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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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TGIF everyone....


Melissa--it's raining here to and I couldn't be happier....no snow!  :D


I got lots accomplished yesterday so today should be easy.


  • vacuum and dust first floor
  • school
  • piano lesson-1 hour
  • order out for dinner 


Today was weigh in day---I'm down 3 more pounds this week.   Only 14 more until my summer goal.  :D

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Today was weigh in day---I'm down 3 more pounds this week.   Only 14 more until my summer goal.  :D


:hurray: Tammy! Well done!





-lunch & read aloud


-several emails


Still no migraine, but I'm very dizzy and sleepy. I'm going to take a nap, if possible.



-Latin & Greek vocab

-study Greek

-study Latin

-read a book


Habits: meh.


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Call VA and find out if we can add an energy option to our mortgage and how to jump through those hoops.

Get house spotless as it's not mine and my in-laws are returning next week.

Iron DH's clothes for work next week as it's going to be a crazy week.

Balance checkbook.

Get a homeowner insurance quote done.

Pinterest urban raised beds. ;)


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I hate cold :( No voice, sore throat, cough-----blech. And we have a busy, fun weekend planned!

--school, just English and math; discussing is going to be next to impossible today
--pick up dd19 for spring break :) (dh is going to do that for me)
--errands: eyeliner for dd, facial cleanser for me, Costco for plates and napkins for the fundraiser Sunday
--dd dress rehearsal (dh is helping to shift the set pieces)

Not sure what we'll eat for dinner. A 4:30 call for dress rehearsal means dd needs to eat something no later than 3:00, but she'll be starving once home at 9:30. Add in today being a Friday during Lent and well, I guess we'll have omelets or something like that.

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Luckymama, thanks for the Lent reminder! I have been terrible about remembering this month. I think I have your cold as well....


Tammy, fantastic job!


Today is a pretty relaxed day. School for dd1, ds3, dd2. Ds1 is on his own, assures me all work will be completed in two weeks. I will believe it when I see it. Though, last year, I thought he hadn't done any Physics and I was prepared to fail him, when he turned in a workbook with all the assignments done and even, lab reports. :svengo: And passed the final. So, after that, anything is possible. I think he does do work down in his basement lair.


Dd1 has a dentist appointment today. I need to declutter some hot spots, dust, and oversee chores. And take care of some water polo business, already did some swimming stuff.


Have a great day!

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Happy Friday everyone!

School lite
I have laundry going
I've cleaned bathrooms and kitchen
I've swept, mopped and vacuumed floors
I've started folding laundry

I think we'll be going out or ordering in supper tonight.  We are going on a little road trip this weekend and I'd like to come home to a still clean house :)

I still need to dust...I think that's my hated chore lol

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I can't do anything today!!! My anxiety will not allow me to. Today we will likely decide if dh has to leave his job of 12 years because they can't accommodate his time/compensation needs. We probably already knows the answer since he was supposed to talk to his boss 2 hours ago. I have to wait till he gets home for lunch

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:hurray: Tammy! Well done!

-lunch & read aloud
-several emails

Still no migraine, but I'm very dizzy and sleepy. I'm going to take a nap, if possible.

-Latin & Greek vocab
-study Greek
-study Latin
-read a book

Habits: meh.

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Living room is sort of tidied.  We should be able to finish after we come back.  I hope they are stuck in traffic. . . .


Bathroom has the worst of the embarrassing overflowing laundry whisked away to the laundry room.


Talked to my sister to wish her a belated Happy birthday (though I sent her an e-mail yesterday after I wasn't able to get in touch with her.)


Got dh mad when I asked him to help me bring up a huge laundry basket full of dry clothes, got tired of waiting for him and brought it up myself.  In my defense, I wouldn't be able to finish getting dressed to go to PT without those clothes.


Sat down to drink water and to type this.  Now I"m off to PT.  Dd is going with me so that she can heckle me.

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Took #1 to the library
#2 and I went to the dollar  store for picnic supplies and then to the park for a little while
Home again and the laundry is piling up--gotta get it folded and start packing!  1 load in the washer, 1 in dryer and 1 left to go. I'm doing all of my Monday laundry today because we are taking Monday off as well.

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I got busy this morning and never got on the thread. I've been gone all day, and now I have to get super busy.


It was a co-op day, and we stayed after for them to discuss next year. I am a little sad to not be participating, but relieved, too.


We are heading to the great state of Ohio tomorrow to see my in-laws. We are making the trip in one day, 10-11 hours or so. 


Still to do today:

Laundry (one load is going now)

Dinner (?? don't know what this is going to be)

Clean the office

Pack for our trip


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Ds vacuumed the living room and dining room.  

Dd cleaned the bathroom.

I vacuumed the hallway.  And I tidied random areas which the kids had said were "done".  They would fail a real life hidden object puzzle game.


Our visitors just called to say that they are about 20 min. away and to ask for directions.  Hopefully I will still be conscious and upright when they get here!  I've done more physically today than I've done in the last 3 months (really).  

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Back home. Wow, long week. I am tired and had a realization that I am over a friendship that I had cried about when it fell apart. It made me a bit sad that I don't really care anymore when for the last almost two years I had cared so much and taken so much responsibility for the problems. It is hard to explain but, I have decided that someone's refusal to forgive (or to let me know about forgiveness, if, in fact, it has taken place) is beyond my ability to fix. I can't explain it very well, but I had thought our friendship could weather some difficulties.


We are watching basketball and eating fish tacos, enjoying the evening.


Have a great night!

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Well dh didn't talk to his boss. Its a complicated relationship, he's been dh's mentor since he was 12, dh has been working for him since he was 18, he's essentially a father figure and a brother. So dh froze when it came time to talk. I completely get it. But he did call our friend who offered him a job and said he was interested so I guess a complete career change is likely. Official interview needs to be set up and an official job offer.

With that behind me slightly I will be spending the weekend spring cleaning!

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