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Day 10 of Whole 30


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I have been 98% compliant. I made scotch eggs with Jimmy Dean sausage (low carb, but not Whole 30) and today's salad came with shredded cheese. I scraped most off, but not all. Oh, I eat more often than they suggest. They suggest eating enough protein and fat at a meal that you go 4-6 hours between meals. Maybe I am resistant, but that does not work for me.


I FEEL FANTASTIC. Now, I *always* feel good on low carb. I miss sweetner in coffee and iced tea and I miss heavy whipping cream and cheese with eggs.


But I *love* being able to eat fruit!


I am not planning on a binge at the end, and will probably transition back to low carb at the end.


Part of the program is not weighing oneself, so I don't know where that stands.


So far, I recommend doing a Whole 30.


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Thanks for the review. I've been contemplating a Whole 30 for myself. Good to hear that it ups the ante on feeling well. Good for you!

My biggest hang-up for doing any one diet strictly is that I probably can't eat as often as they suggest. I generally eat one meal (supper) and one or two snacks per day. Holdover habit to my pre-paleoish days when eating made me feel like crap so I avoided doing it, then binged from supper until bedtime so I could sleep it off.

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I did a Whole 30 in February, it was an awesome experience. I lost about 14 pounds, I'm maintaining at about 11 pounds less than I started. I'm more paleo than not now but somewhat lenient. I used heavy whipping cream in my coffee during it, the book neither allows nor disallows it from what I could tell, plus they allow ghee and claim their issue is with dairy protein and lactose, which is nor in heavy cream. I also increased my workouts (from none) to 3-4 a week (30 day shred). I highly recommend Whole 30 to anyone who will listen. Dh did it with me and lost about the same, he's military and increased his fitness score from like 83 to 93 which is huge. I'll probably aim to do them twice a year just to clean up and exorcise my sugar demons every so often. Good luck with the next 20 days. :)

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We are moving this weekend (locally), so our eating has been pretty bad lately. After the move I'd like to try something to get me back to eating right. I also feel the best when doing low carb, so perhaps giving Whole 30 a try would be a good transition?

Joanne, why not just do low-carb? (Just trying to think through what I want to do).

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I'm glad to hear that it is going so well for you!  Yesterday was Day 30 for me, so I'm doing the dairy re-introduction today.  I've really noticed some benefits during my Whole30, so I'm hoping to keep going with paleo after evaluating what the reintroduction does to me.

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Do you like Whole30 better than the prepared food that you bought, I guess, last year?


Congratulations on your progress!  I was inspired by posts on here last summer to do a whole30.  The last day was the hardest for me and I cheated (pms).  I recommend to anyone thinking of doing it to plan around tom, if cravings come with that time.

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I look forward to doing a Whole 30 sometime in May or June, its great to hear that you are having such a positive experience with it! Thank you for posting this, its great to see people having success with health-improvement and self improvement projects. Please, continue to share and update on all your success and know that somewhere in FL some weirdo is rooting for you! :hurray:


Right now I'm low carb and trying (super, uber duper hard) to be more physically active. I've been walking daily and am trying to add in more physical activity into my days. I look forward to the whole "not weighing" myself because, lets face it, me + scale = mortification and barely contained tears. Sort of like this fellow -> :crying: .


I can't wait to start Whole30 sometime soon!



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Wow!  That is great.  


I've been reading about this lately, too, and trying to decide on a good time to start.  No time like the present, I know... :)


Do you have any favorite resources online?  I haven't bought or borrowed the book, but have read quite a bit on the website.  

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