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Offshoot of apond's thread below: tell what time you get up & time you go to bed

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Many of you are very early risers. Some of you are later risers (like myself).


I ask what time you go to bed because most of the world consists of early risers, making we few late risers feel lazy, BUT when I really look at my schedule, I'm only sleeping 7-8 hours because I rarely go to bed before 1AM.

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I get up at 6am and head to bed around 9 to 10pm. So in perspective to you going to bed way later and sleeping later I would appear lazy since I average more sleep than you (:glare:thanks for that thought, lol). Good twist on the perspective!

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I get up at 6am and head to bed around 9 to 10pm. So in perspective to you going to bed way later and sleeping later I would appear lazy since I average more sleep than you (:glare:thanks for that thought, lol). Good twist on the perspective!


Dh and I are both type B personalities who envy type As. We could never figure out why everyone (it seemed) got up by 6AM until we started asking what time they went to bed.

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I go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 usually. I'm up at 5:30.


I guess the biggest question is are you being as productive as you want to be? I get the majority of my work and homeschool done by 3:00. From 3-bedtime is just light supper, clean up, ds bath...and down time.


What are you doing between say 9:00 and 1:00? When do your children go to bed?

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We are all typically in bed by 10:00 and sleeping by 11:00. DH doesn't get home until late so the kids have naturally adjusted to staying up later.


The kids are up around 9:00, exceot for the first few crazy months of spring when they bound out of bed with the sun in the morning.


Every other night, I get back up and do a few hours of cleaning when everyone is sleeping. It's the only time I can truly get things done the way I want them.



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Jen, how do you clean while the kids are asleep and not wake them up?


While they take their last bath of the night, I vacuum the hall and living room closest to the bedroom.


Then when they are in bed, I turn on a white noise machine and after they are asleep, I sneak out and close the door. DH is still in there sleeping with them so as long as some adult is in there, they stay asleep now. It's bliss. It's sheer bliss for me to be able to do dishes and laundry while no one is making anymore. :)


Their main playroom is in the basement so that's an easy one to vacuum and mop while they sleep.



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Many of you are very early risers. Some of you are later risers (like myself).


I ask what time you go to bed because most of the world consists of early risers, making we few late risers feel lazy, BUT when I really look at my schedule, I'm only sleeping 7-8 hours because I rarely go to bed before 1AM.


I go to bed at 10-11 (I'd prefer to stay up a bit later, but I like to go to bed with dh, so I just read in bed for awhile). I get up at 5:30.

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I go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 usually. I'm up at 5:30.


I guess the biggest question is are you being as productive as you want to be? I get the majority of my work and homeschool done by 3:00. From 3-bedtime is just light supper, clean up, ds bath...and down time.


What are you doing between say 9:00 and 1:00? When do your children go to bed?


Of my 5 kids, 3 go to bed at around 11PM, and the 2 teens go to bed much later.


For myself, from 9PM - 1AM consists of kitchen clean up, laundry folding, some TV w/family, but most importantly after 11PM it's snuggle - talk - love time with my dear hubby. We get about 1-2hrs./ night of alone time before bed. It is marvelous.

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Stumble out of bed at 5:30am to make dh breakfast & pack his lunch while he showers. I've started going outside for a few minutes when he heads up stairs to brush his teeth. It is already hot at 5:50am in AZ but the last few mornings have seemed cooler!!!!


We go to bed between 11pm and midnight. I recently read about lack of sleep contributing to lack of weight loss. The idea of going to bed at 9:30 so I could have "8 hours of sleep" just doesn't seem possible (unless I'm pregnant, then it is very possible and necessary!).


So, about 6 hours of sleep...and I'm not tired. I just wish I had something more tangible to show for my hours of being awake!

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Usually I'm in bed by 10 and up by 5, 6 at the latest - but when dh is home (he works on the other side of the country right now), it's a bit later on both ends... with the exception of today - we went to bed near midnight last night and got up at 3:30am, because he had to hop in the car and go fetch my cousin from an airport 3 hours away, coming in on a 6:30am flight. He's flaked on the couch now (they got back here about an hour ago - it's 1:30pm here now) snoring, because *he* has to catch *his* plane tonight. Me, I'm tossing back Red Bulls and convincing myself that 3.5 hours of sleep is perfectly normal. ;)

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Well, after the Olympics are over -- I'll be in bed most nights by 10pm, which will allow me to get up by 6:30am. My children are all up around that time, so I suppose I'll be making breakfast and we'll get an early start on our school day.


I "start" work (my job) around 10:00am -- my oldest HS in the office with me until lunch. I take my work break around 2:00pm to make sure Latin & Music get done (group activity), make dinner at 5:00, and work through dinner until dh gets home around 6:00pm.


I take care of the kiddos from 6:00-7:30, dh eats, relaxes, works on a project, at 7:30 it's story time with daddy, and 8:00 the kiddos are in bed.


I veg. for an hour or two, work on mindless tasks that can be done in commercial breaks...


This weekend... it's packing up boxes for storage until we can move into our new home, getting the storage room ready to accept all of the junk we have to pile in there, moving in my parent's new furniture and moving out all of the old furniture. Once it's done, I'll probably be just fine. Until then -- what a mess.

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I work 2 pm to 2 am three days a week. So I go to bed at 3 am and rise at 10 am (if I'm lucky or 7 am if I'm not) three days a week. The rest of the week, I try to go to bed at midnight and typically drag myself out of bed at 8 or 9 am.


Sleep is important and so is a regular routine if you can have it. Your body needs them both.

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I rise at 6:30 on week days. Normally my bedtime is between 11pm and 12pm. Lately, due to pregnancy, I aim for 10:30pm-11pm. If I accidentally fall asleep sooner (I'm exhausted at the end of my days due to the pregnancy), then I will end up awake for hours in the middle of the night and consequently tired the next day. :sleep:

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... we try to be in bed by 9:30 pm, but lately it's been getting pushed back a bit later (have to work on that). David would like to be in bed by 9:00 pm, but by the time he puts out his stuff for work and we brush our teeth and get water glasses for our nightstands and so on, it's 9:30. Yes, we are old farts, who go to bed in the summertime while the sun is still shining.


I, on the other hand, am NOT up at 3:30 am, I get to sleep in until approximately 6:05; 6:15; 6:25; 6:35; or (if I'm really fighting with the snooze button that day) -- GASP -- 6:45 am. :D But that makes me late for my Bible reading, and then I'm running late all day. So, usually 6:15. One snooze allowed.


I am snooze-addicted. BTW, I heard about this on CBN. It's for people like me who keep hitting that snooze button. I ought to put this on my list for Christmas! :glare:



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If the 10 month old can't settle, then I'm usually in bed about 9:30-10 nursing him to sleep and catching up on sleep myself. If he goes down easy, I'll slip away and spend time with dh, so then I'm going to bed about 11 or 11:30. I'm up nursing at least twice -- 12, 2, and 5 is typical. Sometimes I stay up at 5 if the 3yo wakes up (she's always been a bad sleeper). Sometimes I blissfully get to sleep in until 6:30. So I'm getting anywhere from 9 interrupted hours (rare) to 5 interrupted hours. Every night is completely different. I love my kids but I will be SO happy when everyone is older and sleeping better (or not needing me when they are up!) I've had three bad sleepers in a row.

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