yeah, I didn't get that either.  And some of us "gifted" people actually enjoy driving.  I like traveling to new places, and the drive gives me plenty of time to think.  Plus, audiobooks.  I must not be gifted enough to get it or something.  

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I'm reminded of an attitude prevalent among parents of "gifted" children where we used to live. All sorts of bad behaviour was explicable as the almost inevitable consequence of the child's being gifted. Parents presented this as a given result of the child's intellectual superiority to its peers and teachers. It was no wonder, they said, that a gifted child would be rude and disruptive in a class with its intellectual inferiors. Not my kids.


Not all negative behaviour is a result of being gifted. You say "Nothing to think, plan, analyze, challenge - my brain goes crazy" -- well, if one of my (yes gifted) children said that to me, I'd tell them that they were bright enough to figure out something to do and if they couldn't or wouldn't stick with it, then that was a problem not related to giftedness but to being lazy or having insufficient stick-to-itness. Can't relate to others? Try to understand them. See where they're coming from. Appreciate them for what makes them amazing. Not all my friends are intellectually gifted, but all my friends have something that makes them wonderful. I have a good friend who is not intellectual but has the gift of making friends. I've learned so much from her!


I would strongly suggest looking first at your own attitude and what you can change about this first, before sheltering behind a label. You might be happier in the long run.



:iagree:  That attitude in parents drives me nuts.  "My child is too smart to possibly relate to less intelligent kids."  "My child couldn't possibly be expected to behave in a normal environment without proper gifted stimulation."  Yeah, right.  I was an unidentified HG kid throughout my whole childhood, and I managed to not be a horrid little sh*t. 


And I'm not saying gifted kids should be stuck in regular classrooms for years to work behind and be bored, or anything like that.  I'm saying that if you take your "gifted" kid to a museum or something and they're hitting other kids and screeching and climbing the exhibits, don't chalk it up to your kid's supposed giftedness and how they're just so bored by the other children's tiny little minds.  Because some of us know for a fact that's crap..

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I'd be less concerned if they were putting a chicken on a pony. But, really, the chicken doesn't stand much chance of long term survival if they put the pony on it. I think you really do need to check it out....and then report back to us, because, if they succeed, you must let us know how it was done. I would include pictures if I were you. ;)


does it help if I explain that the only ponies around here are the plastic MLP kind?  As far as I can tell they were attempting to balance ponies on the backs of our chickens.  I'm not sure if they succeeded, I decided it was better that I stayed out of it. 

Not all negative behaviour is a result of being gifted. You say "Nothing to think, plan, analyze, challenge - my brain goes crazy" -- well, if one of my (yes gifted) children said that to me, I'd tell them that they were bright enough to figure out something to do and if they couldn't or wouldn't stick with it, then that was a problem not related to giftedness but to being lazy or having insufficient stick-to-itness.


oh my goodness YES

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I frequently tell my children that their boredom is no one's problem but their own. This leads to all sorts of shenanigans. But they are rarely bored. They did just rush out of the house saying something about putting a pony on a chicken. Do you think I should check?



Where is the Kilt of Cupcakes?


It is time.

Too true. My kids know they had better not utter the "B" word (the other B word). There are weeds to pull, a chicken coop that wants fresh straw, floors that don't meet my standards, too many bathrooms for one person to manage...


I don't abide claims of boredom.


Although it is true I am sick to death of driving. I often wish I were living in a village in France, where I could walk to the market and buy fresh grapes. I really need DD to just finish up and get her license already.

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See, aside from the fact that my head is rolling about the cupcake kilt, a lot of us have gifted children who seem perfectly capable of entertaining themselves while driving: Learning chinese, creating dialogues with their imaginary friends, writing a novel, you name it. No disrespect to the OP, but "you are gifted, think something up!!!!" I say that as a homeschooling mom who regularly says "figure something out" to her gifted kid when he is bored, rather than someone who is trying to be snarky to a newcomer. I don't intend to be snarky. I guess I mean to say that you've got all this brainpower, use driving or any idle time as an opportunity to expand your knowledge or creativity.

