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It is not a good sign...


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when the person who shows the most appreciation for you on Mother's Day is not even related to you.  It was very nice that an acquaintance (who I'm thinking might be more accurately described as a friend) called to wish me a happy Mother's Day.


It is not so very nice that the people who live here in this house and benefit most from the work I do decide they will argue loud enough for the neighbors to hear through the open windows.  They are all gone now so I can have the quiet day I requested, but it would have been nice if I didn't have to hear them scream at each other before they left.  I'm finding it hard to enjoy my time b/c I keep thinking about how I am going to handle the situation when they return.  :glare: 

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((((Hugs))))).....mine argued in the restaurant where we had Mother's Day brunch....loud enough for those around us to hear. They're 9 & 11, so way too old to be acting like fools in a restaurant. Thankfully, dh escorted them out to the car....I don't know what he said to them, but they came back very apologetic. :)

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I'm sorry. I had a yucky Mother's Day too. The kids sniped at each other all day, dh yelled and threw things (which never works, it just makes us all miserable), we had decided on a nice lunch which I wound up having to cook myself, and we were so late finally getting over to see my mother that she texted to make sure we weren't lying in the ditch. Nobody cleaned up anything all day long, so I have that to look forward to tomorrow.


And we have a Japanese hornet nest somewhere near the house. We've killed three in the garage in the past 48 hours, and when we got home just now, there was one in the house. Great. :glare:


Oh well. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "After all, tomorrow is another day."

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It is not so very nice that the people who live here in this house and benefit most from the work I do decide they will argue loud enough for the neighbors to hear through the open windows.  They are all gone now so I can have the quiet day I requested, but it would have been nice if I didn't have to hear them scream at each other before they left.  I'm finding it hard to enjoy my time b/c I keep thinking about how I am going to handle the situation when they return.  :glare: 


It must be tempting not to be home.  :grouphug:

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​Well, at least the phone call got my mind off of *the incident*.  I was able to relax for the rest of the afternoon, though once they returned bad attitudes abounded.  Currently, I'm into avoidance and ignoring.  I'm letting Dh deal with it all however he want sot deal with it.  Sometimes, I think the less I talk the better.   I'll be discussing alternatives to yelling with Dh tomorrow.  (Yes, he was part of the yelling, unfortunately.)   


I'll get over it.  That's why I don't like these sorts of holidays.  Somehow things always seem to happen on the days that are supposed to be 'Hallmark moments'.


ETA: Thanks for the hugs! 

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It must be tempting not to be home.  :grouphug:



I appreciate you showing your concern for my silly little problem.   I am very sorry about your son.  I really should be sending you big hugs.  :grouphug: 

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Well my vote is that we just do away with Mother's Day.  It seems to cause mostly disappointment for too many people.

When do we start protesting, and where?  We really should add some other holidays for abolishment.


​Many people here won't like what I have in mind though, b/c Christmas is also on my hit list!

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I appreciate you showing your concern for my silly little problem.   I am very sorry about your son.  I really should be sending you big hugs.  :grouphug: 


There's nothing silly about wanting to be appreciated by the people you work your arse off for.  :grouphug:

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There's nothing silly about wanting to be appreciated by the people you work your arse off for.  :grouphug:

Okay, okay.  When you're right, you're right.  What is silly is that I would think that just b/c it's Mother's Day they would all behave.  Of course, if there is going to be an incident for the neighbors to hear, this would be the day it would happen!  


The day wasn't that bad overall, it was much better than the year I decided to celebrate Mother's day with both sides of the family and my Ds's birthday all on the same day.  That year ended in tears for me after MIL would not go home and they all left me to clean up the mess so that I spent my entire day serving and cleaning up after everyone.  What was I thinking?  Never repeated that mistake again.

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My dh left me with my offspring today to do a double photo shoot in Charlotte.  My three year old started my mother's day with three extra loads of laundry because she wet the bed on top of her quilt.  Then my seven year old threw a tantrum at church because he wanted to stay and play.  My four year old turned on the hose outside and sprayed the other two, so my seven year old used the dirty laundry from the laundry room to dry off, getting my three year old's peed on white sheets covered in mud.  My three year old used a blue crayon that my seven year old had left in her room to color her wooden Plan dollhouse, wall, and carpet during rest time.  It's basically been an awesome Mother's Day  :thumbdown: .

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My dh left me with my offspring today to do a double photo shoot in Charlotte.  My three year old started my mother's day with three extra loads of laundry because she wet the bed on top of her quilt.  Then my seven year old threw a tantrum at church because he wanted to stay and play.  My four year old turned on the hose outside and sprayed the other two, so my seven year old used the dirty laundry from the laundry room to dry off, getting my three year old's peed on white sheets covered in mud.  My three year old used a blue crayon that my seven year old had left in her room to color her wooden Plan dollhouse, wall, and carpet during rest time.  It's basically been an awesome Mother's Day  :thumbdown: .

I'm sorry.  I think I'll take my day over that.  Sounds very stressful.

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My dh left me with my offspring today to do a double photo shoot in Charlotte.  My three year old started my mother's day with three extra loads of laundry because she wet the bed on top of her quilt.  Then my seven year old threw a tantrum at church because he wanted to stay and play.  My four year old turned on the hose outside and sprayed the other two, so my seven year old used the dirty laundry from the laundry room to dry off, getting my three year old's peed on white sheets covered in mud.  My three year old used a blue crayon that my seven year old had left in her room to color her wooden Plan dollhouse, wall, and carpet during rest time.  It's basically been an awesome Mother's Day  :thumbdown: .


Well, thanks for the laugh, lol!  I'd be an alcoholic and I don't drink!!

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