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Help! Birthday Gift for 1 year old girl


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I have a 6.5 yr old girl, and 4 yr old boy, and baby girl is turning 1 this week. I am drawing a complete blank on what to get her! For the other two, we got them their first custom waldorf doll at 1, but Baby got hers at Christmas, since she already liked the olders' dolls. Clothes are an option, but I'd like to get her a little something else too.


We try to stick to stuff that will last, quality, etc. We have several Melissa and Doug things, we have lots of little people, lots of stackers, blocks, we have a ridiculous number of board books, etc. You know, we are a typical family of multiple kids with both genders, and we've saved the stuff we like for the youngest.


What are some of your favorite things for one year olds? Amazon is great, we are also local to toysrus, and target. We do have some small local toy shops as well.

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My favorite for baby girls is the purse that has plastic lipstick, keys, cell phone etc. I think it's made by Playschool (not sure) and I know it's not really a "quality" toy but babies that age love to take things out and put them back into something and, of course, every little one loves Mommy's purse:)

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Thanks for all of your suggestions! We are going to go with...clothes. Lame, but really, we are in a de-cluttering phase, and we have so much already...Her favorite things to do are empty the kid dishes drawer, and empty the kitchen towels cabinet. Those keep her busy much of the day, haha.


I do plant to make some peg dolls for all the kids, and I will be making some of the biggest size for her. They won't be done in time for her birthday, but she has no idea what a birthday is.


Thanks again!

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