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Too true. My kids know they had better not utter the "B" word (the other B word). There are weeds to pull, a chicken coop that wants fresh straw, floors that don't meet my standards, too many bathrooms for one person to manage...


I don't abide claims of boredom.




See, aside from the fact that my head is rolling about the cupcake kilt, a lot of us have gifted children who seem perfectly capable of entertaining themselves while driving: Learning chinese, creating dialogues with their imaginary friends, writing a novel, you name it. No disrespect to the OP, but "you are gifted, think something up!!!!" I say that as a homeschooling mom who regularly says "figure something out" to her gifted kid when he is bored, rather than someone who is trying to be snarky to a newcomer. I don't intend to be snarky. I guess I mean to say that you've got all this brainpower, use driving or any idle time as an opportunity to expand your knowledge or creativity.


Bored a swear word in our house that is rewarded with dishes.

If you are too bored to find something to do then I ALWAYS have dishes that need doing.

A friend recently took this back to her house.

Her kids have not been bored all week.  ;)


Not that I'm suggesting the OP should take a tub of dishes with her in the car.

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In her first post, op mentioned depression as well as all the 'gifted' stuff. I am wondering about bipolar disorder. Or some other illness? Reaction to medication? I hope she can get some help IRL.


OP, you might want to consider a psychiatrist, as your situation sounds complicated. Show him/her your posts here.

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I think that perhaps you have a skewed idea of what "gifted" should mean (or that it means something in terms of "always").

We have two people identified as gifted in my home - my profoundly gifted husband (identified as such) and my dyslexic, ADD, highly gifted daughter.


My husband is never bored, it seems. He enjoys such mundane, "normal people" (lol) things as baseball, his Knights of Columbus meetings, bowling, and playing board games with the children. For grins and giggles, I'll mention that he LOVES driving.

My daughter's favorite hobbies include, in no particular order:

1) Boys

2) annoying me by listening to that vulgar "wiggle butt" song

3) Boys

4) Terrorizing her younger brothers one minute, yelling at me for disciplining her younger brothers the next minute

5) Boys

6) Playing Minecraft


I'll note that DD balks at anything remotely resembling anything "intellectually stimulating". She never seeks to be busy with such things. What makes her sometimes difficult is that her areas of "gifted" aren't things she enjoys enough to remain focused on.


Your post rubbed me the wrong way immediately. I can't put my finger on it, exactly, but it did. So much so that I'm having a hard time, myself, forming a complete thought/reply, lol.


This board is fantastic for advice. The boardies here have been such a huge help to me over the years. I feel like you are trying to prove how much *more* you are, than they/we are, and that annoys me on a level that I can't quite identify. I promise you, this board is absolutely no stranger to highly gifted adults and children.

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Your post rubbed me the wrong way immediately. I can't put my finger on it, exactly, but it did. So much so that I'm having a hard time, myself, forming a complete thought/reply, lol.


This board is fantastic for advice. The boardies here have been such a huge help to me over the years. I feel like you are trying to prove how much *more* you are, than they/we are, and that annoys me on a level that I can't quite identify. I promise you, this board is absolutely no stranger to highly gifted adults and children.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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This board is fantastic for advice. The boardies here have been such a huge help to me over the years. I feel like you are trying to prove how much *more* you are, than they/we are, and that annoys me on a level that I can't quite identify. I promise you, this board is absolutely no stranger to highly gifted adults and children.


Or the pain and inconveniences life can bring...

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Well, this thread was an interesting read.


You don't want suggestions because this is a venting post. People need to stop asking questions while trying to help because you're just venting and don't want suggestions. But thank you to the people who gave suggestions! The people who tried and the people who didn't try because you were rude to the people who tried are soooo awful! Worst forum on the internet! Ahhhhh! 


I'm not going to give a big response to the calling being a housewife "nothing" even though I really want to  :glare:

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