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Postpartum bleeding?


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I can't remember if this is normal or not. I'm 11 days postpartum. After about a week, I had almost no bleeding and what there was, was dark brown. On Sunday, day 9, I suddenly started having small gushes of bright red again. I'm not soaking through pads or anything, but there's a marked increase in volume. Around the same time, I began having horrible abdominal pains and gas. Is this cause for concern? I had a uterine infection after my first, but the only symptom I remember was sharp pains in my uterine area. The pain I'm having now is a bit higher up.

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Did your activity increase just before this happened?  Have you taken your temperature?


If you're not soaking through pads and not having - what was the rule of thumb, golf-ball-size tissue? - then personally I'd wait and see what happens.  Given your prior history, however, if you are concerned, why not just call your OB's nurse and ask?


(Eta, FWIW, "afterpains" while nursing tend to increase the more kids you have had.)

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Agreeing with wapiti... you may be doing too much.  Increased bleeding (and redder) is a sign you've overdone it.   Take it easy today, drink lots of fluids.  If it doesn't seem to get any better by tomorrow call your dr.   If you've already been taking it easy yesterday and today and there's been no change for the better then I'd call today.



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Just putting this out as an option since it happened to me.  I can't recall though what type of initial postpartum bleeding I had.  About 5 days after delivery I began having heaving bleeding and most importantly severe pain & cramping.  It ended up being retained placenta that had to be removed by a d&c.  I ran no fever I just felt horrible and basically was in so much pain I couldn't get up off the couch.


Increased activity could also increase your pain and increase bleeding.  I would definitely put a call in to the OB and see what they say.  May be nothing but it's better to find out.  

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You probably need to slow down and rest some more.  I also seem to recall my midwives telling me that it's normal for bleeding to pick up on a certain day (I want to say 10-ish?) because that's your uterus losing its scab from the placenta site.


Probably best to check with a doctor, though!


Congratulations again! :)

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I would have this happen when I started pushing too hard. I remember my OB nurse telling me to use my bleeding as a gauge for my activity. If it picked up, I needed to slow down.


If you are not running a fever (please do check!) and not gushing and soaking pads, then you probably just need to sit with your feet up for awhile.


If the bleeding doesn't slow after 24-48 hours of you sitting around or suddenly gets worse, or you are running a fever, do call your dr.

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I did start doing a bit more on Saturday, and then DH went back to work yesterday. I haven't taken my temperature but I don't feel feverish. I just got back from taking the kids to the park and am lying down. I'll check it when I get up.

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I am currently 6 weeks pp. my bleeding didn't truly end until about 5 weeks. It did slow down and start up again several times, but was never high in volume. I also noticed bright red following any kind of physical activity (even walking around the neighborhood).



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I was reading a study recently that there are actually multiple patterns of postpartum bleeding, not just the standard red to pink/brown to clear that is considered "normal". http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10772198


Mine stopped at around day 12, but then started up again a few days later. Pretty lightly - I haven't needed more than a pantyliner since the first week postpartum. But I'm now a month out and still having a little bit of spotting. It doesn't seem closely tied to activity levels either, and unavoidable things (coughing, having a BM - maybe it's related to the gas you're having?) seem to be a bigger problem than activity level in general.


I started drinking red raspberry leaf/nettles tea again daily, and that seems to help (RRL helps contract the uterus, and nettles promotes clotting. Both are safe/beneficial for breastfeeding).


If you're not running a fever, soaking pads quickly, or having discharge that's foul smelling or an unusual color, it's probably not an infection.

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I will be 5 weeks PP on Thursday. My bleeding has ebbed and flowed  :001_smile: LOL  Dr told me that if there is no severe pain, golf ball or larger clots or bleeding through a pad an hour I should be fine. but to call if I felt something was not right. I had c/s and hemmoraged after so we are being very careful watching my bleeding.


The gas pains this time(3rd c/s) have been just awful!










ETA: Typos are easier to make when typing one-handed!





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